Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Al Audi

i dont like EAS at all

wow smh i just noticed your sig.................yea the states supps are easy as hell to get.
coming from a person who used to be on EAS - ON is the way to go. My first supplement was EAS and that **#% got me HELLA fat. I was getting pissed...luckily a few weeks of long distance running and stricter dieting shed off that weight but damn....that stuff really is garbage. ON has me gaining better and I'm not getting fat from it.

Hmm.. ON is just so far away, the shipping would be expensive although the US exchange rate is weakened. Do you guys have any other suggestions? What sitesship overseas?
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

IICEMAN83 wrote:
Originally Posted by racerx

how come, i dont feel sore anymore after working out?
Ur not working hard enough. Not sure what ur workout routine is but, if ur a heavy lifter cut your weight down and Increase your sets and reps. Stay away from the 3 set 10 reps BS and try 5-6 sets reps to failure. Ull be working ur muscles harder ripping fibers than what ur muscle are acustomed to.

I thought this wasn't always the case

I read somewhere that growth still happens but your body is just used to it and the soreness feeling is decreased
Me, personally I can only speak from experience. I guess I should of said IMO. But the reason I say that is, the soreness is from tearing, and working the muscle. When the tearing rebuilds thats when the growth happens. So if the soreness is decreased then your not tearing enough fibers. Of coarse thats not the "all in all" but just my opinion.

Muscle tears are healed via the same mechanism that causes hypertrophy. Very briefly, satellite cells are mobilized in response to misshapen anddamaged muscle proteins, and bring new contractile proteins and replace old worn or damaged ones. The rate of this process is dependent heavily on Test andandrogens. A muscle tear stimulates this response as does heavy resistance training in muscle.

Therefore, an increased anabolic environment will more rapidly mobilize satellite cells and speed healing of a muscletear.

youre welcome IICE
Originally Posted by Al Audi

edit: nvm...........hen just said why in the other thread.

edit: yo IICE why did you say you use steroids in the blackbelt thread of that dude who beat up that guy, i swear you keep switchin back and forth.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Ok let me explain why its funny.....cause the steroids must be getting to my brain fogging my sense of whats funny and whats not.....

Its the afro......I dont know why but afros amuse me. Ever since I was a kid every time I saw an afro, I would burst out laughing......
Dont judge me. Im not ashamed of who I am
make up your mind

you either use steroids or you dont.
Lmao....damn homie. You just down my throat about juice huh???
you seem to have an issue with ppl that juice or you swear that juice and dont admit it.
Al Audi wrote:
i cant stand dudes who swear up and down they never ran a cycle, def know GROWN men in my gym like that.

On some real shhhzzttt though, no one is obligated to tell you nothing. This is not a "natural" bodybuilding competetion and everyonehas the right to their own privacy. Im not just talking about me but im referring to your statement above. You think everyone should tell you they smoke weedor do drugs?

As for my "cause the steroids must be getting to my brain fogging my sense of whats funny and whats not"statement,
that whole thing is sarcasm.
NT is my entertainment and FYI. I hardly ever take anything on here seriously

Now please....lets not get this awsome thread locked and keep away from talking about these IILEGAL thing-a-ma jigs

its late nite so im havin fun

i only did that cuz you blatanly ignored my previous post, seems you gave in with that one though.

funny thing is what is said is true..........

how am i hater if i understand steroids?

haters usually dont know what theyre talking about

nah sorry man........i dont have a problem with people who juice, fronters maybe.......


Joe music for the gym.................UNCLE MURDA

Yeah fellas.. maybe take it to PMs lol

Lets keep it clean, real good progress the past few days.

dude wanna act like he dont see things
Yeah fellas.. maybe take it to PMs lol

Lets keep it clean, real good progress the past few days.
Once a shorty looks at me repping and I make eye contact it throws me off. Gotta get on my grizzy without distractions from women at the gym.

Has this ever happen to yal'l?
this thread delivers

love getting in and moving some iron around the gym, nothing better
ladies are scared of the weights so i dont see them around my parts of the gym very much

btw stupid question but has anyone lifted

while back i took just one hit out of a pipe but it as some nice medical so i got a decent high off that one rip.....lifted chest and it felt so nice, icouldn't feel the pain you get when you're struggling with a weight, it was so weird. it just felt like i was lifting it really slowly but no strain.anyway i got like 315x2 or something which was better than i had ever done at the time.

not trying to say its a performance enhancer.....but it makes you think. it def made lifting way less strenuous, like i said i couldnt feel any muscle strainor anything.
I'm about to get back in the gym next monday, here my workout and here my diet. I'm basically cutting trying to go from 198 to about 170.

Monday - Legs

* Squats 3 x 10-20
* Unilateral Leg Extensions 3 x 10-20
* Unilateral Leg Curl 3 x 10-20
* Reverse Calf Raises 2 x 10-20
* Seated Calf Raises 2 x 10-20

Tuesday - Chest

* Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x 8-10
* Flat Dumbbell Press 3 x 8-10
* Decline Dumbbell Press 3 x 8-10
* Dumbbell Pullover 2 x 15-20
* Incline Flyes 2 x 10-20

Wednesday - Back

* Weighted Pullups 3 x 8-12
* Wide Grip Pulldown 3 x 8-12
* Seated Row 3 x 8-12
* Hyperextensions 3 x 12-15

Thursday - Shoulders

* Rear Delt Flyes 3 x 12-15
* Military Press 2 x 8-10
* Arnold Press 2 x 8-12
* Bent Lateral Raises 2 x 8-12
* Shrugs 2 x 12-15

Friday - Arms

* EZ-bar Triceps lying extension 3 x 8-10
* Dips 2 x 6-10
* One Arm Triceps Overhead Extension 3 x 12-15
* Triceps Pressdown 2 x 8-12
* Standing Curl 3 x 8-10
* Concentration Curls 3 x 12-15
* Hammer Curl 2 x 8-12


1 cup of oatmeal w/fat free milk
1 scoop of whey protein w/water
1 orange
1 multivitamin pill
2 slice of arnold double protein bread
1 slice of fat free singles cheese
2 slice of turkey breast
1 scoop of whey protein w/fat free milk
1 orange
1 multivitamin pill

10grams of Bcca by ON followed by Superpump250 15min later.

1 1/2 scoop of whey protein
1/2 cup maltodextin
1 1/2 spoon of dextrose
2 grams of glutamine
2 grams of Bcca by ON

1-2 hours after workout
1 can of tuna or 3 egg white and 1 whole egg w/1 slice of fat free single cheese
2 slice of arnold double protein bread or 1 cup of brown rice
1 orange

3- 4 hours after workout
Still dont know what I am going to eat here, will find something by monday.

4-6 hours after workout
baked potatoes or pasta
chicken or lean red meat or fish

Before Sleep
1 cup fat free milk
1/2 scoop casein protein, 1/2 scoop of whey protein
Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by wj4

slightly off topic, but since you previously asked about lumpini wj4, the day has come. i will be fighting there september 26th at 65kg, just three weeks before i fight at 66-67 kg in canada. i imagine if i remain injury free i ought to be in incredible shape in canada, and my weight won't have the chance to rise to high, which is ideal because i'll be damned if i have to cut 15 lbs in the canadian cold.
Good luck, man. Just curious...when you fight in different countries, who pays for the plane tickets? Where do you live at while in Thailand? And are there youngins' at your gym? I know some start training before they even hit 10 yrs old.

I did the low weight, more rep routine today. It was easy at first, but got pretty hard down the line. I noticed that after I was done, my arms felt when you just started lifting for the first time.

Not much change, if any, since the last pic I took of myself ~1 month ago. But I had to do it again to mark the 1 year anniversary of picking up this lifestyle.
Will continue to add a pic every 6 months.
how did u get rid of stretch marks?

I didn't. I still have them.
I3 check out the products section on You can compare supplements.

I personally take EAS and it's working fine for me. I'm seeing gains comparable to when I was taking ON. I wanted to try something new and I'm notone bit disappointed.
Originally Posted by MF Doomer

Once a shorty looks at me repping and I make eye contact it throws me off. Gotta get on my grizzy without distractions from women at the gym.

Has this ever happen to yal'l?
It happened with me once. I was taking a rest from the sets and was just looking around at the gym and accidentally made eye contact with achick. I immediately got back to finishing the sets and kept it moving.

I personally don't like to talk to anyone in the gym, just focus on doing work with the iPod on.
Originally Posted by aceofjays

I3 check out the products section on You can compare supplements.

I personally take EAS and it's working fine for me. I'm seeing gains comparable to when I was taking ON. I wanted to try something new and I'm not one bit disappointed.
Yeah im not too sure which to get, I found out that ON is supplied here!! Judging by everyones reviews ON is better than EAS and probably a bitmore expensive, but am happy to pay for quality..
i took somebody advise and cut back on my ammount of weight and increased my reps because im trying to tone more am i on the right track?
i took somebody advise and cut back on my ammount of weight and increased my reps because im trying to tone more am i on the right track?
Originally Posted by wj4

Good luck, man. Just curious...when you fight in different countries, who pays for the plane tickets? Where do you live at while in Thailand? And are there youngins' at your gym? I know some start training before they even hit 10 yrs old.

thanks. when fighting abroad the promoter covers airfare, hotel and food. if they didn't i wouldn't be fighting anywhere but thailand. i live in myown place in sathorn about a ten minute walk from my gym. at my old gym i lived on site, but at 26 i enjoy having my own space and gyms aren't too downwith you bringing a girl to your on site room. not too mention most gyms sleep four to a room.

my gym doesn't have any youngins. my gym actually only has thais that fight at 65kg or above and they fight the majority of their bouts abroad. oursister gym in ubon has the youngins and they only come by our gym to drop weight before fighting at lumpini because it is a five minute walk from our gym.

and yea, they start early a kid from ubon is prepping for a fight at lumpini next month. he's 16, fights at 39kg and has over fifty fights already.

btw. you've made some amazing progress in a year. keep up the good work.
Originally Posted by sloanboy

i took somebody advise and cut back on my ammount of weight and increased my reps because im trying to tone more am i on the right track?
By doing this, it helps reach hypertrophy more efficiently. I'm also doing this now because I'm trying to keep away from plateauing. Being tone is relative to how much fat your body has.

boxer-thanks, man. BTW have you ever heard of a fighter name Malaipet? Apparently he was a pretty big Muay Thai fighter and successful one.
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by aceofjays

I3 check out the products section on You can compare supplements.

I personally take EAS and it's working fine for me. I'm seeing gains comparable to when I was taking ON. I wanted to try something new and I'm not one bit disappointed.
Yeah im not too sure which to get, I found out that ON is supplied here!! Judging by everyones reviews ON is better than EAS and probably a bit more expensive, but am happy to pay for quality..
ON gold standard is one of the bests. check out gaspari nutrition's myofusion line of protein. i converted to that from ON, and have beenhooked since.
Originally Posted by MF Doomer

Once a shorty looks at me repping and I make eye contact it throws me off. Gotta get on my grizzy without distractions from women at the gym.

Has this ever happen to yal'l?
Yeah, then i drop the iron and start lifting wood.


On the real though there's a really really cute chick who works at my 24... my gym crush

Speaking of gaming at the gym, wj4 whatever happened between you and the chick who threw her digits at you when you were running or something?
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