Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by miamib30514

Originally Posted by aceofjays

I decided to take this week off before I step my nutrition game up.

I'm trying to put together a 4,000 calorie diet with a 35/35/30 split, but I can't seem to add up enough things I LIKE to eat.

I've checked out a few samples and they're including foods I really don't mess with.

I'm driving myself crazy

Fitday is the shhh
Im beginning to work out a 3000 Calories diet and im assuming you mean 35 carb/35 fat/ and 30 protein?? Is this the correct splits because i read somewhere to go 50 carb/30 fat/ 20 protein. Keep in my mind im trying to gain about 15 pounds of muscle. from 135-150. Thanks
By reading his 4,000 cal diet, it seems to me like he's bulking up.

The order that I've seen always go in protein/carb/fat.
so those are optimal percantages?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by miamib30514

Originally Posted by aceofjays

I decided to take this week off before I step my nutrition game up.

I'm trying to put together a 4,000 calorie diet with a 35/35/30 split, but I can't seem to add up enough things I LIKE to eat.

I've checked out a few samples and they're including foods I really don't mess with.

I'm driving myself crazy

Fitday is the shhh
Im beginning to work out a 3000 Calories diet and im assuming you mean 35 carb/35 fat/ and 30 protein?? Is this the correct splits because i read somewhere to go 50 carb/30 fat/ 20 protein. Keep in my mind im trying to gain about 15 pounds of muscle. from 135-150. Thanks
By reading his 4,000 cal diet, it seems to me like he's bulking up.

The order that I've seen always go in protein/carb/fat.
Its never been protein/carb/fat. It's always carbs first then fat and protein.
Really? Is there a 'rule' for this? This was the trend I picked up from lurking on the bb forum.
I was browsing a random fitness forum and ran across this guy who posted his pic.
Mad props for the dude who kept it going after his younger days.
I really need an iPod shuffle + armband...this gym music is starting to kill me. How much are the shuffles nowadays?
^ Cop one of the previous generation Shuffles... the mini 1inch ones that clip onto your shorts. The new ones are garbage.
Originally Posted by verynecessary

tabata is not a specific workout like sprints, but it's more of a protocol. it's 20 secs fast work, followed by 10 secs rest, repeated 8 times. you can use any sort of intense exercise, in whatever combination (mixed exercises, all different exercises, or the same exercise). some examples:

to get the best benefit, use 4 different exercises that work different body parts, and alternate between them. you can do multiple rounds of tabata if you want, just make sure to rest between a full set... you'll get more out of it if you're not still recovering from something else when you start a new round.

you said you had 3 weeks? i don't think the long distance running is going to do a whole lot for your test, especially since you're more likely going to be working above your aerobic capacity (which long distance running trains). HIIT, complexes, and tabata will increase your work capacity (what you'll probably want the most for your test), which won't happen in 3 weeks with long distance running.

Tabata.. awesome!! I saw some people at the gym do this stuff and always wondered what it was. I thought it was some sort of circuit training. So im guessingyou can't use weights with this? I like the burpees exercise, but where should one incorporate this in their workout? On an off day? or during/end of aweight lifting session?
Originally Posted by ballinamillion1

Originally Posted by Vancity74


Has anyone ever had a shoulder/rotator cuff injury? I screwed up my right shoulder pretty bad like 6 weeks ago and never went to see a doctor (what's the point, the health care system in Canada is a joke). The pain is no longer there, but I know if I even try and do any chest or shoulder exercises, it'll re-aggravate the injury (it happened 3 weeks ago.

Does anyone have any tips on how I can rehab it myself? I know it's not SERIOUS SERIOUS, but still... 6 weeks without being able to do any shoulder/chest exercises sucks and I'm bored of squatting 3 times a week.

The injury will still be there... For the next couple of weeks when u do chest / shoulders lift light and google rotator strengthener exercises. The pain really will not go away untill u see a doctor but eventually it will just be a slight pain and you can lift your normal weight.
i messed up my shoulder one time and couldn't raise my arm above my head for a few weeks.

stay nice and light on chest/shoulder lifts and progress slowly. keep good form on the bench/incline press (retract your scapulae down and back and keep themthere for your whole set). i still have issues when i keep my arms 90 degrees from my torso, so i tuck them in and lower the bar to my lower sternum insteadof my upper chest. i've read that strengthening your back muscles with lots of different rowing type lifts will help keep your shoulders and rotator cuffsmore balanced and less prone to injury. i also do rotator cuff exercises at the end of my chest/upper body workouts with light weight, high reps.

Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by verynecessary

Tabata.. awesome!! I saw some people at the gym do this stuff and always wondered what it was. I thought it was some sort of circuit training. So im guessing you can't use weights with this? I like the burpees exercise, but where should one incorporate this in their workout? On an off day? or during/end of a weight lifting session?
you can do it with weights, similar to a complex, except you go for time instead of reps. i've seen people do it incorporating deadlifts,squats, push presses, cleans, weighted lunges, and some others. it works better imo if you pick weights you can rep for 20 sec without stalling and make itthrough all your cycles without hitting a hard failure point. i saw some guys do it with a pullup cycle, but i can't rep out on pullups. it seems like ifyou can only manage 5 reps for one cycle, you'd be better off going lighter and repping faster. faster, lighter reps result in a higher overall workload(force x distance) so they should be what you go for with tabata.

i never thought to try this at the end of a lifting session, but i think it'd be a good time to do it, especially if you make sure to hit the muscle groupsyou just lifted with. i guess you'd have to make sure to finish the lifting session in 45-60 mins so you have a little energy to go all out. they'regood for an off day too, probably lighter weight and focus on speed movements. you can probably do a few sets of 8 cycles if you like that sort of punishment
Originally Posted by Vancity74

^ Cop one of the previous generation Shuffles... the mini 1inch ones that clip onto your shorts. The new ones are garbage.

I didn't know they had new ones until you mentioned it. It really doesn't look as good as the old one. I'ma head to Target right now and see ifthey still have the old ones.
Originally Posted by Durden7


Start with the rotator cuff exercises before you bench.
everything i read about them says to wait until after benching or shoulder lifts before doing rotator cuff exercises because they are such smallmuscles that they easily fatigue, and they won't stabilize your shoulder well if you have fatigued them already. i think a few warm-up sets are goodenough to make sure you have all those shoulder stabilizers ready for heavy sets. doing the exercises before benching seems counterproductive.

wanksta - i don't know what kind of timers/stopwatches they had. i want one though. the one on my phone doesn't do more than one countdown at a timebefore you have to reset it manually. i guess i could edit an mp3 track with beeps at the 20 and 10 sec intervals and play it on my phone's speaker. throw in some music for the work part of the cycle too
lost about 5 pounds in the last 2-3 weeks, my diet is still garbage but im sure if i changed my diet i would be down atleast 10 easily.
Okay so I got my intrabolic yesterday and drank that stuff during my workout today. A couple things:
the prickle sensation is kinda annoying, but whatever.
the immidiate effects were a nicer pump, slightly increased streangth, slightly increased stamina.
This is the first day, so it's a decenT start.
I also have intraxcell on deck and I will try that out later today.
It's looking good so far
Ate some McDonalds for the first time in months, Double quarter pounder with cheese, large fries, large sprite

Lets just say i will never eat McD's again
, im still #!%@$!% with Burger King though
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by Durden7


Start with the rotator cuff exercises before you bench.
everything i read about them says to wait until after benching or shoulder lifts before doing rotator cuff exercises because they are such small muscles that they easily fatigue, and they won't stabilize your shoulder well if you have fatigued them already. i think a few warm-up sets are good enough to make sure you have all those shoulder stabilizers ready for heavy sets. doing the exercises before benching seems counterproductive.

Well yeah, I wasnt talking about actually working the muscles out. I was refering to a warmup of light to moderate weight of a few reps.
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Anybody read Huge in a Hurry by Chad Waterbury or whatever? He's saying do 4 or 5 reps FAST at about 80% of your max so you're able to bang them out without much fatigue. It's an interesting way to scheme your workout, I must admit, though I'm not totally convinced.
That's basically how people train for strength.

When strength training speed is of utmost importance.
I wouldn't say there's not much fatigue though. Normal rest times for heavy compound lifts are 3-4 minutes.

When you develop your speed (fast twitch muscle fibers ( you'll be able to lift greater weight without the need to put on size).
I've been lifting for 5-6 years semi seriously/seriously and I've only gained around 30 lbs of muscle prob. but my lifts have always steadilyincreased.
The last 12-16 months I've been at the same weight but have still gotten stronger. Speed is even more important than size when lifting.
Originally Posted by Vancity74


Has anyone ever had a shoulder/rotator cuff injury? I screwed up my right shoulder pretty bad like 6 weeks ago and never went to see a doctor (what's the point, the health care system in Canada is a joke). The pain is no longer there, but I know if I even try and do any chest or shoulder exercises, it'll re-aggravate the injury (it happened 3 weeks ago.

Does anyone have any tips on how I can rehab it myself? I know it's not SERIOUS SERIOUS, but still... 6 weeks without being able to do any shoulder/chest exercises sucks and I'm bored of squatting 3 times a week.
I've had a partial rotator cuff tear. That is most likely what you have.

I'd lay off any medium or heavy pressing exercises for at least 8 weeks.
It's still necessary to do some very light pressing exercises on a regular basis ( 3x a week) to encourage blood flow to the area. Bands work great in thisrespect.
Do not use a barbell when rehabbing by any means. They are way too restrictive regarding ROM and that may be why you were injured in the first place. Stick todumbbells or better yet bands.

It took me about 4 months to get back to 100% ( at least where I felt comfortable; prob. wasn't 100% though
The most important thing is not to further damage the tendons or re aggravate any tissue that is in the process of healing.
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by verynecessary

Tabata.. awesome!! I saw some people at the gym do this stuff and always wondered what it was. I thought it was some sort of circuit training. So im guessing you can't use weights with this? I like the burpees exercise, but where should one incorporate this in their workout? On an off day? or during/end of a weight lifting session?
you can do it with weights, similar to a complex, except you go for time instead of reps. i've seen people do it incorporating deadlifts, squats, push presses, cleans, weighted lunges, and some others. it works better imo if you pick weights you can rep for 20 sec without stalling and make it through all your cycles without hitting a hard failure point. i saw some guys do it with a pullup cycle, but i can't rep out on pullups. it seems like if you can only manage 5 reps for one cycle, you'd be better off going lighter and repping faster. faster, lighter reps result in a higher overall workload (force x distance) so they should be what you go for with tabata.

i never thought to try this at the end of a lifting session, but i think it'd be a good time to do it, especially if you make sure to hit the muscle groups you just lifted with. i guess you'd have to make sure to finish the lifting session in 45-60 mins so you have a little energy to go all out. they're good for an off day too, probably lighter weight and focus on speed movements. you can probably do a few sets of 8 cycles if you like that sort of punishment

Awesome man thanks for that. Im definitely going to try and one Tabata session per week, probably something that workouts a particular muscle - so I can do 4a month, or maybe just one session a week that covers everything.

Heres a link I found with more information/examples..
vancity, why not just do physio therapy to fix your shoulder? Atleast go a couple of times to learn the exercises and then do them from home.

If you dont do any active recovery you'll probably feel pain every time you try to attempt lifting again.

How did you hurt your shoulder anyways?

I feel like a caveman for this but I'm glad I tried it out...I squatted and deadlifted today with flat sole shoes for the first time in my life
. Ever since I've been squatting and deadlifting I've used running shoesor some random Nikes. Recently while lifting with some Air Max's I noticed that I'd have trouble keeping my balance and that I couldn't keep myfeet stable. My knees would also buckle everytime I'd lift the weight up. After lifting today with flat soles I'll never go back to lifting withrunning shoes again. It made a world of a difference as my balance was great, my feet were stable and I could comfortably put pressure on my heels and comeback up using my hamstrings/glutes. While using running shoes I found myself cheating a lot as my feet would shift and I'd put a lot of pressure on myknees which would force me to come back up using my upper body.

I'll still be using running shoes for other activities but leg days will be strictly flat soles.
Man swallowing pills is a pain. I'm so focused right Noe it only took me 1.2 seconds to toe alllllllll of this out.
Any good funny stories of ppl at the gym?
I'm more interested in where to get those special watches that beeps at 20 sec/10 sec intervals! Anybody got an idea?
Originally Posted by verynecessary

wanksta - i don't know what kind of timers/stopwatches they had. i want one though. the one on my phone doesn't do more than one countdown at a time before you have to reset it manually. i guess i could edit an mp3 track with beeps at the 20 and 10 sec intervals and play it on my phone's speaker. throw in some music for the work part of the cycle too
yea i do that too...i lose concentration though looking at my phone when im doing HIIT
i hate it
do perfect push ups actually make a difference?

im debating whether or not to keep or return

whats the pros and cons compared to normal push ups

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I feel like a caveman for this but I'm glad I tried it out...I squatted and deadlifted today with flat sole shoes for the first time in my life
. Ever since I've been squatting and deadlifting I've used running shoes or some random Nikes. Recently while lifting with some Air Max's I noticed that I'd have trouble keeping my balance and that I couldn't keep my feet stable. My knees would also buckle everytime I'd lift the weight up. After lifting today with flat soles I'll never go back to lifting with running shoes again. It made a world of a difference as my balance was great, my feet were stable and I could comfortably put pressure on my heels and come back up using my hamstrings/glutes. While using running shoes I found myself cheating a lot as my feet would shift and I'd put a lot of pressure on my knees which would force me to come back up using my upper body.

I'll still be using running shoes for other activities but leg days will be strictly flat soles.
check this thread for something even better
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