Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

I really need an iPod shuffle + armband...this gym music is starting to kill me. How much are the shuffles nowadays?
That's what I use every time I go to the gym. Forgot it once and the session was killing me with random songs at the gym. Best Buy sells newShuffles from the last gen too BTW. The new ones look whack because the control buttons are on the headphone cord.
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I feel like a caveman for this but I'm glad I tried it out...I squatted and deadlifted today with flat sole shoes for the first time in my life
. Ever since I've been squatting and deadlifting I've used running shoes or some random Nikes. Recently while lifting with some Air Max's I noticed that I'd have trouble keeping my balance and that I couldn't keep my feet stable. My knees would also buckle everytime I'd lift the weight up. After lifting today with flat soles I'll never go back to lifting with running shoes again. It made a world of a difference as my balance was great, my feet were stable and I could comfortably put pressure on my heels and come back up using my hamstrings/glutes. While using running shoes I found myself cheating a lot as my feet would shift and I'd put a lot of pressure on my knees which would force me to come back up using my upper body.

I'll still be using running shoes for other activities but leg days will be strictly flat soles.
check this thread for something even better
Dude, there's no way in he.ll I'm rocking those at the gym

I noticed there's a store that sells them locally for $80 CDN...not as expensive as the Vibram website.

How effective would these shoes be for people with flat feet? I wear Brooks Beast orthotics when running and they're great.

How are Nike Free's for functional training? I tried them on once and walked around with them but they were killing my feet. Maybe they take a couple ofwears to get used to.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

I really need an iPod shuffle + armband...this gym music is starting to kill me. How much are the shuffles nowadays?
That's what I use every time I go to the gym. Forgot it once and the session was killing me with random songs at the gym. Best Buy sells new Shuffles from the last gen too BTW. The new ones look whack because the control buttons are on the headphone cord.

Any time my iPod dies, I just leave the gym. I *NEED* my music. Heck, half the reason I work out is because I just love putting my headphones on and zoningout.

Regarding gym shoes, I used to squat and deadlift in runners (bad idea), but I recently bought some Nike Free 5.0's and they've been nothing short ofamazing.

If you can find them (and you got the bread), Nike Romaleos are the be-all end-all of weight-training shoes:

I wear Nike Free's 5.0 during all my training. I think their execellent for leg days.

Although I used to squat in slippers, the ones you get when you stay in Hotels. Ive read they recommend flat-soles for squats.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez
check this thread for something even better
Dude, there's no way in he.ll I'm rocking those at the gym

I noticed there's a store that sells them locally for $80 CDN...not as expensive as the Vibram website.

How effective would these shoes be for people with flat feet? I wear Brooks Beast orthotics when running and they're great.
hey, i've got a pair, and wear them all the time to the gym. even though they're black on black, they get a good amount of looks (notexactly breakin necks haha) but everyone that's asked about them (usually at least one person every time) was pretty intrigued. the only people that havehated on them so far are trendy girls i know, but they stay out of the gym, so no big deal.

i've got very flat feet and used to get shin splits from running. i used orthotics to help, but i had some issues once in a while still. with thefivefingers i haven't had any problems. once you adjust from being heavy-footed to walking as you would barefoot, any other shoes feel like large bricks. i lift, run sprints, shoot around, do whatever in them. you end up putting less stress on your knees too because you won't be stomping around on yourheels.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by verynecessary

wanksta - i don't know what kind of timers/stopwatches they had. i want one though. the one on my phone doesn't do more than one countdown at a time before you have to reset it manually. i guess i could edit an mp3 track with beeps at the 20 and 10 sec intervals and play it on my phone's speaker. throw in some music for the work part of the cycle too
yea i do that too...i lose concentration though looking at my phone when im doing HIIT
i hate it

Im in the same boat, I have a stopwatch but not a countdown timer, so I basically have to look at my damn wrist all the time to check if it reads 30secs. But$*#+ HIIT @*+$* up your vision, so im seeing blurry %@$% too lol.

I need to purchase a stopwatch that beeps!!!
just finished day 4 of my rededication to gettting in better shape. its 5am on the westcoast. Already hit the gym and had protein shake, now im eatingb'fast (egg whites, oatmeal+whey, banana) headed to work.
I read that it's best to squad and dead lift with no shoes on like someone mentioned. The article also said that Nike Free's are a good alternativebecause the shoe is flat with no arch on the midsole/sole. Van-you ever use those Free's to run?
Tried doing dead lifts today with the help from a gym rat. He told me I should be sore for the next three days, lower back area and what not. I felt lot ofstress in my hamstrings, he told I should bend my knees when I go down, whoops.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by miamib30514

Originally Posted by aceofjays

I decided to take this week off before I step my nutrition game up.

I'm trying to put together a 4,000 calorie diet with a 35/35/30 split, but I can't seem to add up enough things I LIKE to eat.

I've checked out a few samples and they're including foods I really don't mess with.

I'm driving myself crazy

Fitday is the shhh
Im beginning to work out a 3000 Calories diet and im assuming you mean 35 carb/35 fat/ and 30 protein?? Is this the correct splits because i read somewhere to go 50 carb/30 fat/ 20 protein. Keep in my mind im trying to gain about 15 pounds of muscle. from 135-150. Thanks
By reading his 4,000 cal diet, it seems to me like he's bulking up.

The order that I've seen always go in protein/carb/fat.
Its never been protein/carb/fat. It's always carbs first then fat and protein.
Really? Is there a 'rule' for this? This was the trend I picked up from lurking on the bb forum.

wj4 is right about protein/carb/fat being the trend on bb forum and that is what I am going for. But, I have seen the macro ratios listed in other ways.

Go here and enter your stats, the numberyou get at the end is your maintenance level. Add 500 calories to the number and that is how many calories you need to gain muscle.

I think I've worked out a decent diet
. I'll post it uplater.
The only time I don't use my ipod at the gym is when I'm working out with someone, but that's not too often. I'd much rather workout by myselfand if I really need to I'll ask someone for a spot. I really need to pick up some cheap cross trainers or something. I didn't bring any up to collegeand so far I've been working out in some low top 9s or shox stunners..
Originally Posted by wj4

I read that it's best to squad and dead lift with no shoes on like someone mentioned. The article also said that Nike Free's are a good alternative because the shoe is flat with no arch on the midsole/sole. Van-you ever use those Free's to run?

Free's are basically like going barefoot. They weigh nothing and they are flat-soled with no arch. Best $100 I ever spent.

I rarely run, but I have made the mistake of using them to go for a jog (on a gravel trail none-the-less) and it wasn't a pleasant experience. As soon as Igot home, I put on my runners and it was like the equivalent of going from a ratty Honda Civic to a plush Bentley. But my Free's are also a 10.5 so theyare super tight, and that's a big no-no for runners.
For those who do HIIT with long does it take for your legs to recover? I'm asking because I see a trend here. I always run for 30 minsbefore I lift just to warm things up. Now my endurance isn't up there like it used to be, avg speed overall is slower and I fatigue easier. I haven'treally changed anything else, still eat good for the most part. The only thing I've started is the 2 HIIT sessions on Monday and Friday afternoon. Mytheory is that my legs haven't fully recover from the HIIT yet.
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by wj4

I read that it's best to squad and dead lift with no shoes on like someone mentioned. The article also said that Nike Free's are a good alternative because the shoe is flat with no arch on the midsole/sole. Van-you ever use those Free's to run?

Free's are basically like going barefoot. They weigh nothing and they are flat-soled with no arch. Best $100 I ever spent.

I rarely run, but I have made the mistake of using them to go for a jog (on a gravel trail none-the-less) and it wasn't a pleasant experience. As soon as I got home, I put on my runners and it was like the equivalent of going from a ratty Honda Civic to a plush Bentley. But my Free's are also a 10.5 so they are super tight, and that's a big no-no for runners.
That's what I figure. A worker at Sport Chalet tried to sell me on the new Free for running. I was skeptical because I had Nike'sbefore my Asics and frankly, they sucked really bad.

Jordan-Really? You don't feel it in your legs when you sprint your heart out? My quads and hamstrings feel like they're on fire after I complete mysession, about 10 sets.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Nike Free is really the best shoe for working out? I use my basketball kicks to run/work out and they are fine for me.
It depends on how hard you run. There's a plethora of people who wear anything from AF1's to Zoom Kobe's on the treadmill, but theydon't really run...more like walk and jog for a short period of time. The real people who really go in on the treadmill are usually in Brooks, Saucony,Asics, etc. Basically anything that looks ugly.
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by wj4
Free's are basically like going barefoot. They weigh nothing and they are flat-soled with no arch. Best $100 I ever spent.

I rarely run, but I have made the mistake of using them to go for a jog (on a gravel trail none-the-less) and it wasn't a pleasant experience. As soon as I got home, I put on my runners and it was like the equivalent of going from a ratty Honda Civic to a plush Bentley. But my Free's are also a 10.5 so they are super tight, and that's a big no-no for runners.
i've read a few articles about barefoot running/walking/training, and the lack of cushioning is better for your feet (and knees, hips, andback) because it forces you stop landing on your heels, with transfers shock all the way up your body. when your feet feel the solid ground, your body reactsand treads with a lighter foot strike, and more on the ball of your foot instead of your heel. try running in your frees without hitting your heels. it'll take a while to build up the muscles in your foot, ankle, and lower leg, so work up slowly to longer distances
Originally Posted by wj4

For those who do HIIT with long does it take for your legs to recover? I'm asking because I see a trend here. I always run for 30 mins before I lift just to warm things up. Now my endurance isn't up there like it used to be, avg speed overall is slower and I fatigue easier. I haven't really changed anything else, still eat good for the most part. The only thing I've started is the 2 HIIT sessions on Monday and Friday afternoon. My theory is that my legs haven't fully recover from the HIIT yet.
30 mins?
that's more like a warm-up plus a 25 minuterun, my friend. how many leg days do you have? HIIT can really tax your legs, so you'll definitely be fatigued the day after, even two days after ifyou're really pushing yourself. when you're training, something's gotta give. if you do 2 leg days a week plus 2 sessions of HIIT, I would sayyou can write off the rest of the week completely for legs. if you want to measure your endurance, take at least 2 days off from leg lifts and/or HIIT,preferably 3-4 days, and you should have more endurance for sure. you should be able to run faster too. if this isn't the case, you may be overtraining
and will need more time to fully recover so you can make betterprogress.
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