Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

i dunno what happened to the last few posts on the previous page... buncha gibberish. unintelligible stuff. did anyone else notice that?
Originally Posted by verynecessary

i dunno what happened to the last few posts on the previous page... buncha gibberish. unintelligible stuff. did anyone else notice that?

Yup, any time you post!
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by verynecessary

i dunno what happened to the last few posts on the previous page... buncha gibberish. unintelligible stuff. did anyone else notice that?

Yup, any time you post!
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

As I said before, Mens is the best source for those of you who have questions about training. They have videos, then also have a Q&A forum. It's really simple, and then the safe route against those here who CLAIM to know what they are saying. It's better to get well informed responses from a reputable mag, then getting it from some yahoos that you cannot see nor feel, who specialize in putting up internet statistics.

Peace, and stay smart!

You come in here acting like you know all there is to know about these kinds of things, yet you praise Mens Health as being the source to go to? Its aREPUTABLE magazine?

So you are telling this individual how much weight he should use, without knowing his vitals? How responsible is that? Did you ask if he had any injuries, especially to the patellar tendon, in which Hack squats will definitely effect? I mean, come on!!!

If you would have been following this thread awhile ago (thank goodness you havent been), you would have known that numbers/weights have beentalked about so obviously he can reasonably suggest a weight to start with.
hey dark chocolate when we need 25 fat-burning foods and 30 signs she's into you we'll ask, til then post somewhere else, k?

i think men's health has an online forum, if you're interested.

P.S. where is IICEMAN?
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Are you talking about barbell hack squats or the hack squat machine? Either way, I'd start out pretty light and get used to it. But if it's barbell hack squats, practice the movement with like 95lbs for a couple of sets of 15 to get the feeling of it down, because they're a little awkward at first, and then go up in small increments.

So you are telling this individual how much weight he should use, without knowing his vitals? How responsible is that? Did you ask if he had any injuries, especially to the patellar tendon, in which Hack squats will definitely effect? I mean, come on!!!

He's already talked about some of the weights he's used in the past, and if you look at his reply, the weight he plans to start with is heavier thanthe weight I suggested. Also, you're just here to get attention. Enough already. Somebody please ban this guy. He doesn't know !@#$% and he's arguing with everybody just for the sake of arguing. All I picture when I read your post is:

lol this dude's an idiot

btw thanks for the info on the hack squats and a few others are constantly dropping good info.......
This thread has convinced me to get a gym membership. I go to a gym at work but now I have a membership at a gym near my house.
Originally Posted by Jonbx5

Originally Posted by I3

Yeah the size of your preworkout meal can be whatever size as long as it fits in with your caloric needs.

Having a big meal simply means you should wait a bit longer before you exercise so you can digest. Similarly, your PWO timing isnt exactly crucial either (depending if you have a good pre-meal, or are in a fasted state going for 1.5-2hrs prolonged exercise), then having a normal meal immediately after, 1-2-3 hours after is suffice for the average person. Don't get too caught up with this, as long as you get your carbs/protein you'll be fine.

High GI and low GI doesn't really matter I believe (unless diabetic).

One more week 'til I start my clean bulk, im thinking of eating around 2700-3000kcal, hopefully i'll put on more muscle than fat.

For those who bulk, do you engage in heavy cardio? i.e. HIIT or just a light 30-40min run - if so what is your frequency? Id like to keep muscle, be conditioned and gain a bit of fat.

Do u have a diet plan for your clean bulk? if u don't mind can u please post it.

I dont have anything written down yet.. but usually you'd just double or tripple what your eating now. Thats what im going to do, oh yeah and increasecarbs too!
Damn some of yall are waaay too complex for me
what happened to just hitting the gym hard with a high protein diet?
Ok fellas, im about 1 week away from hittin the gym, ive done some research into my programme and would your tips/advice. I prefer to come to you guys ratherthan the folks at the gym, because I find it easier to speak to y'all lol..

Please help me choose what equipment (BB, DB, Cable, Bodyweight etc..) and rep/sets and what exercises!

- Barbell Row (reverse/overhand)
- Bumbell Row
- Deadlift (bent knees/stiffed legged)
- Weighted Pull Ups (reverse, close, wide)
- Lat Pull Down (T-Bar, Triangle bar)
- Seated Reverse Fly
- Power Clean (do these target the back?)


- 21's (BB, DB)
- One arm cross body curl
- Open arm curls
- EZ bar curl
- Static arm curl
- Cork Screw curl
- In - Out Hammer curl
- Strip set curl (heavy - light, light - heavy)

- Push Ups (weighted) (wide, diamond, sliding, clap, one hand, decline)
- Bench Press (flat, incline, decline) (BB, DB)
- Fly (Machine, BB, DB, Cable) (flat, incline, decline)

- Cable pull down
- Chair dips (leg up)
- Skull Crusher
- Side-Tri-Rise (bodyweight)
- One arm overhead raise

- Military Press (DB, BB) (seated, standing)
- Lateral Raise (DB, BB)
- Font Raise (DB, BB)
- Upright Row (DB, BB)
- Fly-Row-Press
- Shoulder shrugs
- Shoulder Fly

- Squats (front, back)
- Lunges (DB, BB) (reverse, one legged, normal)
- Calf Raise
- Knee/Hamstring extension (warm-up)

- I need a decent AB workout, anyone got one I can borrow?
- P90x Ab Ripper X
- P90x + Ab/core (this is intense, might do it 3x a week)

- Slow cardio (30-40mins) 50%

Used for off-days or days when you want to go the gym when your not supposed to
- Complexes
- Tabata Protocol
- Yoga

(maybe do one of these 2-3x a month)


So what do you guys think? Help me put together a programme. I will be slow bulking too. I just want to stick with Whey as my only supplement and maybe apre-workout and creatine later on.

Also indication of when I should workout, i.e. Split/Every day and sets/reps..

Thanks NT,
honorable mention to team fitness
looks good.....but a few suggestions-

no need for so many kinds of curls (never even heard of some of them).....straight bar curls have worked the best for me so I'd throw those in there, andI'm a fan of hammer curls too

for triceps, the best exercise IMO for mass is close grip bench press. def throw that in there.

abs i like to do weighted ab crunches for abs as well as some bodyweight stuff like hanging leg raises, etc.

shoulders- i do front and side raises too but i dunno how effective they are.

and for back id throw t-bar rows in there too, they're good

youve got all the staples down though.....deadlift, squat, bench, rows, pullups, military, etc. do those and throw a few more in and you're good.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

looks good.....but a few suggestions-

no need for so many kinds of curls (never even heard of some of them).....straight bar curls have worked the best for me so I'd throw those in there, and I'm a fan of hammer curls too

for triceps, the best exercise IMO for mass is close grip bench press. def throw that in there.

abs i like to do weighted ab crunches for abs as well as some bodyweight stuff like hanging leg raises, etc.

shoulders- i do front and side raises too but i dunno how effective they are.

and for back id throw t-bar rows in there too, they're good

youve got all the staples down though.....deadlift, squat, bench, rows, pullups, military, etc. do those and throw a few more in and you're good.

Thanks Joe,

Yeah I just researched a lot of exercises, im not going to do all of them, but just had them up there for references etc. How many exercises per body part doyo recommend in one session? Perhaps 3-4 with a good 3-4x10 or failure?
No.. ive listed all the exercise, equipment and techniques.. its a matter of picking one or two, then changing it up every 6-8 weeks..

no way in hell am i doing 18 chest exercises in my life
Originally Posted by I3

No.. ive listed all the exercise, equipment and techniques.. its a matter of picking one or two, then changing it up every 6-8 weeks..

no way in hell am i doing 18 chest exercises in my life

ahhh ok yeah that makes sense.. that's basically what I do but i do chest sometimes twice a week and I switch up every time depending which machines areavailable :/
i do lower reps......anywhere from 3-10 depending on the exercise and set i'm doing....especially on something like a deadlift i think it's best to golow rep....3-5 reps a set, and for say, bench or most other lifts, anywhere from 5-10 per set works well for me....i like pyramiding up like say:

225 x 10, 275 x 8, 315 x 5 for bench

or sometimes doing a warmup set and then doing my heaviest second....

variation is great, there's not one best way to lift and i think it's good to change it up.

as for how many all depends on how you feel and what body part. like for leg day i'll probably only do 4......squats, hacksquats, leg press, and calf raises.

for chest though, i'll do maybe 5-6 , same with back, i'll do deadlift, bent over rows, t-bar rows (just started adding these in), pullups, DB rows,pulldowns, and sometimes machine stuff at the very end too.

listen to your body and see what works for you, some people do crazy volume and some keep it basic and get the same results.

as for your splits....

i like doing a leg day, shoulder day, back day, chest day, and arms day, with abs thrown in a few times a week as well.

but plenty of people to back + bis, chest + tris, shoulders + tris, or even do a few days of whole body Olympic lifting....cleans, etc.

all of those are logical splits, see what you like best.....i started out with a back+bis and chest+tris days for example, but my arms lagged really bad so ifigured i needed a whole day for them....since then they have picked up a great deal. for some people, an arm day is a waste of time as they grow like weedsand their time would be better devoted to hitting larger muscle groups.
I'm a lil dude (6'3", 175lbs) and just started liftin consistenly. I'm tryin out this 5x5 plan right now that builds up. 2-3 days/wk I workout

Exercise A
Squats 5x5
Bench Press 5x5
Reverse Row 3xfatigue
Push ups 3xfatigue
Reverse Crunchs 3x12

Exercise B
Squats 5x5
Overhead Press 5x5
Pull ups/Chin ups 3xfatigue
Prones 3x30sec

It's a strength program that builds up (ladder system??) as you go along

It calls that you start out w/ the lowest weight to get proper form then increase every workout, not every set

I found it to work good for me so far, I notice that I feel like I wanna do more so I will along w/ the system but not too much.

As far as my diet, I haven't really changed it since I'm not trying to gain weight since I know it's not really possible for me at this point havinthe genetics that I do. I do however intake more protein than I normally did. I'm eatin more chicken breast and things w/ peanuts in em. Also them SpecialK protein drinks get the job done also.

I hope any of this info can help out the other skinny dudes on NT, u aint gotta strain urself to try and lift heavy weight so u fit in w/ the rest of the gym,build up to that point. You'll be respected more for doin what u can, not tryin to do what u can't.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

As far as my diet, I haven't really changed it since I'm not trying to gain weight since I know it's not really possible for me at this point havin the genetics that I do. I do however intake more protein than I normally did. I'm eatin more chicken breast and things w/ peanuts in em. Also them Special K protein drinks get the job done also.
there's no reason to think you can't put on some weight in spite of your genetics, especially if you've never trained a whole lotbefore. if you create enough of a training stimulus, you'll get something, you just have to create the right conditions for it. in your case, you couldincrease your food intake even more and see how your body reacts to it.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i do lower reps......anywhere from 3-10 depending on the exercise and set i'm doing....especially on something like a deadlift i think it's best to go low rep....3-5 reps a set, and for say, bench or most other lifts, anywhere from 5-10 per set works well for me....i like pyramiding up like say:

225 x 10, 275 x 8, 315 x 5 for bench

or sometimes doing a warmup set and then doing my heaviest second....

variation is great, there's not one best way to lift and i think it's good to change it up.

as for how many all depends on how you feel and what body part. like for leg day i'll probably only do 4......squats, hack squats, leg press, and calf raises.

for chest though, i'll do maybe 5-6 , same with back, i'll do deadlift, bent over rows, t-bar rows (just started adding these in), pullups, DB rows, pulldowns, and sometimes machine stuff at the very end too.

listen to your body and see what works for you, some people do crazy volume and some keep it basic and get the same results.

as for your splits....

i like doing a leg day, shoulder day, back day, chest day, and arms day, with abs thrown in a few times a week as well.

but plenty of people to back + bis, chest + tris, shoulders + tris, or even do a few days of whole body Olympic lifting....cleans, etc.

all of those are logical splits, see what you like best.....i started out with a back+bis and chest+tris days for example, but my arms lagged really bad so i figured i needed a whole day for them....since then they have picked up a great deal. for some people, an arm day is a waste of time as they grow like weeds and their time would be better devoted to hitting larger muscle groups.

Thanks Joe for the words, I know you've got a lot of experience and appreciate the time youve taken to help me out.

I will devise my schedule over the coming week and let you guys know how its all going.

I hope any of this info can help out the other skinny dudes on NT, u aint gotta strain urself to try and lift heavy weight so u fit in w/ the rest of the gym, build up to that point. You'll be respected more for doin what u can, not tryin to do what u can't.

This is for real. Good words.
dude no worries thats what the threads for

couple other things......a lot of people like doing the rippetoes or westside barbell programs, google em and see if thats something youd be interested in.

i have no 1st hand experience with either so i cant offer much input but they are solid and have helped a lot of people
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

As far as my diet, I haven't really changed it since I'm not trying to gain weight since I know it's not really possible for me at this point havin the genetics that I do. I do however intake more protein than I normally did. I'm eatin more chicken breast and things w/ peanuts in em. Also them Special K protein drinks get the job done also.
there's no reason to think you can't put on some weight in spite of your genetics, especially if you've never trained a whole lot before. if you create enough of a training stimulus, you'll get something, you just have to create the right conditions for it. in your case, you could increase your food intake even more and see how your body reacts to it.

So you mean that he shouldn't over train, then really concentrate on food/nutrient absorption? How should he go about that? What's his current caloricintake? Does he have any dietary limitations? How about his exercise routine? Is he doing too much, or too little?

PanaRicanRetro wrote:
He doesn't know !@#$%

Really? How so? Proof? Do you claim to have knowledge in Exercise Science? Where did you learn, and then from who? Answer this first, thenwe'll talk about what I really know. Right now I say that you are not qualified to speak on anything in regard to exercise science, and that YOU should bebanned for being a fraud.

Here's a question for you. If I am suffering from of the epicondylitis, what exercises should I avoid, and what exercises should I do in order to REHAB theinjury, while continuing my workouts?
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

PanaRicanRetro wrote:
He doesn't know !@#$%
Really? How so? Proof? Do you claim to have knowledge in Exercise Science? Where did you learn, and then from who? Answer this first, then we'll talk about what I really know. Right now I say that you are not qualified to speak on anything in regard to exercise science, and that YOU should be banned for being a fraud.

Here's a question for you. If I am suffering from of the epicondylitis, what exercises should I avoid, and what exercises should I do in order to REHAB the injury, while continuing my workouts?

Congrats you've studied a bit of Kinesiology.

I'm sure there is some bad advice in here. I'm also positive that there is some great advice in here.
Kind of like there being some absolutely atrocious advice in many Kinesiology texts while at the same time providing really good material.

Most people are here to help others/ one another. What is your purpose?
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