Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Yeah, it's through Costco. It works on all 24 Hr locations sans the Ultra and Super branches. They will bug you to get sessions though because they'renot making much off the deal.
$300 wont get you half a year at my gym.

No pesky trainers (myself included), no over bearing sales personnel though so it does have its benefits.
Originally Posted by Durden7

$300 wont get you half a year at my gym.

No pesky trainers (myself included), no over bearing sales personnel though so it does have its benefits.

real talk
my BJJ and KB gym charges me $99 a month
Originally Posted by WarMachine

Originally Posted by Durden7

$300 wont get you half a year at my gym.

No pesky trainers (myself included), no over bearing sales personnel though so it does have its benefits.

real talk
my BJJ and KB gym charges me $99 a month
Those are specialty gyms. I used to pay $100 a month for my Muay Thai training as well.

If you want to go ritzy, you can spend $500-1000+ a month no problem.

I just like 24 Hr Fitness because it's actually open 24 hours a day. Only limited hours on X-mas and Thanksgiving, otherwise 24/7.
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

BTW, nobody responded to my question about adding explosive movements to my workouts, since I am training for my next triathalon in the spring!
Take your pick; Clean/power clean, snatch/ power snatch, split/ squat jerk, snatch pull, box jumps, etc.

Triathlons are about endurance not explosiveness. I suggest you just blood dope.

Humans have no business being involved in endurance marathons such as triathlons.

A video..why not
jesus that's crazy... I've been training for about 6-7 months now, and i didn't touch leg workouts until about a month ago. Squatting the bar usedto hurt but now I can throw up 225lbs 5-6 times no problem. I only wish I started sooner.
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by Durden7

So I thought id check out out, and theres just sooo many options. Its unreal.

You seem like a *smart* guy, did you read the expose on the supplement industry in Sports Illustrated? If so, why do protein powder at all? I mean, it is not needed, especially when you have whole foods that serve you better in the long run, right?
how about hydrolyzed proteins and bcaa's intraworkout?

are you gonna claim those don't work? should i eat a chicken breast intraworkout instead? stop trolling.
How about not ingesting anything during the workout, then eating when the window of opportunity is there? Such as in ingesting your complex carbs, then proteins within thirty and forty five minutes to enhance recovery? Also, it sounds as if you have some serious issues with self control. Are you auditioning to be a mod, squealing about trolling? So far it hasn't worked for you, what you gonna do now? Take some BCAA's?

By the way, they haven't been proven to do anything but change the color of your urine. Sorry to tell you that, but I have a feeling that you don't read informative things that require common sense and good health.
so bcaa's intraworkout don't aid in muscle recovery and growth? hydrolyzed protein? no?
bcaa's just change the color of yoururine?

if i was "squealing" i'd report you like numerous others already have.

p.s. can you provide me with those cited sources yet? or are you ignoring that in the hopes of not looking like an idiot?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by I3

New thread.

Whoever does start it needs to be an active member of the thread so they can edit the 1st page often.
+1. And the person needs to have the time to do so. I'd volunteer if this was on winter break, but it's crunch time at school right now.

The first post needs to have basic info on how to diet, basic lifting programs, etc. If we do this, the repeated question count would be down by 10 folds.

Yeah I was thinking the first post can have basic info and then like a Table of Contents that directs people to certain pages of the thread where things are mentioned to use as a reference point.

Ill throw my name in the mix for starting it, but if anyone is really up for it then go right ahead.

I dont know if the information is updated or correct, but there are some good stickies on, such as micro/macro nutrients, pre/post workout etc.. I justposted up some major excerises with several combinations and such. It'll be good to start a new thread..

Its good to get a range of sources and such.. because what may not necessarily work for someone may work for someone else..
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

BTW, nobody responded to my question about adding explosive movements to my workouts, since I am training for my next triathalon in the spring!
Take your pick; Clean/power clean, snatch/ power snatch, split/ squat jerk, snatch pull, box jumps, etc.

Triathlons are about endurance not explosiveness. I suggest you just blood dope.

Humans have no business being involved in endurance marathons such as triathlons.

A video..why not

That looks amazing... I've always wanted to learn how to do those exercises. Just too afraid. Besides, I'd look like a fool at 24 doing those. LOL

Maybe after my 2-year membership expires.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by Durden7

So I thought id check out out, and theres just sooo many options. Its unreal.

You seem like a *smart* guy, did you read the expose on the supplement industry in Sports Illustrated? If so, why do protein powder at all? I mean, it is not needed, especially when you have whole foods that serve you better in the long run, right?
how about hydrolyzed proteins and bcaa's intraworkout?

are you gonna claim those don't work? should i eat a chicken breast intraworkout instead? stop trolling.
How about not ingesting anything during the workout, then eating when the window of opportunity is there? Such as in ingesting your complex carbs, then proteins within thirty and forty five minutes to enhance recovery? Also, it sounds as if you have some serious issues with self control. Are you auditioning to be a mod, squealing about trolling? So far it hasn't worked for you, what you gonna do now? Take some BCAA's?

By the way, they haven't been proven to do anything but change the color of your urine. Sorry to tell you that, but I have a feeling that you don't read informative things that require common sense and good health.
so bcaa's intraworkout don't aid in muscle recovery and growth? hydrolyzed protein? no?
bcaa's just change the color of your urine?

if i was "squealing" i'd report you like numerous others already have.

p.s. can you provide me with those cited sources yet? or are you ignoring that in the hopes of not looking like an idiot?

I already did provide you with the "sources", but I am quite sure if you read them, you would not understand them. NO, bcaa's don't do squat!If you read the report in sports illustrated, you'd know that as well. However, anyone who takes something without knowing its source of origin, is anidiot not worth responding to about anything. But I will still be kicking your behind on here, calling into question any crap you post. I don't expect youto prove your sources anymore, and that you are nothing but some gym rat with no educational background in anything but hearsay..
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

BTW, nobody responded to my question about adding explosive movements to my workouts, since I am training for my next triathalon in the spring!
Take your pick; Clean/power clean, snatch/ power snatch, split/ squat jerk, snatch pull, box jumps, etc.

Triathlons are about endurance not explosiveness. I suggest you just blood dope.

Humans have no business being involved in endurance marathons such as triathlons.

A video..why not

Since endurance sports have been around way before weightlifting expo's, I am quite sure that your theory about them are wrong. Besides that,� whatqualifies you to make such a statement? And triatholons don't require explosive capabilities? According to who? Some internet weightlifter who's neverrode a bike uphill, run up hill, nor swam against tide?

Move away from the keyboard, you are embarrassing yourself.
Everyone should just ignore Dark Chocolate.

If he quotes you, questioning what you said, so what? Just ignore him and keep it moving. Y'all shouldn't even waste your time replying to him. No onehas to prove anything to this dude.

Maybe then he'll go away when he realizes that no one gives a damn about what he has to say. And if he doesn't leave, at least we can avoid all of thisunnecessary arguing.
why don't you link us to the Sports Illustrated article? You keep raving about it, so why not show it. Just post the link, I'm sure atleast a few of uswould take a look at it.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

why don't you link us to the Sports Illustrated article? You keep raving about it, so why not show it. Just post the link, I'm sure atleast a few of us would take a look at it.
Ever heard of Google

We are talking about getting in shape and some people are to lazy to google an article geeez.
That's not why he's asking for it. He's talking about how dude keep referring to the article without showing the actual article. Anyway,there's a ton of articles in friggin Sports Illustrated and every other magazine about a number of topics, all backed by research, etc... Doesn'tnecessarily make them absolute fact.
Hey guys, I dont mean to stear the thread is a different direction, but... I am about to order some new ON protein powder....any ideas on which flavor? Iusually go with chocolate mint but was thinking of maybe coffee or cake batter this time. Suggestions?
ok I know this going to sound ridiculous but its really true and its starting to bother me. About two and half years ago I got really into shape trainingridiculously hard. everybody could see how hard i was working, I was 6ft 3 205 and ripped. now slowly I stopped working out and got small, I stop lifting forlike a year or more. I have been working out hard for about 5 months and whats crazy is im 6ft3 225-230lbs and I was bigger and muscular at 205lbs. this isdriving me crazy, im far from small right now but after adding 20-25lbs Im thinking why am I not huge. somebody please explain
You look bigger because your muscles are more defined, but you'll weigh less. I'll try find an article that basically says must people lookbigger, but they weigh less.
Originally Posted by Baybully650

Hey guys, I dont mean to stear the thread is a different direction, but... I am about to order some new ON protein powder....any ideas on which flavor? I usually go with chocolate mint but was thinking of maybe coffee or cake batter this time. Suggestions?
I haven't tried either of the flavors you listed, but I found that banana, cookies and cream, rocky road, and french vanilla are all prettygood. Rocky Road is one of the most popular. I liked the french vanilla flavor more than vanilla ice cream for some reason.

Stawberry was not bad, but no great. I would avoid the applie pie flavor or whatever they're calling it now. They also just did a white chocolate flavorthat I'm curious about, but right now you can only get it through their website where it's like $20 more, so I'm waiting until it hits other onlineretailers.
Originally Posted by ballislife32688

ok I know this going to sound ridiculous but its really true and its starting to bother me. About two and half years ago I got really into shape training ridiculously hard. everybody could see how hard i was working, I was 6ft 3 205 and ripped. now slowly I stopped working out and got small, I stop lifting for like a year or more. I have been working out hard for about 5 months and whats crazy is im 6ft3 225-230lbs and I was bigger and muscular at 205lbs. this is driving me crazy, im far from small right now but after adding 20-25lbs Im thinking why am I not huge. somebody please explain

Because you gained weight while you stopped working out and it wasnt muscle.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by ballislife32688

ok I know this going to sound ridiculous but its really true and its starting to bother me. About two and half years ago I got really into shape training ridiculously hard. everybody could see how hard i was working, I was 6ft 3 205 and ripped. now slowly I stopped working out and got small, I stop lifting for like a year or more. I have been working out hard for about 5 months and whats crazy is im 6ft3 225-230lbs and I was bigger and muscular at 205lbs. this is driving me crazy, im far from small right now but after adding 20-25lbs Im thinking why am I not huge. somebody please explain

Because you gained weight while you stopped working out and it wasnt muscle.
woooooooooooow, I feel so stupid right now that is the simplest yet correct answer. It has been bothering me so much I expected to be huge at thisweight, guess I gotta work at it
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