Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by I3

New thread.

Whoever does start it needs to be an active member of the thread so they can edit the 1st page often.
+1. And the person needs to have the time to do so. I'd volunteer if this was on winter break, but it's crunch time at school right now.

The first post needs to have basic info on how to diet, basic lifting programs, etc. If we do this, the repeated question count would be down by 10 folds.
yes, new thread.�

maybe we should make two threads.
- one called "Only NSCA/ACSM/Men's Health Authorized and Approved Exercise and Debate" for one dude who shall not be named
- another "unofficial" thread for the rest of us, no citations necessary

to send us off on a good note (from another thread):
some "good form"

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by I3

New thread.

Whoever does start it needs to be an active member of the thread so they can edit the 1st page often.
+1. And the person needs to have the time to do so. I'd volunteer if this was on winter break, but it's crunch time at school right now.

The first post needs to have basic info on how to diet, basic lifting programs, etc. If we do this, the repeated question count would be down by 10 folds.

Yeah I was thinking the first post can have basic info and then like a Table of Contents that directs people to certain pages of the thread where things arementioned to use as a reference point.

Ill throw my name in the mix for starting it, but if anyone is really up for it then go right ahead.
JOE - I tried PMing you, but it seems your Yuku doesn't exist.

I wanted to ask if I could find Ortho Core in any stores before I result to ordering online.

I tried Vitamin Shoppe and GNC, but no luck. The dude at Vitamin Shoppe said it would most likely be at a pharmaceutical store because of how it was made up,so even though I figured he didn't know what he was talking about, I tried Walgreen's and CVS and still nothing.
I was considering making a new thread, but it's just so much work, and right now I have more than enough work from school, so I'm out of the question.What if someone made a new thread with just basics and keeps editing it over time? That way this cluttered thread dies out and real conversation can flow.Also, whoever decides to do it doesn't haven't go through this whole thread in one sitting. Just a thought. Kudos to whoever steps up to making the newthread.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

JOE - I tried PMing you, but it seems your Yuku doesn't exist.

I wanted to ask if I could find Ortho Core in any stores before I result to ordering online.

I tried Vitamin Shoppe and GNC, but no luck. The dude at Vitamin Shoppe said it would most likely be at a pharmaceutical store because of how it was made up, so even though I figured he didn't know what he was talking about, I tried Walgreen's and CVS and still nothing.
yeah i made this over when nt was on ezboard and i guess it didnt get switched or something.

doubt youll find it at a sports supplement store....more likely a higher-end health store, but i've always got mine online.
Yo Joe, how are you feeling about slabbing some peanut butter on a few ziploc bags and mailing me some medical mary? I will throw some bones your way.
So I thought id check out out, and theres just sooo many options. Its unreal.
Originally Posted by Durden7

So I thought id check out out, and theres just sooo many options. Its unreal.

You seem like a *smart* guy, did you read the expose on the supplement industry in Sports Illustrated? If so, why do protein powder at all? I mean, it is notneeded, especially when you have whole foods that serve you better in the long run, right?
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Durden7 wrote:
So I thought id check out out, and theres just sooo many options. Its unreal.

You seem like a *smart* guy, did you read the expose on the supplement industry in Sports Illustrated? If so, why do protein powder at all? I mean, it is not needed, especially when you have whole foods that serve you better in the long run, right?
Youre right. Im against 99% of supplements that are available, but there are a few days where im not able to get my protein sources from food. Its good to have it in the house if I need it, and I only take 1 scoop a day if that.

I do prefer foods to protein supplements though.
how much are ppl paying for a gym membership. since my school gym membership stopped two months ago the heaviest thing i've lifted is a quarter pounder,i'm looking at the 2 year, $300 one for 24 fitness from costco
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by Durden7

So I thought id check out out, and theres just sooo many options. Its unreal.

You seem like a *smart* guy, did you read the expose on the supplement industry in Sports Illustrated? If so, why do protein powder at all? I mean, it is not needed, especially when you have whole foods that serve you better in the long run, right?
how about hydrolyzed proteins and bcaa's intraworkout?

are you gonna claim those don't work? should i eat a chicken breast intraworkout instead? stop trolling.

sorry man that doesn't sound smart....but if you're ever in san diego, holla @ me
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by Durden7

So I thought id check out out, and theres just sooo many options. Its unreal.

You seem like a *smart* guy, did you read the expose on the supplement industry in Sports Illustrated? If so, why do protein powder at all? I mean, it is not needed, especially when you have whole foods that serve you better in the long run, right?
how about hydrolyzed proteins and bcaa's intraworkout?

are you gonna claim those don't work? should i eat a chicken breast intraworkout instead? stop trolling.

sorry man that doesn't sound smart....but if you're ever in san diego, holla @ me

Nah man, it's real simple. Just take that chicken breast, some water, and a blender and bam, intraworkout shake


There is nothing wrong with protein powder or creatine. At the end of the day, that's what those fancy MuscleTech products include, along with a bunch ofother bs and lots of marketing. There is no doubt that creatine works

Spoiler [+]
Murray RK and others. Harper's Biochemistry, 24th Edition. Stamford, CT: Appleton & Lange, 1996.
  1. Sahelian R, Tutle D. Creatine: Nature's Muscle Builder. Garden City, NY: Avery Publishing Group, 1997.
  2. Toler S. Creatine is an ergogen for anaerobic exercise. Nutrition Reviews 55:21-25, 1997.
  3. Maughan R. Creatine supplementation and exercise performance. International Journal of Sport Nutrition 5:94-101, 1995.
  4. Harris RC, Soderlund K, Hultman E. Elevation of creatine in resting and exercised muscle of normal subjects by creatine supplementation. Clinical Science 83:367-374, 1992.
  5. Haff GG, Potteiger JA. Creatine supplementation for the strength/power athlete. Strength and Conditioning 19(6):72-74, 1997.
  6. Coleman E. Creatine monohydrate: a sprint performance enhancer? HCRC Web site.
  7. Modica P. Creatine supplements show some sports benefit. Medical Tribune News Service. July 10, 1997.
  8. Vandenberghe K and others. Caffeine counteracts the ergogenic action of muscle creatine loading. Journal of Applied Physiology 80:452-457, 1996.
  9. Volek JS and others. Creatine supplementation enhances muscular performance during high-intensity resistance exercise. Journal of American Dietetic Association 97:765-770, 1997.
  10. Vandenberghe K and others. Long-term creatine intake is beneficial to muscle performance during resistance training. Journal of Applied Physiology 83:2055-2063, 1997.
  11. Bosco C and others. Effect of oral creatine supplementation on jumping and running performance. International Journal of Sports Medicine 18:369-372, 1997.
  12. Prevost MC, Nelson AG, Morris GS. Creatine supplementation enhances intermittent work performance. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 68:233-240, 1997.
  13. Casey A and others. Creatine ingestion favorably affects performance and muscle metabolism during maximal exercise in humans. American Journal of Physiology 271(1):E31-E37, 1996.
  14. Volek JS and others. Performance and muscle fiber adaptations to creatine supplementation and heavy resistance training. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 31:1147-1156, 1999.
  15. Dawson B and others. Effects of oral creatine loading on single and repeated maximal short sprints. Australian Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 27(3):56-61, 1995.
  16. Cooke WH, Grandjean PW, Barnes WS. Effect of oral creatine supplementation on power output and fatigue during bicycle ergometry. Journal of Applied Physiology 78:670-673, 1995.
  17. Odland LM and others. Effect of oral creatine supplementation on muscle [Pcr] and short-term maximum power output. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 29:216-219, 1997.
  18. Snow RJ and others. Effect of creatine supplementation on sprint exercise performance and muscle metabolism Journal of Applied Physiology 84:1667-1673, 1998.
  19. Tarnopolsky M. Creatine monohydrate increases strength in patients with neuromuscular diseases. Neurology 52:854-857, 1999.
  20. Sorgen C. Creatine supplementation: The quest for power performance. Today's Dietitian (1)3:26-29, 1999.
  21. FDA Special Nutritionals Adverse Event Monitoring System. Accessed June 7, 1999.
  22. Juhn MS and others. Oral creatine supplementation in male collegiate athletes: A survey of dosing habits and side effects. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 99:593-594, 1999.
Protein powders are just for convenience. It's cheaper to include a protien shake in your diet than a full meal. It's also more portable than a fullmeal and it's faster to consume. Whey is 20% of the protein in milk. One glass=8 grams of protein, 1.6 grams being whey.

Protein shake (24g of whey), or 15 cups of milk after workout?
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by Durden7

So I thought id check out out, and theres just sooo many options. Its unreal.

You seem like a *smart* guy, did you read the expose on the supplement industry in Sports Illustrated? If so, why do protein powder at all? I mean, it is not needed, especially when you have whole foods that serve you better in the long run, right?
how about hydrolyzed proteins and bcaa's intraworkout?

are you gonna claim those don't work? should i eat a chicken breast intraworkout instead? stop trolling.
How about not ingesting anything during the workout, then eating when the window of opportunity is there? Such as in ingesting your complex carbs,then proteins within thirty and forty five minutes to enhance recovery? Also, it sounds as if you have some serious issues with self control. Are youauditioning to be a mod, squealing about trolling? So far it hasn't worked for you, what you gonna do now? Take some BCAA's?

By the way, they haven't been proven to do anything but change the color of your urine. Sorry to tell you that, but I have a feeling that you don'tread informative things that require common sense and good health.
BTW, nobody responded to my question about adding explosive movements to my workouts, since I am training for my next triathalon in the spring!
Originally Posted by FlashEightZero

how much are ppl paying for a gym membership. since my school gym membership stopped two months ago the heaviest thing i've lifted is a quarter pounder, i'm looking at the 2 year, $300 one for 24 fitness from costco
That's what I have. It's a big plus that they don't keep my credit card on file. I've been going 5-8 times a week, every weeksince I joined Feb of 2009.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by FlashEightZero

how much are ppl paying for a gym membership. since my school gym membership stopped two months ago the heaviest thing i've lifted is a quarter pounder, i'm looking at the 2 year, $300 one for 24 fitness from costco
That's what I have. It's a big plus that they don't keep my credit card on file. I've been going 5-8 times a week, every week since I joined Feb of 2009.

2 yrs @ $300??

Damn, my gym is incredibly expensive compared to that.
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