Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

I'm about 165 lb 5'9". What would be a good weight range for me to look, cut, on the skinnier side? I don't want to look "huge" butin-shape, like Audi and JOE. Looking for opinions.

And... Damn. Turns out this hitting the gym thingy still hasn't helped my insecurity about my weight.

I feel fat, then skinny, and it goes back and forth. LOL
Originally Posted by beezylocks

anyone ever mess with BLACK POWDER?

Stuff is a joke. Such a waste of money. A cup of coffee or some caffeine pills will do the exact same thing.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

wj4 you were right some pages back.

time for a new start.
Word, man. And we should just ignore the trolls...otherwise it will just be clutter up like this one again.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Al Audi

wj4 you were right some pages back.

time for a new start.
Word, man. And we should just ignore the trolls...otherwise it will just be clutter up like this one again.

not to mention so many things got repetitive

we need to new start with a page 1 reference point or something with links/ highlights of this thread etc

itll take some time i guess

btw i never tired MRI black powder.........not impressed with the profile an i never really heard any
about it....maybe a few here an there as with any in this catergory.

not worth the MRI price as usual either.
Yeah that would be a good idea. Kinda like "please read before posting".

I do enjoy coming into the thread and have debates on various it things I read online, in mags or see/hear on T.V.
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Also, as I've stated, any time that one of those so called experts give ANY advice, new thread or old, I'll question their validity especially since they refuse to show their resource. I've stated where I have gotten my info time after time, they, the savants, have not, even refusing to do so.

I'll be watching.....

It's your life.
i haven't slacked this much ever.

haven't gone to the gym or do any real cardio because of school and extra-curricular obligations.

i still keep a proper diet, but it's just not the same.


i started going early morning at 7 just before my classes, but i've been needing more sleep lately. and sleep it itself is important.

should i just buy my own stuff so i can do it at my room?

damn. i didn't know it was gonna be this hard keeping this up with everything else swamping me.
I know how you feel man
I have 14 units of school and 10 hours a week of grappling and kickboxing. hitting the weights is difficult when you're sopressed for time
Ate McDonalds for the first time in 3 months today... @%$!#$* felt GOOD.

The bulk is coming.. and I think I just ended the cut gracefully.

Its time to get my Al Audi Status on haha..

Keep up the hard work fellas!
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Joe camel,

I've stated it several times already and it seems that you are either blind, or illiterate. The source for those findings is the NSCA. The American college of sports medicine also has those findings.

Since you refuse to go to the sites, or simply are too lazy to do the research, I'll show you what they actually mean, and I'll say it in a manner that even *Simple Jack* can understand.

Go and jump out of a window, perhaps a first floor window, which I am quite sure that you can do, right? After you land, try and jump back up to the sill, grab it, then pull yourself back into the house, cool?

Then go to a second story window, then jump out! Alright? After you do this, come back and tell us how it went!

I'm sure that it'll be a helluva story! I mean, especially since you like to learn these sort of things on your own, then from You Tube!
again,the irony is great. try actually reading the entirety of my posts before responding to them.

citing your sources = indicating on the document and page # where you found your info. that's what a citation must include, and providing one is all i'm asking you to do.

you saying it's in the NSCA or the ACSM is like me citing my source as "" or "the library." might as well not cite it at all. for the 100th time- i want the source (document, book, anything) and page # you found it on.

"simple jack?" son i'm positive i'm more intelligent than you. let's not get into that, for your sake.

Didn't jump out of that window, 'eh?
Also, how are you goingto measure your intelligence? From a scooper that comes in a protein powder can? Prove your *intelligence* by going doing the research yourself! I'vealready shown you how the theory works, and why trust me? I know why, you are scared that when you go to those sites, that you will realize that everythingthat you THOUGHT you knew, is wrong.Nobody had to tell you to go to you tube!
Originally Posted by Physicx

can someone help out me out with a beginner workout program?

via pm perhaps?

They have magnificent beginner programs on They come complete with video, q&a, even free downloads to take with you. Their staff isQUALIFIED, being represented by Doctors and Industry professionals, all certified by NSCA and The American College of Sports Medicine.

In other words, they are not a bunch of yahoo's, who'll direct you to something that may get you hurt.

Good luck!
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Also, as I've stated, any time that one of those so called experts give ANY advice, new thread or old, I'll question their validity especially since they refuse to show their resource. I've stated where I have gotten my info time after time, they, the savants, have not, even refusing to do so.

I'll be watching.....

It's your life.
Yup, mine and mine alone!
wawaweewa wrote:
Just like with anything in life. It's easy to work hard when the work comes easy. Some separate themselves by working hard even when it doesn't come easy.

Training is work. Like all work, it's not meant to be fun or enjoyable all of the time.
You're going to have good training days and you'll have bad training days . The effort should be equal regardless. If you work hard consistently you will be rewarded.

You'll be surprised how many times you'll think "oh, %$++ this feels like it's going to be bad day" and go on to have one of your better training days.

My grandfather always says. "The only thing easy in life is pissing while taking a shower."

i have days like this all the time
............but great motivationalspeech
Had a short encounter with a "Gym Nazi" today...I'm doin decline flyes and I look up and this dude is standin over me. So, I do my final rep andafter I set the weight down he says, "You know you're suppose to count throws everybody else off when you don't". So I'mlike, "Oh my counting threw you off?". He says, "Yeah". But, 1. I'm a good 15ft away from him, 2. I'm whispering my count
, and3. He walks the 15ft to tell me with is 25lb dumbbell in his hand, like seriously man
. But I'm starting my cut today so I'm amped
Damn, that's one I've never heard of before. What gym do you work out at? Sounds like some Planet Fitness type of stuff there if someone'scomplaining about you counting out loud.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Al Audi

wj4 you were right some pages back.

time for a new start.
Word, man. And we should just ignore the trolls...otherwise it will just be clutter up like this one again.

not to mention so many things got repetitive

we need to new start with a page 1 reference point or something with links/ highlights of this thread etc

itll take some time i guess

btw i never tired MRI black powder.........not impressed with the profile an i never really heard any
about it....maybe a few here an there as with any in this catergory.

not worth the MRI price as usual either.

Im down with a new thread. This one is cluttered.

The first page can have bookmarks to pages within the thread where things are talked about/advice is given.
I workout at a YMCA, dude was just extra for no reason...old Samuel L. Jackson lookin muh fudda.
I would have started counting MAD loud. I would have stood there next to him during HIS set and just counted his reps for him outloud just on GP. I hate whenpeople have horrible gym ettiquitte, but let's see if he goes up to the 300lb dude that won't ever rack his weights and tell him something.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

I would have started counting MAD loud. I would have stood there next to him during HIS set and just counted his reps for him outloud just on GP. I hate when people have horrible gym ettiquitte, but let's see if he goes up to the 300lb dude that won't ever rack his weights and tell him something.
Wow. I mean, confrontational methods like that never work! But, it also explains your methods here on this post! Good home training is essential,especially while having manners in public! When at the gym, I love using my Ipod to ignore undesirables, and I don't think that counting out loud doesanything but draw attention to yourself. It's sort of like walking around with a lat spread, then having no lats!

Funny stuff!
Originally Posted by aceofjays

Had a short encounter with a "Gym Nazi" today...I'm doin decline flyes and I look up and this dude is standin over me. So, I do my final rep and after I set the weight down he says, "You know you're suppose to count throws everybody else off when you don't". So I'm like, "Oh my counting threw you off?". He says, "Yeah". But, 1. I'm a good 15ft away from him, 2. I'm whispering my count
, and 3. He walks the 15ft to tell me with is 25lb dumbbell in his hand, like seriously man
. But I'm starting my cut today so I'm amped
Wow that's OD. I probably woulda done some
hole type stuff to him too.
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