Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Deadlifts actually hit my lower back more than my quads.

Are we talking about these?
Yeah these are what I did today, and I didn't feel it in my quads, but my lower back

It was hard for me to bend my back to take the weights off the bar.

And I don't know that much about lifting but that video that Vancity posted looks
What the hell kinda form is that? looks super wrong
i've had the same problem with motivation too but I'm getting out thanks to girls and wanting to play for the Yanks lol
Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

how bad is Moutain Dew for u? im addicted and i think it could be the reason for my love handles hangin on for dear life to my pack..
all soda's are bad . drink water
Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Does anyone know where to get that cream you rub on your body and it helps you sweat?
What exactly is this cream used for? Please don't tell me it's for getting the pounds off...
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Does anyone know where to get that cream you rub on your body and it helps you sweat?
What exactly is this cream used for? Please don't tell me it's for getting the pounds off...
why do exercise to make you sweat when you can just rub some cream on yourself
Can anyone recommend me some good leg workouts?

I don't squat or deadlift yet. I worked out my legs for the first time today and I was lost on what to do.
Originally Posted by Prez T

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Does anyone know where to get that cream you rub on your body and it helps you sweat?
What exactly is this cream used for? Please don't tell me it's for getting the pounds off...
why do exercise to make you sweat when you can just rub some cream on yourself
i see some of the weight loss commercials on t.v. and all i can do is smh.The things that people will do just so they dont have to work out
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by Durden7

IICEMAN83 wrote:
Durden7 wrote:
651akathePaul wrote:
^ DL's while not an explosive excercise, it's a power lift that will help explosion in other power lifts....Like the clean.
It's still not an explosive exercise.

Oh god not you again.... Deadlifts a knee dominant xercise??? Are you serious So your telling me im working my legs/knees when im deadlifting???

Yes im 100% serious. Are you saying youre NOT working your knees/legs when you deadlift?

Wheres the primary movement occuring in a deadlift? It's at your knees. It's certainly not at the hips because then youd be doing a good morning variation. The first movement occurs at your knees therefore its a knee dominant exercise.


yeah im gonna have to agree.....not sure about the biomechanics of the lift but i've always heard it's a back exercise primarily, and my back is what's sore after doing DLs. hamstrings too, but my quads and glutes don't feel like they're getting worked hard at all.

also what does "knee dominant" mean?

Think about it. It's viewed as a lower back exercise, yet the amount of resistance that is used is very heavy. Does your lower back need 100+ lbs of resistance? No, it doesnt therefore there must be another part of the body taking a large % of that resistance.

What part do you not understand?
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by Prez T

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Does anyone know where to get that cream you rub on your body and it helps you sweat?
What exactly is this cream used for? Please don't tell me it's for getting the pounds off...
why do exercise to make you sweat when you can just rub some cream on yourself
i see some of the weight loss commercials on t.v. and all i can do is smh. The things that people will do just so they dont have to work out
Like that Hydroxy Cut commercial. The dude was pretty cut up and said something like "As a user and a doctor..." I was SMH'ing andLOL'ing.
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by Prez T

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Does anyone know where to get that cream you rub on your body and it helps you sweat?
What exactly is this cream used for? Please don't tell me it's for getting the pounds off...
why do exercise to make you sweat when you can just rub some cream on yourself
i see some of the weight loss commercials on t.v. and all i can do is smh. The things that people will do just so they dont have to work out

the community health class i'm taking now warned us about those commercials and how not to believe everything you see
Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by Prez T

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Does anyone know where to get that cream you rub on your body and it helps you sweat?
What exactly is this cream used for? Please don't tell me it's for getting the pounds off...
why do exercise to make you sweat when you can just rub some cream on yourself
i see some of the weight loss commercials on t.v. and all i can do is smh. The things that people will do just so they dont have to work out

the community health class i'm taking now warned us about those commercials and how not to believe everything you see

I see people at the gym take those Hydroxycut or Zantrax 3 then workout, like that is going to help them do anything but give them bad kidneys and weightgain in the future

But what gets me is all these dudes join the gym back in April, work on nothing but chest and arms and here it is July and havent been back since.
@dudes tryin to look like 50 Cent and in 2 months
Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by Prez T

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Does anyone know where to get that cream you rub on your body and it helps you sweat?
What exactly is this cream used for? Please don't tell me it's for getting the pounds off...
why do exercise to make you sweat when you can just rub some cream on yourself
i see some of the weight loss commercials on t.v. and all i can do is smh. The things that people will do just so they dont have to work out

the community health class i'm taking now warned us about those commercials and how not to believe everything you see
none of those things work. They always have these built dudes on there playing like they actually used the product but realistically they arebuilt from exercising and eating good.
Originally Posted by djkaos23

For a person who has NEVER done deadlifts what weight should you start out at.

maybe you could try just the bar to get the form down right. Then you can try different weights until you find a weight that you can still do all reps withgood form.
I found this to be the best video to get my DL technique down.

Deadlifts aren't knee-dominant. Why would any exercise be joint-dominant? That's like saying bicep curls are elbow dominant. Majority of power (as hasalready been mentioned) is generated in the posterior chain (lower back, glutes, hams).
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by 5thGearidah

Squat, Deadlift, Full Clean, Bench

The foundation of any good lifting routine

Originally Posted by 5thGearidah

DL are primarily for your back

This is about as correct as saying bicep curls are a tricep exercise.

I'm actually shocked to see so many people who say they're doing it in the gym think that deadlifting is a back exercise.

The only reason you guys are feeling it in your back is because a) your form sucks, and b) you're trying to lift too much weight.
do you still believe this or do we need to discuss how your wrong?
the above video Its GettinHot posted is a great vid (there is a longer version)...and if thats not good enough look at this thread

I can provide more links if you like.

Just curious...if D/L arent for your back then what day do you do them on?
i just read that long %%$ post and it pissed me off. I cant wait to hit the gym after work now. going on a month and a half and no plans on stopping anytimesoon. im gonna start to mix in swimming so we'll see how i do. wish me luck nt
When you can't get into a gym, push ups, calf raises, squats, sit ups, etc. are definately appreciated. Very underrated and can go a long way.
Deadlifts aren't knee-dominant
It can be confuse I guess, if you don't understand the dynamics, because it is really the only joing being moved. But that being said, tellsme right off the bat it can't be knee dominant because without any momentum really and just by raising your legs your moving a big time amount of weightmeaning so many stabilizers come into play.

DL's are great.
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