Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by tml09

Originally Posted by outbackbob24

in the begging of summer I was hitting the gym hard almost everyday. put an inch and half on my arms and my shoulders and chest were bigger. but the last month I haven't gone to the gym once.
I don't know whats going on. I guess im just being lazy. Its just strange how i changed so drastically. ima start up again. but also the gym i go to sucks pretty hard. They never have pins for the machines. and never have enough benches for more than 6 people.

Planet Fitness FTMFL. big
to them.
The Planet Fitness I go to at least has pins, but for the benches it's the same story. Once you see an open one, you better run over there and mark your territory before someone steals it
this is why i go to my planet fitness so late
Originally Posted by frost

When you guys say you eat egg whites, do you eat them hard boiled or what?

i copp 100% liquid egg whites

gotta love em, scramble em up.
Originally Posted by frost

When you guys say you eat egg whites, do you eat them hard boiled or what?
Yes. Hard boil and only eat the egg whites. I sprinkle a bit of salt/pepper for taste. I buy the big pack from Costco.
Can anyone recommend me a good tasting protein bar?

I just want something with a good amount of protein that I won't have to force down.
I just sat here and read all 75 pages and I must say I'm incredibly motivated again...

Since the summer started, I've been going to the gym again (I've lost close to 30 lbs the last time I checked) and while I felt the difference at first(the soreness was amazing) now, I'm not feeling it... if I go any heavier, I find that I can't complete the workout so can someone tell me what I'mdoing wrong?

I'm not really concerned with getting bigger, just stronger and I really want to drop weight (I'm hoping for another 40-50 lbs by Christmas) Diet hasbeen much improved but some things are still bad (whenever my girl's in town, we always tend to pig out
) but during the week, it's all steamedveggies, chicken breasts and water...

This is definitely one of the best threads on NT and I'm definitely going to be joining Team Fitness sometime here in the near future...
to whoever asked- i mix it up but ill always do incline crunches w/a plate held up vertically (more resistance than holding it to your chest)

actually now that it think of it i guess its more of a decline crunch. i use the decline bench and notch it to the steepest setting, call it what you want.
To all the guys here that know this stuff what yall think of my workout..
Monday- Workout A
bench press 3x8
deadlift 3x8
squat 3x8
lateral pulldown 3x8

Cardio 15-20minutes

Tuesday & Thursday
30 minute cardio on elliptical

Wednesday - Workout B
incline bench press 3x8
romanian deadlift 3x8
standing military shoulder press 3x8
front squat - 3x8

Cardio 15-20 minutes

Rest Times are usually 30-40secs in between reps.

Friday - Workout A

Following Week - Switch Workout A and B

trying to lose my remaining fat of like 20lbs or so.
I'm posting in here---reluctantly...but I'm gonna do it anyway.

I've stopped drinking sodas completely. I've replaced them with water/flavored water
When I get off work I walk for 30 minutes and then do the "Slim in 6" workout video. After that, I usually walk another 15 minutes.

I know, I know, my workout is so "ugh" compared to ya'lls.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Can anyone recommend me a good tasting protein bar?

I just want something with a good amount of protein that I won't have to force down.

They're all pretty bad and not really meant for taste but I buy the Costco cheap ones, they're 24 for $18 and have 30g of Protein each.
I like to add eggs in my protein shake. I mix bananas/ frozen strawberries/raw egg whites/milk/vanilla flavor protein. Throw in the eggwhites at the end so youget less foam.
Ok i need some help, i am out of shape an really wanna get in shape. I am 6'2" an about 212, but mainly fat. What would you guys recommend that i do,at this point i just wanna lose my chest, an get rid of most of this fat. After i do that then i will start to focus on toning. Also i eat un healthy, but idont mind eatting healthy i just dont do it cause its not as convenient for me but its time for me to get in shape. Thanks
Originally Posted by gatorad3

To all the guys here that know this stuff what yall think of my workout..
Monday- Workout A
bench press 3x8
deadlift 3x8
squat 3x8
lateral pulldown 3x8

Cardio 15-20minutes

Tuesday & Thursday
30 minute cardio on elliptical

Wednesday - Workout B
incline bench press 3x8
romanian deadlift 3x8
standing military shoulder press 3x8
front squat - 3x8

Cardio 15-20 minutes

Rest Times are usually 30-40secs in between reps.

Friday - Workout A

Following Week - Switch Workout A and B

trying to lose my remaining fat of like 20lbs or so.

imo poor. your training split is not great. body parts should be trained once a week. doin one execrcise per body part twice a week is not gonna cut it.
if you could only make it to lift 3xs a week . I would suggest chest tris/ back bis / shoulders legs. 3 or 4 exercises per part. Cardio should be done on anempty stomach first thinfg in morning 45 minute low intensity. If done post workout 15- 25 minute in variation intesity intervals. (ex 1 min high level, 2 lowlevel until duration is finished)

but no matter what workout you use, your diet is gonna get your results
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Can anyone recommend me a good tasting protein bar?

I just want something with a good amount of protein that I won't have to force down.
I don't eat them myself, but from a couple of friends I hear that they are usually high in sugar and such. These friends make their ownprotein bar with protein powder, to get the same nutrients minus the junk like sugar.
Originally Posted by mYKiCkZArEaG21

He got back in shape, right? I heard him a while back on Sirius radio and he was saying that he got really fat and went hard in the gym to goback to how he used to be.
Originally Posted by shoeGUINDALOON

Originally Posted by gatorad3

To all the guys here that know this stuff what yall think of my workout..
Monday- Workout A
bench press 3x8
deadlift 3x8
squat 3x8
lateral pulldown 3x8

Cardio 15-20minutes

Tuesday & Thursday
30 minute cardio on elliptical

Wednesday - Workout B
incline bench press 3x8
romanian deadlift 3x8
standing military shoulder press 3x8
front squat - 3x8

Cardio 15-20 minutes

Rest Times are usually 30-40secs in between reps.

Friday - Workout A

Following Week - Switch Workout A and B

trying to lose my remaining fat of like 20lbs or so.

imo poor. your training split is not great. body parts should be trained once a week. doin one execrcise per body part twice a week is not gonna cut it.
if you could only make it to lift 3xs a week . I would suggest chest tris/ back bis / shoulders legs. 3 or 4 exercises per part. Cardio should be done on an empty stomach first thinfg in morning 45 minute low intensity. If done post workout 15- 25 minute in variation intesity intervals. (ex 1 min high level, 2 low level until duration is finished)

but no matter what workout you use, your diet is gonna get your results

Why do you say its poor? Did you read this entire post? Did you read that his goal was to lose 20 lbs? I personally think that a 2 day split consisting ofonly compound exercises is the best way to increase the body metabolism.

Training the body parts once a week wont cut it if the goal is to lose weight.
as I said loosing the extra 20 lbs will come in the form of diet and cardio. But if lifting is goin to take place muscle development is in mind. and trainingbody parts once a week is optimum for muscle recovery and growth. In order to reach is goal I would stick wit my recommendation but only dercrease time betweensets and increase intensity of sets.
Originally Posted by shoeGUINDALOON

as I said loosing the extra 20 lbs will come in the form of diet and cardio. But if lifting is goin to take place muscle development is in mind. and training body parts once a week is optimum for muscle recovery and growth. In order to reach is goal I would stick wit my recommendation but only dercrease time between sets and increase intensity of sets.
Its quicker/easier to lose weight with resistance training than it is by doing aerobic activity.

A whole week in between body part isnt the optimum amount of time for muscle recovery. After 48-72 hours the muscles are completely recovered.

You recommend decreasing the amount of time between sets and increasing the intensity??
Dude, he said his rest times are 30-40 seconds. You want him to increase theresistance and rest for 20 seconds?

This is the reasoning why giving individual advice in this thread can be dangerous.
if he's trying to drop weigh (fat) he shouldn't focus on a real weight lifting routine yet. He will be disappointed because he wild build muscle masstherefore not loosing weight. Muscle weighs more than fat. I say do light weight lifting and focus on cardio, Running, swimming laps. Once you are ready toBulk up build a real weight lifting routine.
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

if he's trying to drop weigh (fat) he shouldn't focus on a real weight lifting routine yet. He will be disappointed because he wild build muscle mass therefore not loosing weight. Muscle weighs more than fat. I say do light weight lifting and focus on cardio, Running, swimming laps. Once you are ready to Bulk up build a real weight lifting routine.

So what youre telling me is that a "real" weight lifting routine consisting of compound exercises with a short rest period (which is what the programis) will increase his mucle mass, but it won't decrease his weight at all? Yeah, muscle does weigh more than fat. That fact has no corrolation in what imsaying. He's not trying to be at a certain weight.

The proper foods + weight training > the proper foods + running.

How the hell are you going to say that once someone is ready to bulkup they should start a real lifting routine? The man is trying to lose weight, so why the hell would be want to bulk up?!
I remember someone posting someone who wrapped their stomach in saran wrap in order to lose somewater weight around their mid section.....due to my laziness, I need to lose some quick....I have 10 days to do it in....someone help.....I'm also in thegym everyday
Never said what a real weight lifitng routine is

You saying weight lifting> cardio

Show me proof that you burn more fat weight lifting than running/swimming.

Weight lifting is not the best fat burner.

That's why I said focus on cardio.

Once he looses the fat and is ready to bulk(Gain healthy weigh/muscle mass) he can focus on a real weight lifting routine.
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