Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

30 mins?
that's more like a warm-up plus a 25 minute run, my friend. how many leg days do you have? HIIT can really tax your legs, so you'll definitely be fatigued the day after, even two days after if you're really pushing yourself. when you're training, something's gotta give. if you do 2 leg days a week plus 2 sessions of HIIT, I would say you can write off the rest of the week completely for legs. if you want to measure your endurance, take at least 2 days off from leg lifts and/or HIIT, preferably 3-4 days, and you should have more endurance for sure. you should be able to run faster too. if this isn't the case, you may be overtraining
and will need more time to fully recover so you can make better progress.
I just love to run, man. The endorphine got me feeling like I'm running on cloud.
Prior to doing the HIIT, I used to do 4 miles in 30mins with no problem on the treadmill (I only use this as a measuring mark BTW, I know it's not exactly precise). After the HIIT, I'm in the low 3mile in the same time frame.

I always run for 30 mins (or when I'm not really feeling it, the elliptical for 30 mins because it's easier on the legs and I go at a low intensity).

Plus I can NOT lift w/o doing some sort of cardio for 30 mins. It's a mind thing I know, just can't get into it. I've been toying with the ideaof replacing running on the treadmill with elliptical and just use the HIIT for running 2 times a week.

Aside from HIIT and running, I work out my legs on Wednesday and Saturday...nothing major, just 3 exercises per day.

Edit: To make things clear because I re read what I wrote and it sounded confusing.

I do HIIT on Monday and Friday afternoon, around the street near my house. I go to the gym in the morning, from Monday-Saturday. Every time I go to the gym,I always do cardio of some sort for half an hour. I don't go running for 30 mins before the HIIT itself.
^I used to run on the treadmill a bunch as well, then I started running outdoors and it's a much better feeling. Your legs get more burn and you'llbreath much harder than you'll do on a treadmill...but that runner's high is way better too.
well i discovered the secret to swallowing pills. swallow with food in my mouth. i gotta deke my esophagus into opening up.
anyway, don't run 60 degree inclines every other day if you jog. you will bust your knees and our inner thighs. i'm STILL limping a bit for runing onan injured leg.
anyone noticing any kind of improvements in ANYTHING lately?
Originally Posted by ericescobar

anyone noticing any kind of improvements in ANYTHING lately?
all my lifts are up since i got back into it a month and a half ago. pullups went from 10 with 100 lbs assistance (dislocated elbow ftl
) during late rehab to sets of 7. i definitely dropped the body fat % a fewpoints, and i've got more muscle on me despite dropping almost 5 pounds (i have to up the calories

most importantly though, my bball conditioning has improved quite nicely
. i swear i'mma be dunking eventually... even though i've only touched rim once so far haha
Originally Posted by wj4

For those who do HIIT with long does it take for your legs to recover? I'm asking because I see a trend here. I always run for 30 mins before I lift just to warm things up. Now my endurance isn't up there like it used to be, avg speed overall is slower and I fatigue easier. I haven't really changed anything else, still eat good for the most part. The only thing I've started is the 2 HIIT sessions on Monday and Friday afternoon. My theory is that my legs haven't fully recover from the HIIT yet.
It looks like you're over working your legs. Since mass isn't your main goal, why not sub HIIT for your cardio on leg days? It'llincrease endurance and still meet your goals. Plus, it's one hell of a workout.

Instead of running/elliptical, why not do complexes for cardio? Or, do whole body movements like burpees to get your heart rate up. You don't need to gofor 30 min. before a lifting session.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by wj4

For those who do HIIT with long does it take for your legs to recover? I'm asking because I see a trend here. I always run for 30 mins before I lift just to warm things up. Now my endurance isn't up there like it used to be, avg speed overall is slower and I fatigue easier. I haven't really changed anything else, still eat good for the most part. The only thing I've started is the 2 HIIT sessions on Monday and Friday afternoon. My theory is that my legs haven't fully recover from the HIIT yet.
It looks like you're over working your legs. Since mass isn't your main goal, why not sub HIIT for your cardio on leg days? It'll increase endurance and still meet your goals. Plus, it's one hell of a workout.

Instead of running/elliptical, why not do complexes for cardio? Or, do whole body movements like burpees to get your heart rate up. You don't need to go for 30 min. before a lifting session.
I guess I can do that. Just go to the gym and do the leg exercises on the leg days and come home to do HIIT.

What do you suggest for complex cardio? I know I don't need to go 30 mins before lifting, but like stated, it's a psychological thing.

I can do burpees on certain days I suppose, but since I go to the gym every day, I work only 1 major group of muscle per day. Doing burpees involve pushups...won't that kill my workout and not let them rest during 'off day'? Example: I do back/bicep on Mon, chest/tri's on Tues, shoulders/legson Wed. If I do burpees which basically work out my back, chest, tri's, and biceps..depending on the grip location..won't I be over working themuscles too? I'm entertaining the idea of switching it up however. And if I do many do you think I should do? Enough until I can'tanymore?
I've been keeping up with this thread but I haven't posted until now. Anyway, I just started going back to the gym about a month ago after

taking a year off, and man it feels good working out again. From mid 07 to early 08 I lost about 53 pounds, going from 185 to 132, mainly by

doing cardio and not really lifting weights. I gained about 15 pounds in the year I took off but I was still looking pretty frail, so I decided to get

back to the gym but this time to bulk up. So far I've had pretty good success. I've put on some muscle without really gaining any fat around my

stomach and I now weigh 156, which is 9 pounds heavier than when I first started lifting. I don't know the specific % of body fat I have, but I'm

guessing its not higher than 10. I've been doing 20-30 minutes of cardio after lifting, but I'm thinking a bout dropping it or at lest doing it just

once or twice a week, and focus more on lifting since I am trying to bulk up. Last time I did cardio was a week ago and I'm surprised I haven't

gained any fat in that one week, even though I've been eating like crazy these last couple of days.

Anybody have any effective shoulder routines? That's one of my main weaknesses right now, any advice would help.
what are you guys maxing out on lifts??

Mines are pretty average and i dont lift heavy

DL - 405 i dont drop my hips
Bench- 325
Squat - 365 deep
I think I'm going to take out my running at the gym and do a variety of plyometric routines. I guess this would be the advantage of going to the gym soearly.
Doing this would be nearly impossible during regular hours because of the all classes that are held in the aerobics room.

I'm thinking of starting small with stuff like this and see how it fairs me. I've seen some of the dudes do similar get up with small dumb bells.

doing shoulders and biceps today but i'm getting used to all my workouts and not getting sore even when i increase the weight any new workouts or advice?!thanks
Originally Posted by gberdin

doing shoulders and biceps today but i'm getting used to all my workouts and not getting sore even when i increase the weight any new workouts or advice?! thanks
Change up the lifts that you do. Instead of BB benching, go to dumbbells. Instead of squatting, go to lunges. There are lots of goodsubstitutions. Or, you can change the intensity/volume. Instead 3 sets of 10, do 5 sets of 5, or 4 sets of 6. Go light weight for more reps and more endurance.Use a fitness ball, bands, etc.
There are so many ways to change it up. Add plyometric moves to your routine. Like, do plyo push ups with benching. Jumpsquats with squatting.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by wj4

For those who do HIIT with long does it take for your legs to recover? I'm asking because I see a trend here. I always run for 30 mins before I lift just to warm things up. Now my endurance isn't up there like it used to be, avg speed overall is slower and I fatigue easier. I haven't really changed anything else, still eat good for the most part. The only thing I've started is the 2 HIIT sessions on Monday and Friday afternoon. My theory is that my legs haven't fully recover from the HIIT yet.
It looks like you're over working your legs. Since mass isn't your main goal, why not sub HIIT for your cardio on leg days? It'll increase endurance and still meet your goals. Plus, it's one hell of a workout.

Instead of running/elliptical, why not do complexes for cardio? Or, do whole body movements like burpees to get your heart rate up. You don't need to go for 30 min. before a lifting session.
I guess I can do that. Just go to the gym and do the leg exercises on the leg days and come home to do HIIT.

What do you suggest for complex cardio? I know I don't need to go 30 mins before lifting, but like stated, it's a psychological thing.

I can do burpees on certain days I suppose, but since I go to the gym every day, I work only 1 major group of muscle per day. Doing burpees involve push ups...won't that kill my workout and not let them rest during 'off day'? Example: I do back/bicep on Mon, chest/tri's on Tues, shoulders/legs on Wed. If I do burpees which basically work out my back, chest, tri's, and biceps..depending on the grip location..won't I be over working the muscles too? I'm entertaining the idea of switching it up however. And if I do many do you think I should do? Enough until I can't anymore?
If you absolutely HAVE to do cardio before lifting, do HIIT BEFORE you lift. It'll increase muscular endurance, and it'll work for you.
There are a few variations of burpees, look to see what you like. Do them on Tuesday, with chest/tri's because it's a good warm up for those musclesand it's not too intense, so it wouldn't wear out or over work your back/bi's.
Maybe start out with some ab work with back/bi's. Try to find whatever fits you. Plyo is great stuff though.
IICE, I'll get back to you tomorrow about those max outs. Either, I'm not benching 365 lol buy tomorrow I Gould be aggregated enough to up my maxes
Originally Posted by wj4

I think I'm going to take out my running at the gym and do a variety of plyometric routines. I guess this would be the advantage of going to the gym so early.
Doing this would be nearly impossible during regular hours because of the all classes that are held in the aerobics room.

I'm thinking of starting small with stuff like this and see how it fairs me. I've seen some of the dudes do similar get up with small dumb bells.

If you can get a hold of it, try P90X's Plyo X and P90X Plus's Interval X.
I swear, this two workouts got me jumping and running faster.
If you are not used to it though, your buttocks and legs will be sore the first time around but dammit in works.
Originally Posted by aceofjays

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by miamib30514

Originally Posted by aceofjays

I decided to take this week off before I step my nutrition game up.

I'm trying to put together a 4,000 calorie diet with a 35/35/30 split, but I can't seem to add up enough things I LIKE to eat.

I've checked out a few samples and they're including foods I really don't mess with.

I'm driving myself crazy

Fitday is the shhh
Im beginning to work out a 3000 Calories diet and im assuming you mean 35 carb/35 fat/ and 30 protein?? Is this the correct splits because i read somewhere to go 50 carb/30 fat/ 20 protein. Keep in my mind im trying to gain about 15 pounds of muscle. from 135-150. Thanks
By reading his 4,000 cal diet, it seems to me like he's bulking up.

The order that I've seen always go in protein/carb/fat.
Its never been protein/carb/fat. It's always carbs first then fat and protein.
Really? Is there a 'rule' for this? This was the trend I picked up from lurking on the bb forum.

wj4 is right about protein/carb/fat being the trend on bb forum and that is what I am going for. But, I have seen the macro ratios listed in other ways.

Go here and enter your stats, the number you get at the end is your maintenance level. Add 500 calories to the number and that is how many calories you need to gain muscle.

I think I've worked out a decent diet
. I'll post it up later.

It's only listed that on because most of them are obsessed with protein, but in every other text and industry its always carbs first followed byprotein/fat in either order. (Typically fat first, then protein)

That BMR calculator sucks.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by gberdin

doing shoulders and biceps today but i'm getting used to all my workouts and not getting sore even when i increase the weight any new workouts or advice?! thanks
Change up the lifts that you do. Instead of BB benching, go to dumbbells. Instead of squatting, go to lunges. There are lots of good substitutions. Or, you can change the intensity/volume. Instead 3 sets of 10, do 5 sets of 5, or 4 sets of 6. Go light weight for more reps and more endurance. Use a fitness ball, bands, etc.
There are so many ways to change it up. Add plyometric moves to your routine. Like, do plyo push ups with benching. Jump squats with squatting.
You mentioned chest, tricep, and leg workouts when he was asking for shoulder and bicep workouts lol
WJ4.. damn your training your legs like a hell! I reckon you should just stick to 2 leg workouts a week maybe. 1 Week do legs + HIIT then another maybe Plyos +HIIT, because overtraining can really ruin your progress. Im feeling the same effects, but its to do with squats - since I haven't been squating as muchlately.

Next week im cutting out my HIIT as I do legs and plyos. Legs are usually Monday and Plyo's Friday, then I usually have enough time to recover for games onSaturday. I might do some HIIT on Sundays too... but basically monitor how your feeling and adjust accordingly.

Tabata.. this is cool. Maybe do it at the end of your workout once a week? After a good 40-60mins of weightlifting, if you've lifted hard enough you shouldbe knackered as hell. Might also want to do some complexes too..

I plan to incorporate a plan that consists of complexes, dropsets and tabata.. somehow.
At the beginning of this thread I weighed 231lbs.

weighed my self today 214lbs..

time to get on my super grizz at the gym, but school has definitely put a fork in it lately..
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

what are you guys maxing out on lifts??

Mines are pretty average and i dont lift heavy

DL - 405 i dont drop my hips
Bench- 325
Squat - 365 deep
i havent maxed on anything but bench

bench 365x1 i got that up recently (quit my cut...... its impossible while im at school to carb cycle so why bother?)
dl i can rep 495 x 5 but i drop my hips deep, i use my legs a lot
deep squat i can rep 315 x 5 for my heaviest set but that kills me and i really havent been able to add any weight on that yet

i guarantee you can lift more than the #s you put up by the way, especially bench

btw in terms of gym my vans on but they look like sneakers. eras. at least on legs and back day. almost no cushioning, flat grippy bottom. lotherwise i'll wear whatever. i'm not gonna dl barefoot in a gym with other people.

i know some serious lifters who rock those shoes with individual toes and swear by them for dl's but i cant do that.......some also wear wrestling shoessince theyre really thin and have decent ankle support (for squats? i dont see the need for ankle support but w/e)
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

what are you guys maxing out on lifts??

Mines are pretty average and i dont lift heavy

DL - 405 i dont drop my hips

Bench- 325

Squat - 365 deep
i havent maxed on anything but bench

bench 365x1 i got that up recently (quit my cut...... its impossible while im at school to carb cycle so why bother?)
dl i can rep 495 x 5 but i drop my hips deep, i use my legs a lot
deep squat i can rep 315 x 5 for my heaviest set but that kills me and i really havent been able to add any weight on that yet

i guarantee you can lift more than the #s you put up by the way, especially bench

btw in terms of gym my vans on but they look like sneakers. eras. at least on legs and back day. almost no cushioning, flat grippy bottom. l otherwise i'll wear whatever. i'm not gonna dl barefoot in a gym with other people.

i know some serious lifters who rock those shoes with individual toes and swear by them for dl's but i cant do that.......some also wear wrestling shoes since theyre really thin and have decent ankle support (for squats? i dont see the need for ankle support but w/e)

Vids or it didn't happen.
Originally Posted by frost

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by gberdin

doing shoulders and biceps today but i'm getting used to all my workouts and not getting sore even when i increase the weight any new workouts or advice?! thanks
Change up the lifts that you do. Instead of BB benching, go to dumbbells. Instead of squatting, go to lunges. There are lots of good substitutions. Or, you can change the intensity/volume. Instead 3 sets of 10, do 5 sets of 5, or 4 sets of 6. Go light weight for more reps and more endurance. Use a fitness ball, bands, etc.
There are so many ways to change it up. Add plyometric moves to your routine. Like, do plyo push ups with benching. Jump squats with squatting.
You mentioned chest, tricep, and leg workouts when he was asking for shoulder and bicep workouts lol
he said ALL of his workouts. Plus, they were just examples
Originally Posted by NikeVandal

do perfect push ups actually make a difference?

im debating whether or not to keep or return

whats the pros and cons compared to normal push ups


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