Stay safe on the roads NT

i was like 

damn rip
Originally Posted by miamin2

Originally Posted by neukicks

Originally Posted by 36 OUNCES

Apparently, there was a whole family inside...

I will never traverse the icy roads of russia. dat shi cray

there was, and the people that were recording, were family of the people in the car that was hit.
Wow RIP that is really sad.
I've never had to drive in snow before but how many mph should you be going in a situation like that?

I would be doing 40 and probably comfortable at that. One problem is that people will still be passing you and could easily slide into you if they do something stupid.

I use proper winter tyres too - even here where the winter isn't too harsh.

The main problem people have (and it's probably worse with 4x4's) is that you might be able to get your big car going but it sure isn't going to stop in a hurry with 20" rims and low profile tyres.

That accident seemed like just driver error though - nothing is going to stop you once you're going sideways like that.
Originally Posted by kdawg

Originally Posted by miamin2

Originally Posted by neukicks

there was, and the people that were recording, were family of the people in the car that was hit.
Wow RIP that is really sad.
I've never had to drive in snow before but how many mph should you be going in a situation like that?

I would be doing 40 and probably comfortable at that. One problem is that people will still be passing you and could easily slide into you if they do something stupid.
Exactly the problem. You can be as safe as you's always some other moron who will end up hitting you or worse.
In bad weather, I wouldn't drive unless I absolutely have too. Fire up the xbox or whatever. Even in light rain... drivers will lose ALL sense of safety and common sense.
But the real questions is...Why was the Semi truck going that fast in the snow,
they should know more than the other drivers that there's no way they can stop in those conditions with all the weight they're carrying if an accident occurred !!
R.I.P. I just hope it was quick and they experienced little to no pain.  I spun out once in the rain with my brother in the car. Spun across three lanes and thankfully nobody hit me. Since that event I drive slow in the rain. Can't imagine driving in snow. 
The car disintegrated.

R.I.P. to whomever was in the car.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

In bad weather, I wouldn't drive unless I absolutely have too. Fire up the xbox or whatever. Even in light rain... drivers will lose ALL sense of safety and common sense.

Come out to LA when we get hit with some rain and you will see accidents on our freeways every mile. Since we get so little rain out here our roads get slick when it does rain and to top it off people out here drive like its still an 85 degree sunny day. People can't drive worth a damn normally, when it rains its all over.
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by kdawg

Wow, that was unreal.

People driving like idiots on snow though - that was way too fast for a road like that.

I hate when people move at 50-60 MPH on icy roads like it's nothing. Like do u give a $#+ ??
QFT!!! seriously man.... ive gone up to Tahoe a couple of times this past winter and folks are going like 60-70 in their SUV's while its either drizzling/hailing/lightly snowing....

RIP to the family.
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