Stay safe on the roads NT post this today after I seen the craziest accident on my way to my parents house....a girl in a Jeep Cherokee just straight up lost control of her car, tailspinned, hit the sideline divider and the car just flipped right over into a ditch on the side of the highway, hitting a small tree in the process. Luckily she only got a few cuts on her hand from the glass shattering but it was a very bad accident.

After watching the video a second time, did ya'll notice the pink cloud after the truck passes through the debris? Terrible.
I was in a car accident recently, but I was very lucky since I got out unhurt and the most damage were broken tie rods.

Always be wary of riding that center line 'cause that's where the most snow is.
i never understand these videos when people are just randomly filming and something like this happens
ive been exposed to alot of things and consider myself pretty de-sensitized to alot of what i see (especially internet videos)

but that.....thats going to be stuck in my head for a while.
son, my jaw is on the floor, type of @#!% you only see in to the passengers.
Originally Posted by jrdnsrnss

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

In bad weather, I wouldn't drive unless I absolutely have too. Fire up the xbox or whatever. Even in light rain... drivers will lose ALL sense of safety and common sense.

Come out to LA when we get hit with some rain and you will see accidents on our freeways every mile. Since we get so little rain out here our roads get slick when it does rain and to top it off people out here drive like its still an 85 degree sunny day. People can't drive worth a damn normally, when it rains its all over.
That's the damn truth. One day, one of my friends was complaining about how people drive slower in the rain. I hit him with the 
we got lucky this winter here in NY, unfortunate on the average winter we dont have the luxury of staying at home, we have to be out there, even if you are not driving, snowstorms present a hazardous environment for everyone, you can be walking on the sidewalk and someone can lose control and wipe you the F out.....its scary..
Is Nissan making cars out of Legos? Unbelievable. RIP to the family. Makes it worst that they had to watch that happen. So sad
Originally Posted by jrdnsrnss

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

In bad weather, I wouldn't drive unless I absolutely have too. Fire up the xbox or whatever. Even in light rain... drivers will lose ALL sense of safety and common sense.

Come out to LA when we get hit with some rain and you will see accidents on our freeways every mile. Since we get so little rain out here our roads get slick when it does rain and to top it off people out here drive like its still an 85 degree sunny day. People can't drive worth a damn normally, when it rains its all over.

amen. ppl in LA cant drive for *%!* 
 come to ktown see how it is... 
WOW!!! OMG!!! Like someone said earlier that car LITERALLY exploded into pieces on impact!!! That seriously has to be one of the worst wrecks I have ever seen in my life.
There's a bunch of head on collision videos on liveleak
this one is by far the worst, I mean wow, just nasty.
Originally Posted by K Town Trash

Originally Posted by jrdnsrnss

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

In bad weather, I wouldn't drive unless I absolutely have too. Fire up the xbox or whatever. Even in light rain... drivers will lose ALL sense of safety and common sense.

Come out to LA when we get hit with some rain and you will see accidents on our freeways every mile. Since we get so little rain out here our roads get slick when it does rain and to top it off people out here drive like its still an 85 degree sunny day. People can't drive worth a damn normally, when it rains its all over.

amen. ppl in LA cant drive for *%!* 
 come to ktown see how it is... 
I practically grew up around ktown i know exactly how it is out there, was afraid of getting hit on a daily basis 
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