Stephon Marbury Is A Free Man

Glad to see Steph finally out of NY.

Hopefully he doesn't clash with any Celtics (KG) and he can get that ring.
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

I can't believe so many of you dudes would want him on your team. Ya'll sound desperate. It's one thing when a player clashes with your coach...but when a guy has problems with his teammates almost everywhere he's been...doesn't that alarm you?

I think the main thing lost in this whole thing between him and Walsh/D'Antoni is that his on teammates didn't want him around...ya'll think they were "hating" or something?
Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

Doesn't matter they won't get past the Cavs

You sound mad salty
and your sig is whack.

I'm pulling for Steph if he goes to the Celtics.

No rings for LeBronx and the Cavs please. I want him to skip town in 2010.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by lnMyMind

I can't believe so many of you dudes would want him on your team. Ya'll sound desperate. It's one thing when a player clashes with your coach...but when a guy has problems with his teammates almost everywhere he's been...doesn't that alarm you?

I think the main thing lost in this whole thing between him and Walsh/D'Antoni is that his on teammates didn't want him around...ya'll think they were "hating" or something?
no, not exactly

Who cares about all this "ESPN" created locker room drama, yall dudes buying right into it. He was in shape ready to go, and then upper managementlies and now starts Duhon over him. They only hating because he either pulling they female or making $21 million. (with dudes it either one or the other, bereal). You can't tell me Duhon is better than Marbury. Zac randoulph and Eddy curry didn't come into camp in shape so NY really had no bigs to playwith, and then trade away Crawford, and Marbury would be the reason they not making the playoffs (had he started)?
Originally Posted by tmukg21

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by lnMyMind

I can't believe so many of you dudes would want him on your team. Ya'll sound desperate. It's one thing when a player clashes with your coach...but when a guy has problems with his teammates almost everywhere he's been...doesn't that alarm you?

I think the main thing lost in this whole thing between him and Walsh/D'Antoni is that his on teammates didn't want him around...ya'll think they were "hating" or something?
Who cares about all this "ESPN" created locker room drama, yall dudes buying right into it. He was in shape ready to go, and then upper management lies and now starts Duhon over him. They only hating because he either pulling they female or making $21 million. (with dudes it either one or the other, be real).

Is this sarcasm?
He'll never fit on the C's. No way is he taking minutes from Rondo...and you know he won't be happy sitting on the bench, playing the Cassell in'08 role during the stretch run and playoffs.
i think if he wants to, he could fit anywhere. other than making millions for doing nothing, i kind of felt bad for him just sitting there being shunned by hishometown team. but now he's out and im interested in seeing what happens if he goes to the Celts.
well..... mikki moore + stephon can't be any worse than patrick o'bryant + sam

and if stephon becomes a problem, just cut him.....
Originally Posted by iNiNe5

well..... mikki moore + stephon can't be any worse than patrick o'bryant + sam
Mikki Moore should be a nice added energy to this team. he's not only better than Pat O'Bryant, but hes better that Scot Pollard too.
and Starbury>Cassell
Hopefully it works out for the Cs. We'll see tho. I'm very skeptical of Steph after what he did in Minnesota. The whole, "I can't be the 2ndhighest paid player on my team" fiasco destroyed something great and definitely tarnished his career. Hopefully the dude finally grew up. I hope he sucksup his ego and mouth and plays well for the Cs.
I don't feel bad for dude he was getting paid to not play, but he hasn't played in over a year so it'll take him a while to get into playing shape.

Dude isn't a cancer ON the court but when your a distraction to the team and you only look out for yourself and not a leader, you're not a greatplayer.

But I always did say if he is not the # 1 option on a team he will thrive, if he goes to the Cs off the bench he's going to kill opposing teams.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

played in over a year so it'll take him a while to get into playing shape.
From all accounts...he's stayed in tip top shape and has still been training and running pick up.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Hopefully it works out for the Cs. We'll see tho. I'm very skeptical of Steph after what he did in Minnesota. The whole, "I can't be the 2nd highest paid player on my team" fiasco destroyed something great and definitely tarnished his career. Hopefully the dude finally grew up. I hope he sucks up his ego and mouth and plays well for the Cs.
i believe he was basically a rookie then
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

played in over a year so it'll take him a while to get into playing shape.
From all accounts...he's stayed in tip top shape and has still been training and running pick up.

Not the same as NBA shape though, that still takes a while.
I see a lot of hate for Steph.

I mean his track record is yeah..
But you got to look at that every time he leaves a team. Somehow the team picks up a great player in their prime so it's not like they just magicallybecame better because Marbury wasn't nice.

Nets got Kidd & a young K. Mart & a decent supporting cast.
Then the Suns got Nash in free agency back with Joe Johnson, Q. Rich, Amare aka another great supporting cast.
(Joe Johnson was a Celtic, Rich was a Clipper, Amare wasn't doing 20 ppg etc you get it.)

I wish as a Brooklynite that it would have worked out in NY with Steph, but I'm happy to see dude out of here & hopefully gets a ring.
It'll suck since he's going to go to Boston; I rather him hit up Kobe & L.A, but its whatever.

He still get love in NY though so it's whatever I guess. Too bad that the whole Isiah/Dolan era really messed up a good story.

Not to turn this into a damn the Knicks signings were bad thread (Jerome James, Jeffries, Malik Rose Etc)
But damn we drafted Channing Frye over Bynum.. Traded away Nene & Camby.. Skipped over Amare.. Traded a lottery pick to the Bulls.
Like what did people expect Marbury to do.

And for the people saying oh his teammates turned on him.. Q Rich should've just kept quiet & said nothing cause you don't throw you teammates intothe fire like that. If he didn't play it was obviously because of some shady business going down in NY not because he didn't want to play for hispeoples.

But if a team is jerking you jerking you jerking you & magically asks you hey we traded away half the roster we need you to play, but thats it.
I'd do the same thing Marbury did (According to ESPN).
^ You need to get over it though the hate is justified, Marbury is not a team player and he doesn't care about his team mates, and is not a leader.

and this is coming from a dude who likes Marbs.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

^ You need to get over it though the hate is justified, Marbury is not a team player and he doesn't care about his team mates, and is not a leader.

and this is coming from a dude who likes Marbs.

how can you play for an organization/be a team player when they tell you to get ready,sign another pg weaker than you, and teammates throwing you under thebus?

S.marbury is being made to be the bad guy right
he definitely was made out to be a lot worse than he was...i believe and shut up and play for the love of the game but this just got rediculous. im just gladits over.
Marbury has been with the Knicks for several seasons (you're only bringing up issues from this season), Isiah basically gave dude the entire Knicksfranchise and he's been nothing short of a distraction. There is a reason he has this bad reputation throughout his career you think these things are justmade up? Q wanted to beat his $!+ last season and he's one of the more quiet dudes, he puts himself over the team and that's well known....there wasZERO chemistry between himself and the many players that came/went on the Knicks, now he's gone and everyone is playing TEAM basketball and having fundoing so.

He will play well for the Cs and its a low risk since it'll be league minimum, and Ray/PP/Garnett won't have any of that nonsense.

I don't feel bad for the guy at all.

True story they making Marbury out to be worse then he is. The Knicks are desperate for a scapegoat & he's it.

How can you be a team player when they say yeah yeah get ready for this season then boom bench you, don't even put you in the game & then ask you toplay because they only have 8 players on the roster. I'd say %*%! you too if I were him.

If Marbury was making 2 Mill instead of 20 Mill it wouldn't be a problem, him being on the bench. But since he makes what he does they're going to makehim seem like a cancer.
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