So this extra security thing is real?

Yeap saw it on the news yesterday and it did make me feel some type of way like bruh somebody got stabbed watching Trainwreck but you need extra security for this FOH
I know for sure my theatre wont have that problem though its to laid back for all that ********
Watching tnite. My girl who is white said we arent going to a black theater. Sadly i aggreed.
Surprised the whitest theater in the area is playing it. im going in all black.

white people committing mass murder at movie theaters but you worried about going to a black one.......lmaooooooo negro please 
Wasn't around for the NWA era, but if someone could shed some light on this for me it would be pretty cool.

The film reeks of revisionist history, romanticism, and dramatization. Great movie, but the whole NWA thing just seems like it was a bit blown out of proportion for the sake of the film. Obviously I wasn't around so I can't grasp the full scope of the time period, but were they really that impactful to American history as the movie portrayed them to be?

And from a purely musical perspective, was their music that impactful? They had one good album before everything went to ****. 
Hell yeah i agreed with her. i saw friday, bith and menace yo society in at black theaters and i cant see myself going through that now at 34. Hell the studio is paying for extra security at certain theaters.

I was going to go with a bunch of homies but i didnt know my girl wanted go. Even the homies and i were saying we aint going to the black theater we we planned to attend the whitest theater.
Wow. Why even go see the movie and pretend to identify with it wearing black if that's how you feel.
I rather watch a movie with Ben baller talking about NWA

So how much make believe was in this movie and how much truth went into it?
I rather watch a movie with Ben baller talking about NWA

So how much make believe was in this movie and how much truth went into it?
From the facts that i've gathered prior to the movie, and watching it, most of it is pretty on point. I just have questions with respect to how impactful and important them, and their music were to society at the time. That part I feel was potentially glamorized and dramatized a bit.
I rather watch a movie with Ben baller talking about NWA

So how much make believe was in this movie and how much truth went into it?

From the facts that i've gathered prior to the movie, and watching it, most of it is pretty on point. I just have questions with respect to how impactful and important them, and their music were to society at the time. That part I feel was potentially glamorized and dramatized a bit.

Nah they had an incredibly strong impact. So did Ice T with Cop Killer.
Kind of the point I was getting at :lol:

Even though Pac had a lot of records that were recorded like 3 years prior to their release. 

again its Hollywood

a lot of people are going to this movie just average fans or dont know anything about past history of the Beats by Dre Dr. Dre and 21 Jump Street Ice Cube

I figured thats the reason why popular songs like Hail Mary and Nuthin But A G Thang was brought into scenes because when Hail Mary dropped or when Dre was working on Nothin But A Thang and Let Me Ride the whole theater went crazy in a good way and I think those are the small things that hollywood and movies does to get the crowd into a film and guess what... it worked
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I seen this movie yesterday evening and I thought it was very good. The movie is very long, though. Ice Cube's son played his part very well. It was almost like a clone of his father.
I seen this movie yesterday evening and I thought it was very good. The movie is very long, though. Ice Cube's son played his part very well. It was almost like a clone of his father.

he got the Ice Cube eyebrow star down to the T

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all of they acting shocked me and at time you can each character almost 100% accurately portray that character
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just watched it, real good movie. good from start to end, every actor was on point.

and Cube's son is really mini Cube 

dope movie 
The entire theater went "oh my gahhhh" when it was revealed that eazy had HIV. I swear I was the only person in there who knew that's how he died prior to seeing it. :lol:

I feel like this movie is coming out at a good time, the drake generation are getting a cool look at history.
The entire theater went "oh my gahhhh" when it was revealed that eazy had HIV. I swear I was the only person in there who knew that's how he died prior to seeing it. :lol:

I feel like this movie is coming out at a good time, the drake generation are getting a cool look at history.

The entire theater went "oh my gahhhh" when it was revealed that eazy had HIV. I swear I was the only person in there who knew that's how he died prior to seeing it.

I feel like this movie is coming out at a good time, the drake generation are getting a cool look at history.
Who tf was in that theater? lmao 
The entire theater went "oh my gahhhh" when it was revealed that eazy had HIV. I swear I was the only person in there who knew that's how he died prior to seeing it. :lol:

I feel like this movie is coming out at a good time, the drake generation are getting a cool look at history.

I'm 34 and slightly too young to remember, NWA was really my older cousins steez and they are in their 40's. Growing up in the hood I remember dudes riding thru in their S-10's, 5.0's and irocs bumping NWA. Glad that era is over cause it took my cousin who was like my brother from me.
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Wasn't around for the NWA era, but if someone could shed some light on this for me it would be pretty cool.

The film reeks of revisionist history, romanticism, and dramatization. Great movie, but the whole NWA thing just seems like it was a bit blown out of proportion for the sake of the film. Obviously I wasn't around so I can't grasp the full scope of the time period, but were they really that impactful to American history as the movie portrayed them to be?

Yes, nobody was sounding like them. It was very rare you heard any cursing in music at that time.. These guys took it another level and had the establishment shook.
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Excited to see this. I remember being 5 when Easy passed. One of my earliest memories was being on the 110 fwy South, and seeing Easy and a Lowrider. He had the Raider cap and Locs on. I had a Raider shirt & shorts. My dad knew him from idk where, he said wsup to my dad and peeled out.

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