Stranger Slapped Crying Child at Walmart

Originally Posted by rodster831

This would never happen in a costco,

only in a walmart

best comment in the thread
Kids are going to cry. I did, you did. They're gonna run around and mess with things, that's what they do.
Regardless of how annoying you think it is or how embarrassing it is for the parents at the moment.
I'd probably be more concerned if I saw a child following along like a dead eyed zombie
I'm sorry, but if I saw this happening right in front of my own eyes, I would fall on the ground laughing.
i dont have any kids but if this old bastard laid a finger on my nephew id end his life at 61

i really dont find this funny
yea. You dudes is wildin saying what's the problem and %%*% like that. A 2 year old child is gonna cry. They've barely developed any type of disipline.I hope some stranger comes and smacks your child, niece, nephew, godchild in front of you and lets see what you do.
By The Associated Press
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ATLANTA - A Georgia man has been found guilty of second degree child cruelty for slapping a crying 2-year-old at a Walmart.

Roger Stephens of Stone Mountain was convicted Tuesday in a Gwinnett County bench trial, which is held without a jury.

Stephens, who was 61 when arrested, will spend six months in jail followed by six months of home confinement.

Authorities say the girl and her mother were shopping on Aug. 31, when the toddler began crying. The police report says Stephens approached the mother and said, "If you don't shut that baby up, I will shut her up for you."

Authorities say Stephens then slapped her four or five times.

According to police, Stephens said: "See, I told you I would shut her up."

A call to Stephens' court-appointed lawyer was not immediately returned.

Russ tha G :
Some people aren't fit parents and can't keep their kids under control. This guy just didn't have as much tolerance for those types as most.
G'on somewhere w/ that crap. My son is one of the most well behaved, happy 2-year-olds you could ever meet, and he's cried in the store acouple times. Sure, only for a couple seconds before I yank him up in my arms and whisper in his ear to shape up and the crying turns to just being pouty andquiet, but still, he's cried in the freaking store before.

I wish someone would tell me I was an unfit parent because my son cried, and I DAMN sure wish someone would slap my son.
He has no idea what it's like to be hit, and some stranger is going to pophim? With my crying son in my arms, I'd've kicked his 61-year old $+%%%%$ into the next aisle, being the first person to lay hands on my son like that.

I'm getting sick to my stomache just imagining it.
... ... ...
Why does EVERYTHING NEGATIVE happen in ATLANTA??!?!!?


We all know that 60 year-old guy is DEFITNELY A CHILD ABUSER!


A slap in the face HURTS!
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Why does EVERYTHING NEGATIVE happen in ATLANTA??!?!!?


We all know that 60 year-old guy is DEFITNELY A CHILD ABUSER!


A slap in the face HURTS!
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