Stranger Slapped Crying Child at Walmart

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

funny how everyone is like "i would have rocked that dude if he hit my kid"

if that was my kid, she wouldnt have been screaming and crying nonstop at a store. this lady needs to learn how to have some respect in a public setting. just cause you are immune to your annoying child doesnt mean everyone else is. hes still in the wrong for hitting the kid though, but she should have been doing her job as a parent
fam, we talkin about a two year old here.... you talking about respect in a public setting but putting your hands on someone else's kid is as disrespectful as it gets. If he was so annoyed he could have easily moved to another area.

yep cuz if he even stepped up toward my kid i would be pullin my foot out his @$#
Originally Posted by Lil Cao


From the looks of it, the mom ain't all that smart either.

"As of today, she has really forgotten about it," Mathis said. "She's been playing."
Mathis said the girl's mother was shaken up over the incident.
"She's as well as to be expected," Mathis said. "Right now she's just trying to calm down."

No ***$, your baby isn't going to register this incident and get depressed at that age.
For real!
My mom (or dad) wouldn't have put up with me yelling in the first place. There were plenty of times when I got spanked in public coming up (and rightfullyso).

I plan on raising my kids the same way.

This guy overreacted though. He wouldn't put his hands on my kids
(or need to).
If dude came up on my daughter i woulda beet the ##$@ outta him. Id like to say my kid is very well behaved but there are times when she does cry in public.Usually when she is tired and theres nothing i can really do about it. I mean if i spank her she will only cry more. Shes only 1 though so its not likespanking her and telling her to stop crying is even gonna work anyway. But these older kids that be running around screaming and stuff like that need to behandled by there parents for sure.
Originally Posted by Shoes N BasketBall

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

I wish I was the parent of the child in this case, that old guy would've been dead.
Who the +%+% are you to touch someones kid?


Oh the irony

edit: All hell would have broken loose if that guy put a finger on my child. That's completely unacceptable. He was way out of line.
smh at the mother for even letting that guy come close to her child. If I was her that guy would have been on the ground the second
I see him raise his hand to my child.
Man I don't see how y'all can find this funny. I'm just imagining if that was my nephew or one of my kids
That guy would be an inch away from death. And this happened sorta near my city too,
Originally Posted by Matt53

Originally Posted by Don Ready

I love old timers...

Sick of these spoiled @@@ kids.

My mom would have been shut me up
. No need for him

If I was the one crying, there would have been no reason for the old man to warn my mom, my fit would have been over with one of THOSE mom looks
. Ya mom give u that "Yo #+@ is mine when we get home" looks and u stop fussin and start tryna figure out a way to avoid theinevitable.
I hate working in retail sometimes b/c people think you are a baby-sitter. I hate seeing crying children or children running around a store while parents shop.Like really, watch your children.

On the other hand, how many people who've seen a kid act like that want to do something? Of course you never would. I'd be pissed if someone slapped mykid.
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