ElNino8 wrote:
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by ICantJumpMAN67

I think we should just re-do the ps3 tourny; it is pretty redonkulous its still not over
Boost got banned and it all went downhill from there. Like I said before I'm up for a tourney but only if it's gonna be over in 2-3 days. All this "you have until the end of the week to play your match" type stuff ain't for me lol
Ravage, do you want to be a sub for the tourney?

Originally Posted by aJ232Kb8

im down for a game today hit me up rowbot
what's the rule again?just 1 win in a 3 round battle and you advance to the next round??

i got you ill be on later today
For people who own the MadCatz fight pad, are you having problems with the cord getting stiff on you? when im not using it, i roll it up around the controllerlike ive always done with other controllers in the past. and when i unroll it, the wire seems to be a liitle stiff. And now i noticed that the wire is crackedin half and is exposing the inner wires. This sucks
Originally Posted by piczon1983

For people who own the MadCatz fight pad, are you having problems with the cord getting stiff on you? when im not using it, i roll it up around the controller like ive always done with other controllers in the past. and when i unroll it, the wire seems to be a liitle stiff. And now i noticed that the wire is cracked in half and is exposing the inner wires. This sucks
You should never wrap the cord around the controller like that. It's never good for controllers. That's why the wires are exposed now.

On another note, if we are still doing the PS3 tourney I'm waiting on Jedilu for our match.
Wow i refuse to play this game for the rest pf the day.

I just fought 6 people with BS strategies and my controller was acting mad unresponsive.

First off:
Ken- Did nothing but heavy kick, sweep, and shoryukens. Straight extra nood, flow chart status. I won
Ryu- championship fight. Dude had 17% disconnect, game was laggy, did nothing but jump around the whole match, controller was unresponsive and didnt registermy blocks. He won
Akuma- ran away the entire match so time would run out, he won i was pissed
Sagat- need i say more about this overpowered bastard. Imagine a noob Sagat who mashes Tiger Uppercut, and keeps jumping. He won
Guile- Need i say more, all Guiles play the same way. Retreat sonic boom, sweep. rinse and repeat. He won
E-Honda- Flying Headbutt the ENTIRE match, He won

Imma have to give this game a break, stress is starting to take over
Anyone else feeling as frustrated as me with the stupid bug on ps3? I can't even mess with championship mode anymore till they fix that. My disconnectpercent is skyrocketing and I can even get to the semi's without getting that stupid message and losing all my work
that's so weird. i have a PS3 and have 0% disconnect... even though some of my matches have disconnected because of a connection loss. i guess i'm alucky one or something.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

that's so weird. i have a PS3 and have 0% disconnect... even though some of my matches have disconnected because of a connection loss. i guess i'm a lucky one or something.
I don't think it has affected everyone and that's prolly why Capcom has been so slow to fix this. It's really pissin me off. Last weekI decided to switch up my character just for fun and I got beat by some scrub (he was Zangief and I was Cammy). This dude had the audacity to send me hate mailafter he got this win saying "you and that itch can go to hell cheater." So not only did I lose to a scrub but I also got falsely accused of being acheater. I was kinda tight can't front lol
Originally Posted by ElNino8

Originally Posted by rowbot626

Originally Posted by aJ232Kb8

update on ps3 tournament?ey robot626 did they find a replacement for me yet?if not i can play you now
yeah ill play you, but i dont think the ps3 tourney poppin' ill be on tomorrow i didnt bring my ps3 to my parents house.
You guys should still play, boost will be back this Friday.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by ICantJumpMAN67

I think we should just re-do the ps3 tourny; it is pretty redonkulous its still not over
Boost got banned and it all went downhill from there. Like I said before I'm up for a tourney but only if it's gonna be over in 2-3 days. All this "you have until the end of the week to play your match" type stuff ain't for me lol
Ravage, do you want to be a sub for the tourney?
Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

Let's start that tournament back up......I'm all in.

I can add you to the sub list.
Word.......Keep me updated. I'll keep myself updated too.
So I make it to G2 on the xbox controller and I just bought a fight stick today and I am sucking like *+*%.
i just lost to the cheapest cammy ever. how the %^ do you go through tiger shots? damn stupid physics in this game.
G3 championship is a joke...

I hope players are a lot better in G2 class. I went 24-0 before I lost my first tournament in the finals..

My execution has gotten a little better. New buttons always help.

I definitely need an octagonal gate though. Even though square gates are "faster", faster doesn't matter if I can't even pull off the movecorrectly.

daaznfella still have it?
Originally Posted by TheeQuickness

G3 championship is a joke...

I hope players are a lot better in G2 class. I went 24-0 before I lost my first tournament in the finals..

My execution has gotten a little better. New buttons always help.

I definitely need an octagonal gate though. Even though square gates are "faster", faster doesn't matter if I can't even pull off the move correctly.

daaznfella still have it?
there are still scrubby players using lag tactics in g-1. there are good players though, but the brainless scrubs still remain
, not to mention it takes 15 mins just to find a match since there arent too manypple in g-1.
Originally Posted by TheeQuickness

G3 championship is a joke...

I hope players are a lot better in G2 class. I went 24-0 before I lost my first tournament in the finals..

My execution has gotten a little better. New buttons always help.

I definitely need an octagonal gate though. Even though square gates are "faster", faster doesn't matter if I can't even pull off the move correctly.

daaznfella still have it?
adtually sold it to anothe rmember here with that MK II slips my mind, but he doesnt want it, so ask him, i'm sure he'll sellit

6 more perfects and this will be only the 2nd game i've ever got 1000 gamer points on....only took like iono 4
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Anyone else feeling as frustrated as me with the stupid bug on ps3? I can't even mess with championship mode anymore till they fix that. My disconnect percent is skyrocketing and I can even get to the semi's without getting that stupid message and losing all my work
Yeah that bug is pissing me off big time. That's why I haven't played it all that much the past week or two.
I just got killed by some noob player playing Ryu. All he would do was jump low punch into uppercut, constantly. Then when he was away he would only spamfireballs. Didn't help that my connection has a lag.

Has anyone played against a guy like that even after I started hitting him all he would do is uppercut? Uppercuts and fireballs, then he switcehd to sagat anddid the same thing. THe guy didn't even know how to do his ultra.
Sabin is on xbl and his Seth is the best Ive played to date. I got worked pretty bad.

His sig is EMP Sabin
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