so i just beat someone in championship mode that had like 9600GP, and after i get back to the main screen it says "because the match did not concludeproperly, you must start from the first match". so that #@^@^ somehow cheated me out of the win. i'm done with this crap. capcom has made a brokengame. i'm retired for good.
Originally Posted by aJ232Kb8

sup with the ps3 tournament?on the update rowbot 626 win,he advance to the next round
I didn't know you guys still wanted to finish it?

Also, I left my PS3 at a friends house, ill be on my 360 playing SFIV in like an hour, holla @ me GT: ssstylex
I had my stick for a week now, but haven't used it as yet...

Hopefully I will get it in this weekend...

I got the $200 TE stick bundle from gameshark by the way...
Originally Posted by finnns2003

so i just beat someone in championship mode that had like 9600GP, and after i get back to the main screen it says "because the match did not conclude properly, you must start from the first match". so that #@^@^ somehow cheated me out of the win. i'm done with this crap. capcom has made a broken game. i'm retired for good.

another one bites the dust
Originally Posted by TheHavik

Theyre talking about square vs octagonal gate restrictors on fightsticks.
Check the pic:

The first one is the square gate.
Square gate comes stock with japanese sticks and the SF Mad Catz jumpoffs.

have you done any mods urself? if so was it hard cuz i dont feel like damaging my SE
Dude im telling you, the hardest part was finding a 30mm metric hexkey to open up my TE
LITERALLY took 5 mins to swap buttons and ball top.
So ima say itll take you maybe 10 mins total since you got a SE (assuming youre switching out the joystick too, which you should IMO).
ROFL at that gif!

i just played a match at about 3 AM for no reason, just felt like playing and finishing my achievements (which i did "yay" 1000GPs for me =D)

anyway....i "bumped" into a booster with about 12K in battle points, and he was only G2-A....beat him with goodness at some of thesepeople....boosting points at 3 am....tsk tsk tsk lol
Originally Posted by finnns2003

so i just beat someone in championship mode that had like 9600GP, and after i get back to the main screen it says "because the match did not conclude properly, you must start from the first match". so that #@^@^ somehow cheated me out of the win. i'm done with this crap. capcom has made a broken game. i'm retired for good.

I know how you feel man. I also stopped playing but only network play. I'm currently playing challenge mode.
i actually just pulled an MJ, came out of retirement, and won a championship with over 80000CP. funny how a break has allowed me to relax a little.
getting my stick tomorrow!!! hopefully fedex is smarter than stupid ups when it comes to finding my apt... i swear ups employees are on some other *!+
WOW people on this game are garbage lol

I changed my fighting style to level-headed, conservative, counter and i swear it really shows how alot of people on Xbox Live are scrubs especially Bisonplayers

I pretty much know what everybodys next move is going to be

I cant tell you how many times i baited somebody to do their ultra while completely standing still from mid way across the screen
its ridiculous
Originally Posted by The Minister

on right now gt is robgva703
man how the hell did u jump in GP so quickly. One day i saw u had like 8000 GP next day u had like 12000
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by The Minister

on right now gt is robgva703
man how the hell did u jump in GP so quickly. One day i saw u had like 8000 GP next day u had like 12000
well i usually play in championship mode since nobody good plays player matches any more. plus sf4 is the only game i play.

just got to g1 actually.

also beating down an zombie onslaught of @@@*$% ryus helped.
Yo I tried out the TE Stick that I got for Xbox 360... and I suck using it.

I mean it's hard for me to even do an uppercut

I will keep trying and hopefully I'll get used to it, but I am tempted to sell it now...
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