Originally Posted by kylewatson3

I just got killed by some noob player playing Ryu. All he would do was jump low punch into uppercut, constantly. Then when he was away he would only spam fireballs. Didn't help that my connection has a lag.

Has anyone played against a guy like that even after I started hitting him all he would do is uppercut? Uppercuts and fireballs, then he switcehd to sagat and did the same thing. THe guy didn't even know how to do his ultra.

I have. Even though people are going to say how it is easy to block a shoryuken you would be surprised at how effective shoryuken spamming can be. The factthat the shoryuken has priority over everything really makes it hard to fight them, if u main a non-shoto or shotoesque character
This game can be super fun or super frustrating depending on the quirks in the game. For instance I hit one guy with a sagat super into the corner and thenfollowed it with the ultra as he fell for the win. Then I missed Ken's ultra when he is set up perfectly falling out of the air. There should be no way aguy can block while falling out of the air.
Originally Posted by aJ232Kb8

TheHavik what's your psn?are you on g2 or g1?
Im on XBL.
Only G2 though.
Havent had the time to put in some good work.
And when i do i only play player matches because i get bored only fighting against Ryu, Sagat, Zang, and Blanka.
I dont think ill EVER get to G1.
Vega + my inexperience with a stick (although im coming along) + lack of practice = me sticking in G2 for a good while.

Ive only played a few hours of Championship mode.
Last time i checked i was only at like 3500 GP and like 4100 BP.
Im fairly scrubby.
I know alot but my execution is terrible right now
I can barely tech throws using this damn stick.

I got a gig coming up in a few weeks that will have me in Nebraska (
) for 3weeks so ill be going hard soon.
Originally Posted by daaznfella

Originally Posted by TheeQuickness

G3 championship is a joke...

I hope players are a lot better in G2 class. I went 24-0 before I lost my first tournament in the finals..

My execution has gotten a little better. New buttons always help.

I definitely need an octagonal gate though. Even though square gates are "faster", faster doesn't matter if I can't even pull off the move correctly.

daaznfella still have it?
adtually sold it to anothe rmember here with that MK II slips my mind, but he doesnt want it, so ask him, i'm sure he'll sell it

6 more perfects and this will be only the 2nd game i've ever got 1000 gamer points on....only took like iono 4
Yea that's me. I tried it out for a bit and realized that I actually like the square gate better. I put everything back to the stock TE. Ibought the bat top + adapter and the octagonal gate a while ago. I'm glad i tried it out though, because now i know what I like
Theyre talking about square vs octagonal gate restrictors on fightsticks.
Check the pic:

The first one is the square gate.
Square gate comes stock with japanese sticks and the SF Mad Catz jumpoffs.
weird my X circle R1 and R2 button arent working whenever i play sf4, but when i play other games they work. anybody had this problem before? and yes i checkedthe button config setting.
happened to me before, i just turned it off and turned it back on and it was no prob, but it def. sucked when it happened though
as a Street Fighter fan, I NEED to get this game. The biggest dilemma I'm having right now is deciding whether to get the 360 or PS3 (and yes, I'mbasically getting a system for the sole purpose of playing SF4
). Can anyone chime in on how SF4 is on PSN compared to Xbox live?
Originally Posted by djaward

Everytime I think that this thread has ended its life, DJAward comes in and resurrects it back from the dead.

Cant even play, freakin gold membership expired yesterday
Originally Posted by apassionforshoes23

Originally Posted by nublee

as a Street Fighter fan, I NEED to get this game. The biggest dilemma I'm having right now is deciding whether to get the 360 or PS3 (and yes, I'm basically getting a system for the sole purpose of playing SF4
). Can anyone chime in on how SF4 is on PSN compared to Xbox live?

PS3, the controller is better and you get bluray... However, i must say I think the graphics look better on X360
controller shouldn't matter cuz no one should be playing this game on a 360 controller/dualshock. fightpad/sticks ftw!

Originally Posted by jay kickz till i die

Originally Posted by apassionforshoes23

Originally Posted by nublee

as a Street Fighter fan, I NEED to get this game. The biggest dilemma I'm having right now is deciding whether to get the 360 or PS3 (and yes, I'm basically getting a system for the sole purpose of playing SF4
). Can anyone chime in on how SF4 is on PSN compared to Xbox live?

PS3, the controller is better and you get bluray... However, i must say I think the graphics look better on X360
controller shouldn't matter cuz no one should be playing this game on a 360 controller/dualshock. fightpad/sticks ftw!

Xbox has more competition IMO
But essentially they are the same.
BUT PS3 users have been complaining about DNS errors causing disconnects and so on.
BUT 360 users complain about RROD.

Kinda lose, lose when you think about it that way
My god at the combo Akuma pulled ~1:55 mark. (ehh technically not really a combo cuz of the reset, but still amazing)

EDIT: SMH forgot the link

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