Originally Posted by DC5 06

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Originally Posted by simpliSD

^press up twice then press 3 kicks button(s)

Doesn't seem to be working

Are you using a controller? If so, just set LP+MP+HP to one button and then just mash up, up and the one button. It's the easiest ultra to perform IMO
^why you making him do the wrong super??

easiest way to do it

1_ do a ashura warp, then anytime during the teleport, do the upx3 3k motion, it'll come out like that
2_cancel it from a standing FP

robgva03 you owe me 5 wins in our endless man, i went on to beat 6 other people in another lobby, it didn't stack up for the achievement

"ask Jae, he don't want it with me, Nooooooooooooooooooo"


i'm open to take on anybody daaznfella is the SN

but honestly, i'd rather play and enjoy a stream of random character battles, now those are the fun ones IMO....
Originally Posted by jae oh en

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Soo, they nerfed Ryu and beefed Ken...
well, what kind of improvements do you think they could have given ryu on top of what he had in SF4....without completely throwing the balance of the game out the window? it was pretty obvious that ryu had way more to work with in SF4 than ken did. i'm glad they attempted to balance it out.

edit- couldn't tell if that was a complaint or not. so i apologize if i misread it. somewhat off topic, but it's weird they took out the trade DP > ultra that ryu and sagat had to balance the game.....but dudley is able to do it just fine. weird design decision.

I don't mind the trade to Ultra being removed. I don't think they should have messed with Ryu, at all. He was perfectly fine in SF4, IMO. But I am really happy they did decided to beef up Ken, though. If they had left Ryu the way he was in Vanilla SF4 and just beefed up Ken, I think that would've been perfect.
how many of you guys play with joystuicks?

Im already solid with the PS3 controller and a fightpad, but I sort of wanna try out the joystick. Hows the learning curve for the joystick?
^ perfect execution. but for real both of you don't want it with my seth.

daaznfella what achievement are you talking about?
No i was referring to the 10 straight endless wins, ^as far as ranked goes i have 8 straight as my streak

which i woulda got if our buddy didn't have to "go", in our next endless random duel, if i start out with 5, you owe me that other 5!!!!

Jae- don't even think about this

i got some counters for yah!
Game is dope. I played with Joe Billionaire for awhile in the endless battle room or whatever. He shed some light on so much
. I really didn't know how complexed this game was
My makoto been getting absolutely massacred by anybody half decent.
I was in a endless lobby with a couple of them SRK dudes and
Had me salty as hell.
^i feel the same way with my juri....takes soo much effort to get the W....but sooo rewarding when that ultra connects lol
No one using Rose except for me I'm assuming? Gimmicks with Soul Satellite are too fun. People don't know how to react to it, so at the very least you should get a free combo like 75% of the time based off crossup/mixup alone.

psn: ikarixd. someone hit me up sometime.
^i really hate how they disappear when either tapped by a fireball, or blocked....

shamwow=her best ultra IMO
I messed with Rose in vanilla iv.
I kinda like the Soul Sat. ultra.
She can do some crazy combos with em.
Originally Posted by daaznfella

^i really hate how they disappear when either tapped by a fireball, or blocked....

shamwow=her best ultra IMO
As of right now, if I wanted to have the best chance of winning, I'd stick with shamwow based off of how easily you can turn a game. Soul Satellite will end up being better though, I guarantee it. Yesterday, I won a game off an odd late crossup off one of the orbs into a combo, an anti-air activate -> ex soul throw ftw, and off an orb hitting someone who tried to counter a slide into a combo. It just seems like it shifts the game once I get a knockdown to activate it because opponents dont know how to deal with it.

I still need to learn what kinds of odd combos I can cook up (SRK seems to be coming up with ridiculously long strings based off orbs linking normally unlinkable normals
) but as of right now, it works great just from a confusion aspect.
just copped.. haven't played online but been playing with my friends.

great game.. have to start practicing those combos..
Originally Posted by dano4o8

Is the Tekken 6 wireless joystick any good? it's the only thing i have to play with, but wondering if i should invest in a better one or not

i would def invest in a better controller, or just replace the guts.
they say wireless sticks arnt good because of lag, its against tournament rules to use anything wireless

but i would do as sn00pee says n just replace the guts...u may even be able to mod a usb cord to it
heading over my friends house tonight to try this out.
I'm horrible at Street Fighter 4 and don't see any of that changing with these new characters.
yo t hawk is god i've been practicing alot with him. his footsies are so good and command grab is great.
I've been learning Juri in Training Mode lately. She's pretty fun to use. Her Ultra II is hard to combo into, though.
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

they say wireless sticks arnt good because of lag, its against tournament rules to use anything wireless

but i would do as sn00pee says n just replace the guts...u may even be able to mod a usb cord to it

Where's a good site to look into modding this thing?
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