You that hit box is wild. I will check out reviews cause I don’t even understand how it is a controller
Insanely ready for Tuesday. I’ve been playing a lot of MvC:I so I’m excited to come back to Street Fighter 5.
Preordered SFV AE and I got one question.
Will I get the bearded Ryu costume? I remember it was an exclusive but I'm hoping I can atleast purchase it if it doesn't come with it
Is this going to be on Steam?

Edit: im referring to the package with the Season 1 and 2 characters?

I realize the update is going to release but wish there was a $40 deal for PC users.
If the rest of the reviews are something like that, then re-releasing this as a new game to get brand new review sores was a great decision.
Took 2 years with many, many long breaks inbetween but i finally made it.

been having withdrawals. left my stick in my friends car last week so havent been able to play but my new obsidian stick is scheduled to be delivered Tommorow.
Back in the days of Turbo and Super I would play Bison as my main, then Sagat, Balrog, and Vega. Then I added Fei Long. You sure don’t see many Vega players now that’s for sure.
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