Can't wait for Sagat.

I don't have the game or PS4, but always like playing with him and enjoy high level play with Sagat.
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Blanka Boyz Back. :nthat:
He looks pretty fun to play with. Those juggles! 8)
Might finally download the update.
Back in the days of Turbo and Super I would play Bison as my main, then Sagat, Balrog, and Vega. Then I added Fei Long. You sure don’t see many Vega players now that’s for sure.
Bison and Vega are my main and I like it that not too many players using Vega.
Guys I gotta be honest I played every street fighter known to mankind except 3rd strike and I picked Blanka less then 5x in the last 20 yrs. Guys from a traditional shoto player Blanka is legit
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I picked this guy up yesterday. He’s in my garage now.

Hoooooly **** how much did that run you if you don’t mind me asking? I’d love one of those for the man cave

It was $800. New joys, buttons, control panel, and cpo artwork. Header has some scratches on the back. The graphics around the display were trimmed down so its not as wide. Im planning to swap my graphic with a friend of mine's graphic as his cabinet isn't as wide so I'll have a new full size graphic and his will be perfect with the trimmed down version. Then I plan to get a new header and replace the light bulb behind it as it was flickering tonight.
I actually kept a token from the arcade I always went to from high school to college. Growing up in the arcade, this brings back so many memories. I think I’m going to find a way to stick it on the ledge. It’s the little details.

So between Champion Edition, Turbo, Super SF2, and Hyper SF2 Anniversary which one do you guys like better?

I like the nostalgia CE and Turbo have. I like the additional moves and costume colors in Super SF2 like Balrog’s Head butt Buffalo jump. I like to play as Fei Long, I like to fight Cammy, THawk is annoying, and DeeJay is worthless.

I’m trying to decide if I should get another board to put in my SF arcade.
Just looked and saw I have USFIV in my steam library. Might just wait until the collection is on sale.

And of course the Switch version isn’t getting the pre-order bonus.
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