Originally Posted by jae oh en

^dope. was it close?

DDRnrgONxtc - Ecchizen, you're taking martdizzle's spot. you're playing imsohungry.

rickrude - when can you play?

Might me able to get online later on tonight. I'm from so cal but am located in the south for now. I'm central time so let me know whats good. About to step out for a couple of hours so i'll check here when i get back.
^maybe you guys can try switching who is hosting the lobby/sending the invite.

rrickrude - i'll be on around 9-10pm west coast time tonight. and that's usually when i get online other nights.

@ yuku not going through with edits.

vvvv- fixed your GT on the list.
Just noticed i jagged my GT. Its Chicago Bully88. Forgot the space.
Anyways, im actually finna hop on for a few seconds right now.
jae oh en wrote:

i tried to match it up by region the best i could. some folks didn't list a location so they were thrown in randomly.

i'm in Washington State for future reference....

DimondJ15 vs thenkotb
winner: thenkotb

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]gg bro[/font]
GGs Thurrock.
We played like 10 just for fun. Son used a different character each rip.
Winner - Chicago Bully88
^word, i'll throw you on the reserve list. i'm assuming you're in san diego?

it seems like things are going a lot faster here than the last time we tried this with vanilla 4.

so would making this like a bi weekly league/season type thing and keeping ranks be a good idea? say for example - at the end of a 6th tournament, the person with the most points will take the NT crown for their respective system? or like the top two can go to a evo style grand final where the #1 has to win just one best of 5 set, and the #2 has to win two best of 5 sets. i figure anyone who missed out on this first one will have more than enough chances to make up for it and will be able to make a run for the crown in future tourneys. this will only work if most of you are down to keep playing every now and then.

any input? trying to keep this thread buzzing and somewhat interesting.
the minister vs. bombbiggidyphil = the minister'd think i was an A list celebrity at a 5 star restaurant the way I got served.

ggs man
sounds good jae.

anyone trying to get a nt endless lobby started hit me up gt is robgva703 message me though friends list is full.
Originally Posted by jae oh en

^i'll be on in a sec.

ggs rrickrude, i was like 
when i saw you picked blanka.  haha. 

Ya i should of stayed with blanka but i wanted to switch it up..... Send me an IM for the next one... cuz yuku...... is yuku
yo TheeQuickness, hit me up about the match, I msged u twice when I caught u online but u were playing blur
GGs to all those in the lobby, sakura is still in production haha

@RobVA i hate honda mirror matches sooooo much, GG tho 
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