i'm still amazed i pulled that trick on you jae, with the cross up jab into the raging demon right as time was almost expired.. it was

i hate gief lmao, i hate playing keep away against him
Originally Posted by The Minister

how come it says banned user dro?

i got banned a couple years and got reinstated. banned user stuck..

this is a pretty good lobby btw, i usually hate waiting more than 3 matches
Originally Posted by syxth element

i'm still amazed i pulled that trick on you jae, with the cross up jab into the raging demon right as time was almost expired.. it was

i hate gief lmao, i hate playing keep away against him
his gief is soooo annoying, i had to play keep away and still lost almost every match
couldn't backdash or nada
but good stuff

Crazy davo i added you btw
Originally Posted by syxth element

i'm still amazed i pulled that trick on you jae, with the cross up jab into the raging demon right as time was almost expired.. it was

i hate gief lmao, i hate playing keep away against him
man i knew that was coming
, felt hella stupid. i was like
  "damnn...i just got youtubed". that was dope though.

and trust me, it's not fun to chase anyone around for 5 minutes straight. haha.

Originally Posted by JordanF1end

his gief is soooo annoying, i had to play keep away and still lost almost every match
pretty sure i won every time i used gief that night 
my execution is buns, but i'd like to think i'm somewhat decent with gief. i can't use anyone else cuz i instinctively try to lariat as an anti air

special shoutouts to robg for not using seth once on me. 'preciate it.

GG's everyone. that was a dope lobby and a successful day one to the tourney. also my bad for using a mic in the lobby, it was already laggy for me anyway so i said "!++% it, it can't get any worse
Originally Posted by jae oh en

Originally Posted by JordanF1end
pretty sure i won every time i used gief that night 
my execution is buns, but i'd like to think i'm somewhat decent with gief. i can't use anyone else cuz i instinctively try to lariat as an anti air

I do that same stuff.....every time i use anyone other then Blanka I keep instinctively spamming out electricity
^^ added you to the reserve list. i'm guessing your in indy, right?

kinda interesting non combo vid. the juri section was pretty dope.
^ i figure if i need to bump the thread from the depths of general, i may as well bump it with something relevant. And SRK's front page always has something relevant. haha
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