STUFF I HATE IN NBA 2K9!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hate the people who quit the end of the 4th quarter. I get pissed cause im tryna see my stats. They should of quit around second quarter.
Originally Posted by youngmoney15

i hate the people who quit the end of the 4th quarter. I get pissed cause im tryna see my stats. They should of quit around second quarter.

i that that s^*% too!!!.....they quit SOON as the game is over with....i wanna see my stats!!!!!!
i hate when kobe drops 70 on my team while being double teamed, id go and say i quadruple team the dude and he still scores automatic.
I hate when the cpu makes 18 foot bank shots. Gets me so pissed.

I just hate how they make the cpu amazing shooters overall.
I absolutely hate people that use players like Kobe or Lebron. Iso constant dribble to dunk.

Or constant dribble you double throw out for 3 (since there whole team is 3 point shooters). Repeat the whole damn game. Never doing anything else.
I hate whenever you block someone shot , about 7 times out of 10 the offense always gets the ball back. Usually it's for an easy layup also.
I HATE HOW.... when u press the pass button and the pressing the direction you want to pass the ball at the same time.. it passes the ball to a player to theCOMPLETELY WRONG SIDE
. ( usually ends up in a stolen pass... or a messed up play....)
i hate pausing after dunks. and being down big, working really hard to get an open shot, and missing damn open threes just cuz the momentums against me
Originally Posted by 22stylez

Originally Posted by omgitswes

I hate falling asleep while playing it (reason why i just turned it off)
I hate sitting there waiting for them to inbound the ball then you realize you're the one with the ball and you get called for 5 seconds
i thought I was the only one that does that!!!
nah same thing be happening to me

I hate when your in association mode and they talk about a team being bad, when their record is 6-0

I hate Tracy Mcgrady in the dive for the ball/take charge and you see that fool walkin with a limp within the first minute-and-a-half of the game

I hate Stephen Jackson's reign of terror from the arch
Originally Posted by kingofny04

I hate cheesers who just drive with Lebron and Kobe and droplike 70 pts in the paint even with a 2-3 defense.

Preach... my cousin does this all the time
The followin things are what I hate about NBA 2k9:

The constant offensive interference calls when clearly the ball is out of the cylinder..
The constant goaltending calls when it isn't even a goaltend and it's a nice block..
How Kobe and Lebron can just take over a game and you can't do anythin to stop them but let them get there's..
How big men (Nesterovic, Bynum, Oden, etc. . .) can shoot 18 foot jumpshots and make them with ease..sometimes EVEN WITH PRESSURE!!!!!!!!!!!!
How no matter who the shootin guard is on a team they can score at least 20+ points per game no matter how much you focus in on stoppin them..
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

I HATE HOW.... when u press the pass button and the pressing the direction you want to pass the ball at the same time.. it passes the ball to a player to the COMPLETELY WRONG SIDE
. ( usually ends up in a stolen pass... or a messed up play....)
maybe youre still holding r1 and X
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

the last great basketball game i played was nba live 04.

If you adjusted the sliders on '04 it was one of the few decent basketball games. In 2K9 everything feels over animated, I'd rather it look lessrealistic and fewer spots had those over used animations. It just doesn't flow naturally at all.
I SWEAR TO GOD IF THEY DONT FIX ALL THIS BS WITH 2k10 IM SWITCHING OVER TO nba live i swear to god the Rockets are the best team WAFER can make 3's fordays so can artest they make Tmac like hes in his prime when in real life he horrible and yao is amazing hes stronger than dwight can make jump shotsEVERYTHING
Originally Posted by parada45

Dudes who go to the replay after a tight dunk

Pressing start over and over again

People who use the Cavs and Lakers

People who go to their stats so you can read them

I do this s__ when someone is cheesing on me.
Originally Posted by XxHonchoxX

Originally Posted by parada45

Dudes who go to the replay after a tight dunk

Pressing start over and over again

People who use the Cavs and Lakers

People who go to their stats so you can read them

I do this s__ when someone is cheesing on me.

i do the same thing....and then all of a sudden they quit
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