:rofl: @ Mike being a teacher.

How son went from consultant lawyer to can't get a job? Did I miss/forget something?
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@ Mike being a teacher.

How son went from consultant lawyer to can't get a job? Did I miss/forget something?
He was a convicted felon / in prison
:rofl: @ Mike being a teacher.

How son went from consultant lawyer to can't get a job? Did I miss/forget something?

He was a convicted felon / in prison
Yeah so what? Right after he got out of prison he was hired by Pearson-Specter-Litt as a consultant.

Peep this ep. Harvey even said he'd welcome Mike back.

I'm asking when did he quit/lose the job?

This is just like when he was getting his hedge fund on and was refusing to go back to the firm then.
Just cause I stuck with show this long, i'll be loyal but man last night was terrible. Out of ideas, this show should of been over 2 seasons ago.
Harvey fixed things with his mom.........Mike will be back at the firm and in the bar within next 2 episodes lol
I was barely engaged in this ep cuz it was the same ****.

Mike wastingnhis time with these new ppl when he's not gonna spend much time with them. Less than the hedge fund.

I miss Mike's hedge fund assistant.
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Season's end? Next 2-3 eps.

He's gonna have some problem/major case at that job and then move to the firm to fix it with Harvey or some ****.
Used to love this show but it's dying out here now. They really need to look at wrapping this up soon.
I just wonder if the writers really think the fans want this reptitiveness.

They not even getting to making PSL great again and that was so urgent 2 weeks ago.
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The fans do want Attorney Mike back though. They should just hurry up with it so we can move forward.
I'm not really sure that's what they want at this point.

They been ******** the bed ever since Mike went to prison when he didn't have to.
This has turned into a joke, but obviously some of us like zik, anti, etc. are so deeply invested in this we can't seem to let go so we keep,watching anyways.

Louis has not seen not approached Skyler from Breaking Bad territory but has officially surpassed her as the most annoying and worst written character in television history.

Can't believe we ever rooted for this dude. WHAT ARE WE WATCHING RIGHT NOW? Dude being a simp to Harvey and not even trying to take Jessica's spot? Admitting he sucks? Trying to take Care of another mans baby? Wanting the father of the baby to hang out with him at a pregnancy class?


I have had enough man, CMON damn
Louis always amused me but in the laugh at you way.

Could never root for a dude so untrustworthy. Now that he's not antagonistic he is full on simp king.
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Nothing he says or does is something you have shown to support anywhere on this forum.

Makes no sense, but were all entitled to our opinions even tho obviously everyone in this show wants happiness.
Ol lady that put him in prison trying to pass him from passing the bar.

That recent so had some funny bull ****. Dude tells Mike you gotta tell ya boss you doing this to be a lawyer again, Mike decides it's too roskyband tells dude he's not doing this to be a lawyer anynore, then changes his mind back like **** it inwant to be a lawyer :lol:

As far as this show it was never really about a law firm. You'd be better off watching The Good Wife or The Good Fight. Suits thrived off a good premise and charismatic characters. You could probably take these characters and place them in a hospital and not miss a beat except Mike would definitely still be doing time for lying about being a doctor.
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