SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

Got a feeling they won't though
I agree and the thing that gets me is there really isn't even a reason to keep her either.  Not like anyone is paying attention to the Solomon Crowe's storyline and she doesn't move any merchandise, so getting rid of her should be an easy decision, especially for PR purposes.
Got a feeling they won't though :smh:

I agree and the thing that gets me is there really isn't even a reason to keep her either.  Not like anyone is paying attention to the Solomon Crowe's storyline and she doesn't move any merchandise, so getting rid of her should be an easy decision, especially for PR purposes.
You expect an organization run by racists to fire their own kind?
You expect an organization run by racists to fire their own kind?
They cut ties with Hogan, didn't they?  Plus, I'd expect them for sure to cut her *** if she's not a top earner like Cena.  Racist or not, Vince has to make sure the company looks good to investors.
Got a feeling they won't though :smh:

I agree and the thing that gets me is there really isn't even a reason to keep her either.  Not like anyone is paying attention to the Solomon Crowe's storyline and she doesn't move any merchandise, so getting rid of her should be an easy decision, especially for PR purposes.
You expect an organization run by racists to fire their own kind?

That's what I was saying yesterday with all of the crap the company does themselves. She's definitely gone if people report on it and make enough noise.
JRS... Here's your chance to step up and become a sports reporter... Write an article for whomever it is that you work for. . Or want to work for...
Kanye is a boob

Just make music b everyone is sick of you and your meandering rants

I'm not, joints be funny. I love folks like that speak their mind even if it offends/hurts other people (so long as it's not some hate speech). Let that boy cook you know he gonna apologize anyway.
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I just tried watching one of their matches....
it's seriously ....SUPERKICK OH MY GOD....... SUPERKICK WOW OH MY GOD..... SUPERKICK!.....
the announcers kinda blow too. These dudes are like WWE 2K created characters with unlimited signature moves.

My man, first time I think we agree on something. They are good for what they are but you got guys talmbout best tag team today :smh: not even close. Super kick, high spot, super kick, repeat, finish.
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