T.I and Game have stand off with LAPD

Guys, clubs and bars are shady businesses already. You're not safe at a club and entering those places is like entering their house. Security is def shady and not their for your safety. They are there for the safety of the club.
Heard some of the security from TTP in Compton. So we'll see if its some getback. Big U a rep from NH60s
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damn those kicks
these dudes that hold these rappers nuts in their mouths talk alot of ish.

they think they can do whatever they want because they are with the click..

im sure that security guard has done more dirt than all of those idiots with ti and game.
these dudes that hold these rappers nuts in their mouths talk alot of ish.

they think they can do whatever they want because they are with the click..

im sure that security guard has done more dirt than all of those idiots with ti and game.

I swear you dudes try way too hard to discredit rappers 'street cred" that y'all actually believe that everyone that they are associated with is "fake."
Anyway, people are saying that the security dudes are from Carson. Since they Samoan, I'm guessing they are associated with the boo yah tribe. I hope it don't get too real out here smh. The security dudes said they didn't know that was big u. Not sure if that will be enough though...
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Smh @ security. And the lame tries too hard. Runnin up on lil *** 40 gloc unexpected. Not impressed. Gets layed out in the fox hills mall and has dude killed :lol:
LOL the game is a joke. 34 years old actin like this still? Grow the eff up man...washed up as fool.
dudes still think ti snitched

BUT you can't look it up as public record like any other snitch

How would you like to explain him walking out of that situation with a few months?

every person who has ever snitched within a fed case its open records bro... find me his

You haven't answered my question.

i agree SOMETHING happened but he didnt snitch if its not public

a solo mistake within the investigation couldve got him off... i got ppl who got off a case for less
LOL the game is a joke. 34 years old actin like this still? Grow the eff up man...washed up as fool.

I agree with this. I like his music but damn, dudes in his mid 30's with 3 kids still putting the tough guy act on when its not needed.

I'm not sure if t.i is still on probation but he don't need to be in no situation like that if he is. It just takes one on a power trip cop and the wrong things said for things to go sour for him.

I wouldn't be surprised if that security guard gets touched though
I AM STILL trying to find out what T.I or Game were doing wrong or hostile in THIS situation... Game fighting 40 glock and ish... i agree with him being to old for that.

But standing face to face with cops and calmly asking them questions with a shotgun pointed at your mug isn't something that i would consider acting tough. A few shouts were exchanged between his friends and security and rightfully so considering two of his friends got assaulted.
That's bull that they kicked the guys when they were down and assaulted 2 guys don't worry they will get paid more money its on film
dudes still think ti snitched

BUT you can't look it up as public record like any other snitch

How would you like to explain him walking out of that situation with a few months?

there was a kid earlier that killed 2 people drunk driving and didnt go to jail

and there was another rich guy that didnt go to jail because he was "unfit for prison"

wanna know what they all had in common lots of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

not defending TI tho dont even care about dude and or his jailtime but its not uncommon at all for rich ppl to get off with a slap on the wrist esp celebs
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Why were dudes acting tough with the cops and try to put hands on them then flip out when the cops pull out their guns smh

Bet the world would of been up in arms if cops put the beating to them
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Why were dudes acting tough with the cops and try to put hands on them then flip out when the cops pull out their guns smh

Bet the world would of been up in arms if cops put the beating to them

What else did you expect bro? :lol:
40 Glocc had it coming...that man talked way to much s*** and stayed threatening game and his camp. Game saw him randomly at a pool party and handeled business...nothing wrong with that. Only thing wrong out that situation is how f***boy 40 glocc sued Game for getting his a*** beat.
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