Taxi 12's - December '13

yea some people are crazy i see cats really trying to push 300 on gammas still with hype dying out. i mean i settled with a cat at 270 he was happy with that price.... so was i... to be honest i only copped multiples of gamma's to trade straight up for taxis.  

in fact someone wanted my gamma's plus cash for his taxis :rofl:  

That's just stupid!!

The thing about What it's worth and price are 2 different things.

When I bought my DS 01 Bred XI, the guy was selling them for $425 on ebay. I emailed him and we started negotiating. We finally settled on $375. To me, they're worth $500 and when I was bragging about how I just bought a $500 shoe for ONLY $375. My manager made a comment about them only being worth $375 cuz that's the most someone was WILLING TO PAY!! I took a step back and that's what resonates with me now. When I'm selling stuff, what would I really sell this for, not how much do I think they're worth.

Thank God, I haven't been struggling for money (that's a bad place to be when you're trying to sell shoes). So even if I feel like I'm being lowballed, I have the ability to walk away.
yea i was never in the hunt to sell the gamma's i wanted to trade them for taxis in fact i put a listing stating that ole dude came to me with the offer and i was like hey sure if that what makes you happy. and since i had my taxi's lined up from another seller im good 
Wish I could trade my 9.5 for a 9 even with sneaker shields an this sock they still feel big for me..[emoji]128548[/emoji] still love em though.
Wish I could trade my 9.5 for a 9 even with sneaker shields an this sock they still feel big for me..[emoji]128548[/emoji] still love em though.
Put one of these under the insole and you should be good. You can get them at Walmart. I always do this for my shoes that run .5 size big.
I found a pair for $260 shipped. Should I hold out or jump on it?
I would def shop around on this one.  A good window to find deals on recent releases is about a 4-6 weeks after the release. Then sellers are just trying to get rid of em and take almost what ever. Especially if they paid retail.  
I'm going to try and get these or Gamma Blue 11's in a size 13 before I decide if the powder blue 3's for me. If anyone can steer me into a brighter path please do.
I'm not sure as soon as i added to cart they were sold out. I only saw 2 sizes which were like a 9 and 10
Limited sizes of 1's, taxis, oreos and almost a fsr of gammas popped up. Gone as soon as I tried to add 1's
Were they really up for sale? Did anyone get anything? When I tried to add anything to my cart I got the item sold out message.
just got my taxi's in today. first time ever having this shoe. so dope. got 5 other pairs of other stuff today too. ahhhhh, feels goodman.
I saw them listed as soon as I saw someone talking about them being up on finish line and they were listed, but I couldn't find my size or any size by the time I got there. What really gets me mad is that earlier that morning I had asked finish line on twitter and the other big shoe stores twitter pages if they would be do restocks on the Taxi 12's, Gamma Blue 11's, or Bred 1's and they all said we're out of stock and we won't be doing restocks, including Finish Line and a few hours later Finish Line has them listed up like what the @$%!.
What if it technically wasn't a "restock" but rather the orders that were canceled, etc. Etc. That were just threw back online
What if it technically wasn't a "restock" but rather the orders that were canceled, etc. Etc. That were just threw back online

I just wish that there was a way to find out a way to find out about restocks because these online shoe stores are shady.
I love mine! I was planning on getting these as soon as I heard they were re-releasing. I'm just mad they fit so big! I have always been a 10.5 but these feel HUGE! I wish I could get a 10 but I feel like thats a fat chance. I may do the oversize insoles like mentioned above. Ha or just try my chances on a store possibly having them..........ya right.....

PS I got mine through Finishline online, got right on, ordered, fast shipping, no problems!
Oh, and and anyone looking for sizes for retail, hit up DTLR, there was a restock (Monday), in store that is...
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Just have to continuously check the sites, "restocks" usually happen in the morning, more than often

What got me mad was that I was up all night and didn't fall asleep until 11am. I asked all these stores on Twitter if they were getting any restocks on the Taxi 12's, Gamma Blue 11's, Bred 1's and every shoe store's Twitter account said "no we're all out and no restocks" then around 10am I hop back on this thread and I find out Finish Line did what looks to be an apparent restock when they had just said "no restocks" like 30-60 minutes earlier.
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