TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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I never said they had to buy a drink first. Just said I'm not opposed to it and wouldn't stop it.

Edit: Context is not important. I don't care if she's alone or with me. If someone wants to buy her a drink that's their choice and why would you turn down a free drink? It's free, and it's a drink. I know why guys buy girls drinks, but they aren't owed anything for buying the drink. Again, it's their choice. My girls not going out trying to get guys to buy her drinks. But it happens sometimes from her just sitting there looking pretty. It's happened with all of my gfs. If they start hitting on her she won't lead them on, she'll tell them she's taken. It's that simple. If you can't trust your gf to have social interactions with other people then what is the point of being with them?

Now if your girl is fishing for drinks and/or continuing to flirt after she gets the drink... That's definitely a problem. But I've had people stick around after buying my girl a drink then finding out we were together. They just apologized and continued to kick it and stopped the flirting. Some of them are interesting people who are fun to talk to. Not everyone is on a straight creep mission for P like eddiegambinos friend. Like if the guy is clearly being aggressive trying to get with my girl then it's not gonna fly. But if he's just sitting at the bar or our table and we end up talking to him what is the issue?
Read your own post. Context is everything.

There's socializing and there's hitting on your girlfriend.
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Why would I care if a stranger thinks I'm a *****? :lol: I'm still going home with my girl and he still bought her a drink.

It's really not that serious. No I'm not going to let someone aggressively hit on my gf in front of me after she told him she's taken. If you trust your girl and she has a good head on her shoulders these situations never get to that point.
I'm with Hennessy on this one. If I'm at the bar with a girl and a dude wants to buy her drinks, great. Take advantage of the sucker. She's still leaving with me regardless. I don't have to shield my girl from the natural elements of life. Matter of fact, I prefer it. Show me who you are, not how you think you're supposed to be.

I remember when I was 19 and working at the shoe store one summer here in MD. I had a girl at the time, and she was waiting for me in the mall to get off. Vernon Davis came into my store (when he was on the 49ers). My girl comes into my store to talk to me real quick or something, and I told her that Vernon had just been in the store and I was helping him. She doesn't know who it is, and I describe what he was wearing and the fact that he was JACKED lol. She says "Oh him, he was just trying to holla at me as I was walking over to your store."

I immediately told her to go back and find him lol. Let him simp on you and bring it back for us. Full confidence she could have been alone in a room with him on a remote island and the only thing she's giving up is conversation. And in the event that he'd be able to take her from me in that nature, she wasn't what I needed in the first place. Win/win.

In my adult life, hadn't had guys really disrespect me. Only few moments here and there but are easily handled. Definitely not while I'm with a girl. If a guy buying your girl a drink opens you up for disrespect, you were always open for disrespect in that guy's perspective in my opinion.
But what does that tell your girl? Yeah your leaving wit her and he paid for drinks....but i mean cmon man
But what does that tell your girl? Yeah your leaving wit her and he paid for drinks....but i mean cmon man

I don't know. What does it tell my girl? You tell me. Since everyone else but me and gotjz gotjz seems to be overthinking this. Apparently, it means that the guy, and my girl both think of me as a ***** :lol:

I can assure you that as a 26 year old in a healthy, trusting relationship... someone buying my girl a drink and me allowing them to stick around and maybe even talk after is not going to change my girls opinion of me.
It really isn't that serious. Girl I'm seeing now goes out with her girls all the time and I don't have a one second of worry.

I'm not completely opposed to some of what @Hennessy  has said, but this whole @gotJz  "let my girl milk this sucker for some free drinks" is super wack. 

That impiles your girl is purposely leading him on for some drinks. This is not an issue of disrespect. It's an issue of being a wack person.
When you go to the club with your girl, dudes hitting on her and then you take her home and murder the P :lol: "yeah you thought you was all cute tonight huh"
I'm of the mindset that if you're trying to buy your way into a girl's presence, conversation, phone book, etc...you're a sucker. So with that stance, anyone who's trying to buy their way into my girl's ________ (insert the guy's motive) is a sucker that I have no issue with my girl milking. Not advocating her going out searching for guys and try to see what can be acquired. Not even advocating falsely leading a guy on. But as persistent as guys are (which has been opinionated by others), if you want to try and buy your way in....go ahead. She'll bring it back for us. Sorry, not sorry. Luckily for me, it's impossible for me to ever be that other guy because I don't believe in spending to play.
I don't think he was saying that him and his girl go out fishing for dudes to buy them drinks. That's definitely wack. But I mean a lot of girls, especially college girls, DO go out with the mindset that guys will pay for their drinks all night. And they are usually right. And the guys that are usually buying them drinks ARE suckas.

If a girl is horny at a bar and she likes you, you'll never have to buy her a drink. Girls are hornier than guys are and more likely to let their intentions be known. She'll probably buy you a drink actually. The guy buying girls drinks at the bar in hopes he takes her home that night are the same dudes who act confused when they were so nice to her and treated her so well and she only views them as a friend. Just because you act like a simp, doesn't mean you are owed anything.
I've never bought any random broad a drink and it ain't happening anytime soon. I've had one buy me a rum and coke one time but that's it.

Caramel chicks are my weakness
i love the color brown, from coffee to peanut butter complexions. But something about caramel with natural curly hair be having me going wild. Luckily for me, my usual Caribbean spot I go to is full of women just like this. 8)

I used to talk to this Dominican girl with green eyes who had a nice dark caramel complexion and curly hair. I fumbled that so bad, but she had a kid too. :smh:
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I never got a girl a drink without some level of flirting so I don't think I want my girl accepting drinks IMO
I never got a girl a drink without some level of flirting so I don't think I want my girl accepting drinks IMO

You are sitting with your girl at the bar and a guy approaches and offers her a drink. You:

A) Let her accept the drink

B) Tell her not to accept the drink (either beforehand or right then and there)

C) Tell the guy that she won't accept the drink

I'm going with option A. I don't need to tell my girl how to act in this situation or speak for her. She is a respectful adult who I trust to make her own decisions. And I hope she accepts the drink because it doesn't rustle me at all and it's free.

If the bartender sends your girl or both you and your girl a free drink are you telling him, "no thanks, we are good." I don't see the difference here.
To be honest I've never had that happened to me and I do think I would take it as disrespect if a dude attempted that right in front of me.
You see a dude right next to shorty and you ordering her a drink? Don't see no other reason for that besides thinking I'm a punk and thinking you can take my girl

Now if I'm not there it's a different story. If she told me these guys got her group of friends a round of shots I'd be like "dope". I'm sure she wouldn't want me buying a chick a drink so vice versa
Some of y'all are weird.
no one should go to the club sober anyway.. 2 drinks is all it should take to get you where you need to be. i think i bought one drink for a chick that night.. i just wanted to be around all her friends so i copped her a drink and chatted up her and her friends for about a  half hour.. after that i brought my people over from the other side of the club and it was a go.....

we all didnt get bunz that night but we had all had a place to spend the morning... 
Hold up, so dudes buyin her drinks while you are RIGHT next to you?? Ahhh hellllll NAH!!

These dudes friendly as hell

Yeah I'm a friendly guy I go out to socialize and have fun. Not cuff my girl, mean mug and potentially fight dudes over them buying my girl a drink. You tough guys sound like you're so much fun to go clubbing with though :x What's the worst that's gonna happen? I don't understand your guys fear unless you are insecure with yourself or your relationship. Is the guy gonna take your girls number and smash her later? Is he going to leave with her? :rofl: I mean has that happened to you before? :lol:

So what are you guys doing? Option B or C?

You can say I'm looking friendly. But no matter how you slice it you looking insecure, overprotective, and unless your dating a pushover your girl should be upset you spoke for her. But cool, go out to a bar with your girl and just don't socialize or take turns buying rounds with new people you meet. Again, you guys sound like a blast to go out with :rolleyes If you really feel this way you might as well just stay home and never take your girl out. You can drink by yourselves for way cheaper at home and actually hear eachothers conversation.

Where are my other guys at who have had this happen to them before? I know some of you guys here actually date attractive women where this scenario goes down more often than not. If anything take it as a compliment instead of getting mad. Your girl is desirable.
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Dude buying y'all a drink is almost like he tryna stunt on y'all. I'm not into being chummy with dudes who I know have ulterior motives. That type of **** can get you killed out here. I never been on that chump ****.

Bro how old are you?

You fear for your life over another man "stunting" by buying your girl a $10 beverage? :rofl:

You know what... Do what you need to do to feel safe man :lol:
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I didn't even know the perspective of "you can't buy my girl a drink" existed like this. It's a FREE drink. You're right there next to her. It's not like once the drink touches her hand, you disappear and she warps into the guy's room. When the drink touches her hand, numbers aren't invisibly exchanged and automatically entered into their phones. The biggest gripe y'all have here is the perception of someone you didn't know but found your girl attractive enough to spend money on in hopes of achieving whatever the desire is lol. There are times when at the bar, you can't exactly tell if that girl is with her BF, friend, cousin, meet-up date, etc. Usually innocent in nature and not plotted out like "I know this is her BF, but I want to buy her a drink because he's a punk and she'll leave with me from here without him".
Some of y'all are the type to want to kill the guy in the situation where you walk into her cheating with a guy as opposed to congratulating the said guy for exposing what you thought to be your girl as the roller she is. Backwards thinking. If y'all looked at it so disrespectfully, then in turn your girl should share that same sentiment. And if your girl shared that same sentiment, "not letting a guy buy your girl a drink" would be irrelevant because your girl would let it be known since the drink was offered to her, correct? In every perspective, there should never be a problem with the guy buying your girl a drink lol. Don't know too many people that will try to force a drink on someone if it's declined especially if the person is present with someone else....

Really not that serious lol.
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