TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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Nah it wasn't an argument at all lol I ain't got time for that. But yeah I had a few chicks flip out on me like that before.. I wasn't turned on though lol I can't deal with all that
I had an crazy ex once but we never argued in public

In my dorm room doe ish went ballistic :lol:
One time she tried to tackle me down after she got mad at me and I had enough so I reverse suplexed her
Well almost did, but I stopped enough before I could slam her head to the floor
Instead I just held her in a slight head lock and asked her "you gonna stop now or we gonna keep fighting"
She proceeded to yell for 5 minutes more at me before we made out when she gave up :rofl:
Wrestling with her was the best gotta be honest
I've never had a chick snap on me in public. If there's a serious problem, ypu handle that behind closed doors between the two of you.

Both sides have a point, though. It's all about what type of girl you have at the end of the day.

so, it's me & my dude's one year anniversary next week. it's been really hot in our area lately and we don't have air conditioner. 

an electric fan isn't too bad as far as a practical present goes, right? :nerd:  
not a bad gift at all, it shows that you actually put some thought into it and care about him

Random but I've had sex with no a\c and just a ceiling fan on and it was :pimp: :pimp:

Still miss that girl to this day :smh:
This thread makes me feel grateful that I have AC in the house so I don't cramp up like LeBron in a middle of a love making session
I had an crazy ex once but we never argued in public

In my dorm room doe ish went ballistic :lol:
One time she tried to tackle me down after she got mad at me and I had enough so I reverse suplexed her
Well almost did, but I stopped enough before I could slam her head to the floor
Instead I just held her in a slight head lock and asked her "you gonna stop now or we gonna keep fighting"
She proceeded to yell for 5 minutes more at me before we made out when she gave up :rofl:
Wrestling with her was the best gotta be honest

Future domestic violence case

Welp someone got erased from this thread :lol:

Welp I bet " " reported :smh: lucky blessed for those comments
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^ I ain't gon ray rice women lol
she just wanted to go the extra mile wrestling me down :rofl:
Lol I'm just messing with u man, I honestly like when it's hot pause

where do you live?

when I lived in South East Asia in the summer. ie never felt heat like that before in my life. and my co workers don't believe in AC (nor heat in the winter) i worked at night and still had to take 3 showers a day in cold water.....
If i can help it im never goin back to that lifestyle.

im currently looking for a job up north now.
where do you live?

when I lived in South East Asia in the summer. ie never felt heat like that before in my life. and my co workers don't believe in AC (nor heat in the winter) i worked at night and still had to take 3 showers a day in cold water.....
If i can help it im never goin back to that lifestyle.

im currently looking for a job up north now.
It's the humidity that messes you up. This is why I can't move back home even though opportunity is there. Traffic is wild in SEA too.

The moment I stepped out the airport I was sweating and glasses fogged up. Same experience I had in Miami. Was out there clubbing and sweating like I just got out the shower.

Dry heat is better because you don't sweat as much.

Side note: always wanted to pick up my own kind of chicks in the homeland though :lol: or holla at the Lonely expats. Gotta watch out for the ladyboys though [emoji]128579[/emoji]

so, it's me & my dude's one year anniversary next week. it's been really hot in our area lately and we don't have air conditioner. 

an electric fan isn't too bad as far as a practical present goes, right? :nerd:  
I would be cool with that as a gift. But I'm not the type to ask for gifts and stuff so anything impresses me. That's the perfect gift for your situation though. :smokin
Anyone feel like a sex addict? Not just ohh i needa nut everyday. I mean like you desire and crave it constantly even afterwards and it starts consuming you the more you thibj about it.

Its like my girl aint doin enough. I need it every free moment we have.

Oh you washin clothes? We aint doin anything and theres nothin on tv, so let me slide it in real quick wit you bent over the dryer even tho we just had sex 2 1/2 hrs ago.

Cant sleep and cant keep my thoughts right half the time.
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Welp someone got erased from this thread :lol:

Welp I bet " " reported :smh: lucky blessed for those comments


I'm guessing I'm " " since I was the one going back and forth with him. Don't act like a petty women. Say what you mean.

But nah I didn't report him. He wasn't phasing me at all and I was enjoying the debate even after dude lost control of his emotions. The only person I've ever reported was Nomad for a completely unsubstantiated personal attack where he posted my pic along with it.

I suspect Lucky Blessed is another incarnation of Nomad though. Dude was out to get me yesterday :lol:
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Y'all blame everything on Nomad, just like how some religious folks blame everything on the devil. Their writing styles are vastly different. It's just a random disgruntled user. Not everyone is gonna like you.
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Dude got banned cause yall was in here arguing about some dude at a bar buying your girl drinks? :lol:

Or am I missing something?
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