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Not only women but a good attitude to have is to trust people to be human. Humans are flawed and will disappoint you. Any other expectations come from fairy tales and not reality which makes it so devastating when someone you trust has a real life moment and doesn't come thru. Better to trust women and people in general to be human rather than distrust them for the very same reason. People won't change but you can change your attitude for your own well being

We've had our differences but this was good **** my dude...
Exactly. Dudes scream they'll never trust a chick while women scream they'll never trust a guy. Pretty funny. Like you said...try to be a good judge of character. Dudes make it seem like every woman is bad while he himself can be trusted. Paradoxical.

Exactly why relationships and social interaction between most men and women is a wash out here.

It's a shame really but with the influence of media in general, social media, and both of those platforms playing towards the negative for monetary reasons, this is the world we live in.

There's nothing wrong with connecting with a woman emotionally. 

If she happens to break your trust and cheat on you, are you going to commit that?

It's really not that serious, she did not come out the womb with you. 

I always thank my mother for instilling in me to not be jealous, although no one is to be 100% trusted, you cannot walk around bitter towards all females.


We've had our differences but this was good **** my dude...
lol was thinking same thing.
What's a good amount of time to tell if a girl is feelin you or not?

Backstory: got a chick in my class that caught my eye on the first day of this semester, so I basically plugged myself into the situation by purposely taking the seat right next to her in the lab room essentially forcing us to be lab partners. Conversation is going good during class and break and I walked her out to her car by coincidence since we parked next to each other lol. We were so into the conversation she tried to unlock a car that looked like hers when she actually parked like 2 rows over. I somewhat think she may just be a ditz or was tired since our class is 5 hours long and goes until 10pm. I want to ask her out to do something (still unsure what to do) this weekend or whenever we're both free. This may seem childish to some of you, but I don't want to create awkward tension between us for the next 4 months if I get shot down :lol:

Might put the shot up tonight if the time is right or wait it out another week to get a better reading.

inb4 WIO
What's a good amount of time to tell if a girl is feelin you or not?

Backstory: got a chick in my class that caught my eye on the first day of this semester, so I basically plugged myself into the situation by purposely taking the seat right next to her in the lab room essentially forcing us to be lab partners. Conversation is going good during class and break and I walked her out to her car by coincidence since we parked next to each other lol. We were so into the conversation she tried to unlock a car that looked like hers when she actually parked like 2 rows over. I somewhat think she may just be a ditz or was tired since our class is 5 hours long and goes until 10pm. I want to ask her out to do something (still unsure what to do) this weekend or whenever we're both free. This may seem childish to some of you, but I don't want to create awkward tension between us for the next 4 months if I get shot down :lol:

Might put the shot up tonight if the time is right or wait it out another week to get a better reading.

inb4 WIO

Why not ask her out to a party/ drinks? Beginning of semester was always raging when I was in school.
What's a good amount of time to tell if a girl is feelin you or not?

Might put the shot up tonight if the time is right or wait it out another week to get a better reading.

inb4 WIO

you're in a good situation. give it an other week see if class and convo goes the same way next week.

make a light joke next time yall walk out together.. be like You know where your car at right. (gets woman thinking ok he remembers our convo and situation blah blah blah)
before you go just be like hey want to grab coffee or a drink with me.

or talk about discussing the lab and classes after.

guage her interest level
Fellas my mans told me some real ish about this situation I have with a shorty back home. I have feelings for her, really want to be with her, but my mans told me something that I never thought about before. Since we go to schools two hours away, even if she became my girlfriend, it wouldn't be like how I want it, i.e., her being around all the time. I thought just having her as my own would suffice, but I had to stop and think about it: I'm not ready for a long-distance relationship. So as bad as I want her (and trust, I really do want her), I just have to fall back and let her grow and do her thing in school, and I have to do the same as well. If it's meant to be, it'll happen, eventually. But now is not the time. In the meantime, I have soooo many girls in my dorm that I have to start making moves soon. 
Fellas my mans told me some real ish about this situation I have with a shorty back home. I have feelings for her, really want to be with her, but my mans told me something that I never thought about before. Since we go to schools two hours away, even if she became my girlfriend, it wouldn't be like how I want it, i.e., her being around all the time. I thought just having her as my own would suffice, but I had to stop and think about it: I'm not ready for a long-distance relationship. So as bad as I want her (and trust, I really do want her), I just have to fall back and let her grow and do her thing in school, and I have to do the same as well. If it's meant to be, it'll happen, eventually. But now is not the time. In the meantime, I have soooo many girls in my dorm that I have to start making moves soon. :evil:

2 hours isn't exactly long distance but yea you're young I understand. and its a good thing you decided to let her grow.
Real talk, in a long distance relationship...someone is more liable to cheat. Don't be surprised.

Then again anyone is capable of cheating, even in your own backyard.

What do you guys consider cheating..,
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In a relationship:

So you cool hanging out with other men?
Cool with her being on the phone texting another dude and having late night convos?
You cool with her kissing another man?
I'm cool with her hanging with other dude. Would be insecure if didn't

Yes im cool with the her texting other dudes. If she feels she needs to talk with a dude late at night to get with him or whatever emotion I'm not giving her than we don't need to be together.

And the kissing........ Come on son what you think.
Some people don't thinks that's cheating...

I know a few people like that
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Kissing is definitely cheating

Late night texting other dudes is definitely inappropriate and grounds for dismissal
In a relationship:

So you cool hanging out with other men?
Cool with her being on the phone texting another dude and having late night convos?
You cool with her kissing another man?

1. Yes
2. Could text other dudes, phone convos shouldn't last more than 10 minutes, late night convos nope
3. Nope

I'll be honest though and say depending on how long I've been with a chick, I'll only break up with her if she had sex with someone else or tells me she loves another man. The older I get, the more I realize certain things you just have to get past. For example, like a year ago I read some texts (she was smiling and giggling too much :lol: ) and what I read had me heated :smh: immediately left .. came back 3 days later on some "I'm not leaving my family over a text" steez.

I know some people who leave their significant other for any little thing, and IMO those people will either end up alone or getting old and having to settle.
1. Yes
2. Could text other dudes, phone convos shouldn't last more than 10 minutes, late night convos nope
3. Nope

I'll be honest though and say depending on how long I've been with a chick, I'll only break up with her if she had sex with someone else or tells me she loves another man. The older I get, the more I realize certain things you just have to get past. For example, like a year ago I read some texts (she was smiling and giggling too much :lol: ) and what I read had me heated :smh: immediately left .. came back 3 days later on some "I'm not leaving my family over a text" steez.

I know some people who leave their significant other for any little thing, and IMO those people will either end up alone or getting old and having to settle.
have you ever done anything out of pocket?

And I think your situation is different because y'all have a kid
2 hours isn't exactly long distance but yea you're young I understand. and its a good thing you decided to let her grow.

To me it is. She already told me that the LDRs don't bother her because she knows she's going to see you eventually. But I'd like to have someone close. This is her first year, and I know I grew a lot freshman year (I'm a sophomore now), so I expect her to change this year. So at the very least, I'll catch up with her winter break to see where her mind is at.
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