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Spent all weekend with the lady friend. Got it in morning and night, half the time she was initiating it :smokin tired though and still gotta drive home.
Tay fam i need opinions...

Im talking to this one chick, cool down to earth chick and the feelings mutual.

So this morning im at the gym and she texts me saying that her babydaddy came to her crib drunk, broke her window to get in cuz she wasnt letting him in and starts smacking her nd kicking her cause he sees that shes moving on.

Im here at the gym sick to my stomach wishing i was there for her so i could beat this kid up...but at the same time i feel like its none of my business....stay out of it?

Honestly I would beat the DOG **** outta him. Hate when cowards abuse women.

Then again I'm 6'5 250+ w/ hands...
Tay fam i need opinions...

Im talking to this one chick, cool down to earth chick and the feelings mutual.

So this morning im at the gym and she texts me saying that her babydaddy came to her crib drunk, broke her window to get in cuz she wasnt letting him in and starts smacking her nd kicking her cause he sees that shes moving on.

Im here at the gym sick to my stomach wishing i was there for her so i could beat this kid up...but at the same time i feel like its none of my business....stay out of it?

Honestly I would beat the DOG **** outta him. Hate when cowards abuse women.

Then again I'm 6'5 250+ w/ hands...

That wouldn't necessarily stop him and could easily escalate the situation even further.

It'd be one thing if the chick was his girl and they lived together

After the beat down how do you think the coward would react? Could easily bring a gun into the situation. Could beat the chick even more
A keeper - intelligent, funny, kind hearted, beautiful, confident, driven

I can probably list more but those above are pretty much requirements
I would think the correlation between being about that gun life and being about that woman beater life to be pretty high
Obvious answer is to leave that broad in the wind. No p is worth dealing with a situation like that, so many variables that could lead to nothing but trouble. Can't speak for anyone but my future >>>>> any of these broads I'm out here cramming. Leaving shouldn't even be a question imo.
How do you not think about a gun? All that aside these dudes usually have strong emotions tied to the the women they abuse. Strong emotions and an unstable dude is a potent mix. Talking bout hands, smh.
You know how many dudes is doing 25+ over females?

Not thinking about that gunplay could have you in a real situation.
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How do you not think about a gun? All that aside these dudes usually have strong emotions tied to the the women they abuse. Strong emotions and an unstable dude is a potent mix. Talking bout hands, smh.

stuff like this is why i keep a NO baby mammas policy, unless the kid is my age or pops died.

if you are already in deep with this chick and want to protect her you can throw on a cape and let her stay with you for a week or two. I don't know anyone who would want to deal with that drama though. Just file a police report. that's what they are there for. I'd rather them be getting drunk woman beaters off the street, than giving me speeding tickets. I get it though. It's emotional. Kid grows up with a parent in jail and whatnot. 

If these yambs care enough about ol' boy not to call the cops. then they aren't really your yambs. that's a cheating/ rape incident waiting to happen. Not worth it. tell her to stop being naive and protect herself and her child. He can always come back.
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Keep doing yA thing young rare. U ever get that chick that was showing you attention at school ?
Nah, she was extremely shy and didn't even know how to carry the conversation with me. I ended up talking up her friend, that took a turn for the worse. Nonetheless, she's the only female on my lineup besides this girl who've I've had a past with.
@SurgeV1 Son I hope you went to the Oklahoma game with the win from TCU!
It was a great weekend, even went thru UTA for a warehouse party.
I keep thinking about this one shorty in my math class, she asked me if i passed the test and I said nah imma retake it after you & she looked like she wanted to tell me something but didn't cuz the professor was all in our convo , so... she didn't, lol. idk it was odd. Am I thinking too much into it fellas ? :lol:
Over thinking-over analysis is the by product of a past trauma that you don't want to happen again. It could be a repressive thought from your childhood all the way up to your first heartbreak or disappointment. Stop trying to break down every little intricacies of a conversation and just say what is on your mind. The worst anything, anybody can do is say "No". You will not die from rejection but your spirit will die from all the "What-Ifs" if you continue down that path. Nobody wants rejection or wants to feel pain but you can't take it personally if a girl says no, pretend boyfriend or whatever excuse/game she tries to play. Say your piece, take it in stride and keep living. There will always be times where over thinking can save your life but asking a girl out is not one of those times(unless she has a crazy ex boyfriend)..
Just do your thing young men and flourish.
One more thing, how in the hell does a girl blackmail you on an"emotional affair"?
How do you let one become so powerful in their resolve to even let those words of "dry" snitching come out their mouths. This all goes back to communicating with your partner, even if it will cause them pain. Sit down and tell your lady the truth. It's better to just man up, speak your truth and let the chips fall where they may. I'll be damn if some woman threatens me on some boo-boo to my wife.
Never put yourself in a position where some woman can threaten to break up your home or relationship. We all hurt each other in friendship/relationships but honesty([emoji]128175[/emoji]) will always be your greatest defense/offense. Give that person the opportunity to digest the problem instead of having them look like a fool in these streets. That's how people get hurt and want revenge.
One more thing, how in the hell does a girl blackmail you on an"emotional affair"?
How do you let one become so powerful in their resolve to even let those words of "dry" snitching come out their mouths. This all goes back to communicating with your partner, even if it will cause them pain. Sit down and tell your lady the truth. It's better to just man up, speak your truth and let the chips fall where they may. I'll be damn if some woman threatens me on some boo-boo to my wife.
Never put yourself in a position where some woman can threaten to break up your home or relationship. We all hurt each other in friendship/relationships but honesty([emoji]128175[/emoji]) will always be your greatest defense/offense. Give that person the opportunity to digest the problem instead of having them look like a fool in these streets. That's how people get hurt and want revenge.

Hindsight is 50/50, in some relationships chicks would rather hear you let a girl top you than to hear that you told another girl you love them. I already told the girl that idgaf what she does she's not ruining anything off of some words :lol: but the reality is I'm upset because I wanted to keep her around and now I have to get rid of her for overstepping :smh: blessing in disguise now I can officially work on my relationship with no distractions
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