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Just asking you fambs advice on a situation at hand(maybe lengthy)...
Im in nursing school(going well), there is this chick that caught my eye, keep in mind i take an extra class thats orientation besides my nursing classes. So i messaged the chick in my class since we all added each other on fbook, about a paper due in my class. i was like would you do it for me? She was like whats in it for me? So i didnt want to have a harrassment charge against me lol so i said how does $15 sound? She was like deal.. So she wrote it and typed it and i asked her about grabbing a bite to eat on a day we dont have class so she was like yeah.. So we started bumping gums about whats good to eat etc.. So the day came to give her the money for the paper and i kinda added a refresher by asking her if she wanted to grab some grub the next day, she was like well tomorrow im gonna lay up all day but keep in mind i told her dont make grabbing dinner a priority, so i wouldnt seem to desperate. She seemed kinda curious to why i asked her to write it for me.. I remeber on break at school her chatting with another student about how her ex was face timing some chick for about 4hrs.. So should i try again after all of our exams are out of the way? I really dont want to press for a date to make her seem pushed, just a "grab" a movie number.. Im not ready for a serious relationship because indont know if the chick will make it to next semester..footnote(im negro-american, chick is caucasian she rides horses,kinda bout that farm life,) just wondering if id be a pest by asking..
Wait, but every woman should realize how good they look. Always.

I mean, I know how good I look, so I definitely wouldn't want any insecurity issues there. (Although, it's quite common. Mostly them thinking I'm doing stuff behind their backs when most of the time I'm not, if I'm committed and we give ourselves somewhat of a title.)

I used to have to legit send my ex picture updates of what I was doing and where I was at (most of the time at the library of my school :smh: )

It's whatever.

There's a difference between letting a girl find her hidden beauty and turning a girl into a ****.

This dude wants his girl to dress like a skank so he can show her off to other guys.
@lbrigs Honestly imo if she was talking about being laid up all day. She probably wants you to plan out everything. Not just wing it. Like have a plan in morion and sort of TELL her what youre going to do. Yall both seem too busy to be doing the. "Well what do you want to do" game.

Go to her and be like I was thinking lunch here. Then well go get coffee or drinks here
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So my grabbing a bite to eat want enough? I was thinking maybe she wanted to cope about ol dude or whatever, like some ppl have a hard time detactching from ppl.. They tend to run behind ppl for a while.. She seems semi chilled now, she made brownies or whatever
Damn. Im spazzing lol didnt mean to submit that by itself, but i was thinking race could be partially the shakyness. Maybe im wrong.
You need to approach her with confidence. Which from the tone of your posts you seem to be lacking.
Its kinda rough with peeps standing around.. I dont want to make her uncomfy around ppl, to me it seems like asking around peeps would automatically elicit a nah...
Ex messaged me today " i want to be with you but im scared" "i want to spend the rest of my life with you , but not for a few years"   "im not sorry for anything that happend, i dont know what i want" SMH , haven't talked to her in a  bit after all that **** she did to me and she sends me this, got a date tomorrow with a beautiful euro girl, dont need that trouble anymore.

SWERVE. You know the rules my dude..flourish with these other chicks and leave the EX in the past.
To fear the unknown is doing a disservice to the life you lead everyday. There is no such thing as being "pushy" to women. Either they are down for the play or they are not. All the excuses in your head will kill your momentum not only with the ladies but with whatever future goals or endeavors you want to accomplish in your life. If you ask a girl out and she says "No", take the L gracefully and continue on. It's her lost and I am pretty sure there are other girls around campus to talk to and date. The time is now. You are not guaranteed another breathe so worrying about race or reaction from this young lady is just setting imaginary road blocks to you flourishing. The only time you really need to worry about those things is when you are wifing somebody up and even then, if a girl doesn't have a strong back bone to deal with the disapprovement of the outside worlds influence, let that go and proceed on to someone stronger.
Stop creating barriers with these ladies and just do it.
Treat every interaction with a woman like your dream job. Come dress to impress, nice firm handshake, clear/loud articulation of your words and why you are choosing this company, sell your strengths and finally close with a reaffirmation that letting you pass by would be a detrimental lost to your potential employer..
you see her potiential.... pushing her to make that kinentic aint Good homie u gonna lose tha and downgrade to a nickel 

if u see it but she dont, thats on her homie let her live, goddamn 

and  i had my first IPA last night, twisted bruh 
I don't think it's an issue she doesn't see, I think she knows she looks good but is uncomfortable with exposing clothing. Like these guys have said don't turn this lady into a lady of the evening. Tell her what you like and wait for her to ease into it all
So my grabbing a bite to eat want enough? I was thinking maybe she wanted to cope about ol dude or whatever, like some ppl have a hard time detactching from ppl.. They tend to run behind ppl for a while.. She seems semi chilled now, she made brownies or whatever

I was kind of saying it like be more exact to what you want to do.. not just. hey do you want to grab dinner.
so I'm planning to get at this one girl that's in my class, tomorrow. How? Like, I can't just walk in & do it during class. And like I said earlier, she took off last class lmao, by the time I got outside, she was already way off. Any ideas? Really thinking about just trying to catch her (somehow) after. Lol

so I'm planning to get at this one girl that's in my class, tomorrow. How? Like, I can't just walk in & do it during class. And like I said earlier, she took off last class lmao, by the time I got outside, she was already way off. Any ideas? Really thinking about just trying to catch her (somehow) after. Lol
tell her in class to wait behind  a lil
so I'm planning to get at this one girl that's in my class, tomorrow. How? Like, I can't just walk in & do it during class. And like I said earlier, she took off last class lmao, by the time I got outside, she was already way off. Any ideas? Really thinking about just trying to catch her (somehow) after. Lol

Get your middle school swag on! Pass her a note!

Check yes or no. :smokin
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Get your middle school swag on! Pass her a note!

Check yes or no. :smokin

Lol I really contemplated doing this the other night. Still might do it next week in class 8)

I'm actually being serious...

Ofcourse you gotta "read" the girl first. But some girls think it's cute!

Used to use this as a ice breaker in College. A simple "Whats your name?" and "Why are you sitting alone... come sit next to me on our break!" Did the trick!

But don't go passing notes the whole class.... Because that's just lame!
so I'm planning to get at this one girl that's in my class, tomorrow. How? Like, I can't just walk in & do it during class. And like I said earlier, she took off last class lmao, by the time I got outside, she was already way off. Any ideas? Really thinking about just trying to catch her (somehow) after. Lol
Get to class early(if you can) and try to sit in her general vicinity, so if you can't get at her in class at least you have a chance of getting at her before she Usain Bolts out the door.
Just approach her..
"I always notice you in class and think you are very pretty but it seems you are always in a rush. By the way my name is____. I don't want to take too much of your time but could i walk you to your next class. Don't worry I'm not a creeper(laugh). I was just introducing myself in hopes that we could meet one day for a beverage"..
You can condense that but use that as a blueprint for approaching her, or you can do what Hawaii said or the good old" can I borrow a piece of paper/pen or do you have the notes from the last class"...
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Oh yes! The "Do you have notes from last class?" worked like a charm...

Sit next to girl and ask for notes...

Grab notes and pretend to copy them down...

10 seconds later, stop writing and just be like "Okay, I'm sorry but I lied... I already have the notes... But I just wanted to get your attention!"

Goodluck famb! Just be confident and be creative!
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I remember one time in college, I had this bad girl in my class. Watched her for a couple week but I ended up dropping the class. I saw her a bit before the first exam, So I invited her to study for the exam.

I basically studied with this girl for two days for a class I didn't have. She was cute , but the time I wasted for yambs ( which ended up being sub par.)
Or just make sure you're in a group with an attractive girl. Contact info needs to be exchanged in a group.

Last week, instead of texting this girl about research papers, I was texting her the lyrics to Slob on my Knob. When I got to "lick on my butt", she said she wanted to do that to me and I would like it :smh: :lol:
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