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What happen trip

I text and talk to this chick damn near the whole day I'm at work... We're moving our location so I didn't reply to her for a few hours and she gets pissed.

It's always the quiet, one word answer treatment, then gotta take 20 mins to figure what you're mad about
Someone drop them light funny reconcile text openers from no contact with a girl in a few months....in my PM box 
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Damn, you must love her. It's gotta be one of those alcohol fueled anything goes intense nights.
nah... This was a jump...

Myself and the main will get drunk and have sex for homecoming...

.its at the end of October. I'll try it then..

I just wanted to try on a jump first.
I'm mad Yambily

I was watching Mindy Project with my gf (tbh it has its moments of lulz). And the episode was focused on PIIHB.  So my girl jokingly at first says so was it really an accident when I "missed" a few times and it was only an accident once, the rest were trying my luck. It was only 2-3 times but it really ticked her off. Now she saying how her opinion and what she wants dont matter cuz she never wanted to do it at all.

I'm not a booty goon NT..I just wanted to try it.
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This damn woman gets mad over the smallest ****, man


All women bruh

Last Saturday my chick got mad that I didn't text her good morning when I got up and instead posted about college football on Facebook - It was like 7AM.

She later admitted she was 100% wrong
So I go the social security administration office today and come to find out that the location had moved. I hop out the car to get the information of the new location. This older chick rolls up and asks to use my phone since hers was dead. When she was through I ask her for her number, and since the location moved, I ask her if monday would be able to take me with her to new location she said yea. She seemed like she was down, how should I play this? I feel like hittin her up tonite.
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nah... This was a jump...

Myself and the main will get drunk and have sex for homecoming...

.its at the end of October. I'll try it then..

I just wanted to try on a jump first.
 Huh? You need to test out putting a finger in a girl's butt before doing it on your 'main?'  Your 'main' a LDR or something? I'm confused why you gotta wait until the end of October...
Never met a girl who didn't like a thumb in their butt while getting from behind and I never want to.
:lol:  Huh? You need to test out putting a finger in a girl's butt before doing it on your 'main?'  Your 'main' a LDR or something? I'm confused why you gotta wait until the end of October...

I rarely drink...

So at the end of October, its homecoming, and I'm drinking then.

In regards to trying something, who wants to be inexperienced at anything with a chick they really care about?

I don't want to do it wrong so I wanted to practice on a jump.

I'm not trying to poke too hard, too soft, wrong finger, etc.
I rarely drink...

So at the end of October, its homecoming, and I'm drinking then.

In regards to trying something, who wants to be inexperienced at anything with a chick they really care about?

I don't want to do it wrong so I wanted to practice on a jump.

I'm not trying to poke too hard, too soft, wrong finger, etc.
Oh okay I see on the drinking front, makes sense.  But son you can't be talking about really caring about a girl and in the same sentence talking about putting your fingers in the butts of jumps 
 Anyways, every girl is gonna react differently.  From my experience if you stroking and ease a finger in the butt its all love.  if she's not into it she's gonna stop you soon as you get to circling that area.  I find it difficult to beleive you've never put a finger in a girls booty lol 
Oh okay I see on the drinking front, makes sense.  But son you can't be talking about really caring about a girl and in the same sentence talking about putting your fingers in the butts of jumps :lol:  Anyways, every girl is gonna react differently.  From my experience if you stroking and ease a finger in the butt its all love.  if she's not into it she's gonna stop you soon as you get to circling that area.  I find it difficult to beleive you've never put a finger in a girls booty lol 
how can't I?

I care about one chick.. But I have jumps.

I want to please the chick I care about...

I want to use the jumps as trial run...

Not sure how that doesn't make sense.

But I'm going to try it with another jump... The first one doesn't really get too wet... But this second one is waterfalls...

So I'm going to have some loob.
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