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TBH I'm not feeling guilty.
I'm feeling like I should've handled the conversation a lot better.
I spoke to her today and she was open to hearing what I had to say.
It's just that I came at her so strong and it was kind of dramatic tbh that the whole thing went left before it could begin.
So I'm gonna take the L and I apologized for blowing up and not really talking to her about it but I never said I shouldn't have had those thoughts.
So we're all the way back yet but she at least has heard me.

It's like I've heard in hear over and over again..the man is supposed to be cool at all times. I wasn't that that night.
what happened that night?? What did you say?

I got so off topic so fast. 

I said "Am I in this alone? Cuz I feel like I'm the only one who was being open about our relationship."

Literally that's all I got out and it went left.

The problem was that I came at it on some emotional ish rather than tackling the facts.

From there, I started saying some wild emotional ish like "She wasn't putting in as much effort into it as I was. "(which I know is false) and "She treats it like we're a secret." (also false...even people I've only met in passing know about us apparently. Her fam knows about me too..a fact I conveniently forgot about)

So because I approached it in that way rather than sticking to facts things went completely off track.

I was so beside myself (I can't lie...NT got me riled up as ****) that I let myself lose control.

So I apologized for that and took that L.  But as far saying the situation was wasn't sus...nah I'm not gonna say that.

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Coromanti Coromanti she's playing you bruh. Take a step back and ask yourself what happened, inside you know the truth. Don't be an idiot bro. Hate to be blunt but sometimes it's the only way to get thru.

I've been the other guy in that situation before. Not trying to brag it just is what it is. Chick was facetiming her man and dude saw me crawl into bed with her in the background. She swore up and down nobody was with her and he was trippin. The way she lied with such conviction and passion still blows my mind to this day. Had dude second guessing himself and feeling sorry for how he came at her. Eventually she lost all respect for him because of that and he still wanted to be with her. Twisted
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Atlanta women are so aggressive.

I love it.
man....atlanta women will put they want the d up front and be like 'so whats up?'. only thing i couldn't stand was walking around the mall and chicks dead staring at me like I had a third eye
Long distance will have anyone losing their minds. Don't blame you Don. It happens to the best of us.
yea, remember this chick i was foolin' with in college. thought everything was cool and was joking around with her when she went to this concert with this dude. She hit me with "nah, it's not like that he's just my friend but he did try to talk to me before but i don't like him" we laughed it off and a month later, which was about a week before i would be back in town, i see on facebook her and ol dude in a relationship. talmbout somebody lost and confused and hurt bruh.

my homies and a few of my homegirls was telling me to drop ol girl out my memory banks but i was too confused to really let her go. we still fooled around when i got up there but a lil bit of my trust was gone from her still.

Females lie bruh and they can be way more passionate about that lie and will convince you the common sense you thinkin' don't make sense
@Don Adidada she's playing you bruh. Take a step back and ask yourself what happened, inside you know the truth. Don't be an idiot bro. Hate to be blunt but sometimes it's the only way to get thru.

I've been the other guy in that situation before. Not trying to brag it just is what it is. Chick was facetiming her man and dude saw me crawl into bed with her in the background. She swore up and down nobody was with her and he was trippin. The way she lied with such conviction and passion still blows my mind to this day. Had dude second guessing himself and feeling sorry for how he came at her. Eventually she lost all respect for him because of that and he still wanted to be with her. Twisted
Thing is I'm not second guessing myself. I'm just apologizing for how I handled it. Whether or not she did something and I actually believe they didn't I still have to apologize for my behavior because that is not the person that I am and aspire to to be. I aim to be like Ricky Fontaine and Mugen...they keep calm and collected in the situations they face. So the apology is not only for her benefit but for me. Cuz I need to get better at approaching confrontation without losing my head.
Long distance will have anyone losing their minds. Don't blame you Don. It happens to the best of us.
Yea...its tough but I'm working on it.
I messed with this girl back in the day and we've known each other for years. It was just a strictly sex and we went biking every now and then. Anyways we go our separate ways and we stay friends cause she finds a bf, and I find a gf. She eventually had a kid with the guy.

I go on and off with my girl. And I try hitting the old girl up but she wasn't feeling it.

Me and my girl now have a kid together and the old girl is now Trying to just be my side piece again. Lol. I guess cause now that I have a kid. We are on the same level FOH.

I love my son enough to not go after some yambs.

After experiencing the birth of my son and what me and my girl went through. Nothing is worth cheating on my girl.

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It's just like y'all said, work on me, improve my star player. All of that.

I trust her, I know yall have encountered scumbag girls and guys, and you may have even been the scumbag at one point, but she sniffs out BS real fast so I'm going to trust her.

"She playing you famb"

"Dont let her turn it around on you"

"You gonna learn the hard way"

"Dis N blinded by love"

I get it. I understand what you all are saying and I will gladly say you all were right if and when the time comes. But for now, I'm gonna stay with her.

No dis to NT because you guys helped me get her in the first place, but a lot of the advice on here drove me nuts so I'm gonna take a brake as far as that type of advice is concerned.

Feel me?
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^ Seems like it's for the best. You know the inner workings of your relationship better than anyone else. Advice should be taken with a grain of salt, like giving you a starting point or providing a different perspective. Not meant to be followed to a tee.
It's just like y'all said, work on me, improve my star player. All of that.
I trust her, I know yall have encountered scumbag girls and guys, and you may have even been the scumbag at one point, but she sniffs out BS real fast so I'm going to trust her.

"She playing you famb"
"Dont let her turn it around on you"
"You gonna learn the hard way"
"Dis N blinded by love"

I get it. I understand what you all are saying and I will gladly say you all were right if and when the time comes. But for now, I'm gonna stay with her.

No dis to NT because you guys helped me get her in the first place, but a lot of the advice on here drove me nuts so I'm gonna take a brake as far as that type of advice is concerned.

Feel me?

Yeah, when asking for advice, you need to understand a lot of NT is either trolling or very jaded and bitter about women (or they freak out if they aren't in complete control of their lady). People always assume the worst. At the end of the day, you're the only one that knows your girl for real. You only give us snippets of your relationship. You seem to be handling the situation well now tho.
Unless you know everything about a relationship it is very hard to comment on it, even your best friend, or some one that knows everything will never truly know how YOU feel.

Gotta keep that in mind. That's why advice isn't everything.
Just to be "that" guy for a minute[emoji]128516[/emoji]
I think a lot of people are giving the friend too much pull. Not every guy, like I told him in his intial post are on that Mr.Steal Your Girl steeze. Personally I don't believe men/women can be friends( explained that before too).
At the end of it all, things will come to light, all the Homie can do is believe her on his own merit or not.
That's why it's imperative to love self and stop chasing and investing so much time into getting yambs.
"**** happens,people change"..
Enjoy the time you had(even if it hurts like hell once the leave) and keep living and learning.

He's not stealing her! He doesnt even know she's taken. And it's a long distance relatonship too? Dude there is like 0.00001% chance sex didn't happen that night. Any of those details just on its own might be fine but the totality of those things, c'mon bruh
All love bruh. I understand now and I've been there. I might just be paranoid because of being the fool before and trying too hard to avoid it again
^ Seems like it's for the best. You know the inner workings of your relationship better than anyone else. Advice should be taken with a grain of salt, like giving you a starting point or providing a different perspective. Not meant to be followed to a tee.
hi bae :wow:
DonAdidas, do ya thing man. Be safe and stay calm. Have fun and enjoy it. Learn from whatever mistakes you make and situations you go through. That's just facts of life

To switch up the mood in TAY, a question on health. Any of y'all girls got yeast issues?
DonAdidas, do ya thing man. Be safe and stay calm. Have fun and enjoy it. Learn from whatever mistakes you make and situations you go through. That's just facts of life

To switch up the mood in TAY, a question on health. Any of y'all girls got yeast issues?
nah, i reckon she had some while she was preg but she ain't tell me (don't mind that part tho cause i wouldn't have wanted to hear it lol) UTI every now and again tho
nah, i reckon she had some while she was preg but she ain't tell me (don't mind that part tho cause i wouldn't have wanted to hear it lol) UTI every now and again tho

For some reason back when I was young I use to think that if a girl had yeast issues, she was a *** off rip. Turns out that it's all just science.

Is it u safe to eat the box during that situation?
For some reason back when I was young I use to think that if a girl had yeast issues, she was a *** off rip. Turns out that it's all just science.

Is it u safe to eat the box during that situation?

It's not a good idea but it's not life or death or whatever. Havent researched in awhile but I think it's possible for you to catch it.

If she gets it often, try to help her figure out the root of the problem. It is just science and it's just body stuff - but there are ways to help avoid it and regulate that area lol.
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