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Bros. It was my birthday on Saturday.
Took a trip out to Atlantic City, NJ with my boys and spent the weekend out there. I also had a homegirl bring her friends so we had about 10 people all together.

Needless to say, my homegirl gave up the box super quick. It may have been the best sex ever. But it freaked me out when she wanted me to shoot up the club...I ended up doing it twice. No damns given.

Best birthday ever. Now my johnson is super sore. A1 weekend. :smokin

Wait, ,you smashed your homegirl?

We knew what we were doing so I'm not even calling it a mistake.
She's on BC and we went to get her Plan B the next morning just in case.

So we'll see.
I pulled out of girl last night and she immediately asked why, told me she has the device inside of her lol.
just got dumped for the first time

feels badman

i don't believe in karma, but i went out last night and got with 2 girls. then she dumps me today. don't cheat NTers. you won't approach your own relationship like you need to and address problems correctly in your relationship since you'll just rely on ratchets to make you forget about it.

i let a special person get away from me NT. one that i dreamed about having the chance with for years. and finally had her willing to give me everything and her whole entire life....and its lost.
Come on. You sure you're not overreacting about this girl because she dumped you? You cheated on her. Even before she found out, she dumped you. Clearly there were issues there. Is this really the only girl that could make you happy? Someone you saw yourself getting engaged with in a year?
Thanks to the people that have been taking time to read. I'm in a ****** and confused place right now and I need support and advice.

I've realized I wasn't ready for a serious relationship. The problem is deep. It's that I still have a lot left to learn about myself, and need to be at a place where I feel secure and comfortable, before I have the strength to take someone else on. I have to explore the world beyond superficial scenes. I need to figure out exactly how I can make myself happiest in life without depending on someone else (I'm currently a bio major and doing well, but don't see it making me happy.)

My main problem in the relationship was insecurity. Before and during the relationship, I depended on random hookups to be bandaids for it. But I realize that's weakness, and security and comfort with oneself is something that comes from within.

I need to meet people that give my misfit soul a semblance of belonging that I don't feel with most of my current friends.

I put on this outward cool comfortable appearance that can attract women, but when trying to develop a deep relationship, the problems that I have within me come out. I didn't have close friends growing up, I wasn't good at anything, not attractive, was too introverted for the few girls that showed interest, and I was picked on badly. These all created a recipe for insecurity. I spent my years after high school chasing girls and in the process set myself back in life so badly. I'm now 25 with years of undergrad left which is extremely isolating.

I always felt that being an "ugly duckling" developed people in the best way. It forced me develop an interesting personality, cool style, sense of humor, and wit. And I grew into a relatively good-looking dude. But with all of that, it brought about a series of complexes in me.

I've decided that until I achieve these things that I'll put off serious relationships. If I meet anyone that I really like, I'll try to maintain a platonic relationship while they understand I need to get things together internally before we ruin something with potential to be special.
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Thanks to the people that have been taking time to read. I'm in a ****** and confused place right now and I need support and advice.

I've realized I wasn't ready for a serious relationship. The problem is deep. It's that I still have a lot left to learn about myself, and need to be at a place where I feel secure and comfortable, before I have the strength to take someone else on. I have to explore the world beyond superficial scenes. I need to figure out exactly how I can make myself happiest in life without depending on someone else (I'm currently a bio major and doing well, but don't see it making me happy.)

My main problem in the relationship was insecurity. Before and during the relationship, I depended on random hookups to be bandaids for it. But I realize that's weakness, and security and comfort with oneself is something that comes from within.

I need to meet people that give my misfit soul a semblance of belonging that I don't feel with most of my current friends.

I put on this outward cool comfortable appearance that can attract women, but when trying to develop a deep relationship, the problems that I have within me come out. I didn't have close friends growing up, I wasn't good at anything, not attractive, was too introverted for the few girls that showed interest, and I was picked on badly. These all created a recipe for insecurity. I spent my years after high school chasing girls and in the process set myself back in life so badly. I'm now 25 with years of undergrad left which is extremely isolating.

I always felt that being an "ugly duckling" developed people in the best way. It forced me develop an interesting personality, cool style, sense of humor, and wit. And I grew into a relatively good-looking dude. But with all of that, it brought about a series of complexes in me.

I've decided that until I achieve these things that I'll put off serious relationships. If I meet anyone that I really like, I'll try to maintain a platonic relationship while they understand I need to get things together internally before we ruin something with potential to be special.

You see this sounds a lot more reasonable. When you think like this, this is when you can make actual progress. When you equate happiness to one woman in the world, the real issues stay buried. When you accept your flaws and understand that you need to work on them, you don't band-aid them with friends, one night stands, or relationships.

You seem to have the right mentality. Not everyone is truly ready for a relationship but don't let that hold you back from forming connections. Focus on yourself - physically, mentally, emotionally and in progressing towards your goals - and the other stuff falls into the place. It takes time and it's not as easy as some of these OGs make it seem - but just taking steps towards improvement makes a huge difference.
I think ur handling it pretty well.

It's tough, but try not to think about all the good times you had/ stuff you had planned/ future with her etc...

Also don't think about how you screwed up and the "what ifs". That's been the worst part for me.
All I know is whatever the correct outcome, or the one that your sane mind desires, pretty much the only way to get there is move on like it's truly over. Took me less than a month to achieve what I couldn't in almost 2 yrs, mental freedom. I would keep holding on, even a little bit like "I'm all good now, lemme try again". Doesn't work like that.
All I know is whatever the correct outcome, or the one that your sane mind desires, pretty much the only way to get there is move on like it's truly over. Took me less than a month to achieve what I couldn't in almost 2 yrs, mental freedom. I would keep holding on, even a little bit like "I'm all good now, lemme try again". Doesn't work like that.

How did that finally come in one month?
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