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Don, i agree with your boy. He can obviously go back to random dates and if she deleted hers. Thats how relationships start. Trust.
how do you drop a side chick? my ex dumped me (for having side chicks) and now we just got back together after about 2 months...do i just stop texting them or what
If you propose to a chick, and she doesn't cry (out of happiness) is it safe to say you should take the L?

If she said yes, that's all that matters.

If she doesn't want it, you'll know. She'll hesitate... not crying doesn't mean crap. :lol:
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The thirst for attention/ego boost is real.

A few weeks ago, a girl told me about a restaurant. I was going to go and asked if she wanted to accompany me. She never replied. I left it alone after that. Food was descent.

Over the weekend, she sent me a long text message apologizing. She said that she forgot about my text message. Asked if I wanted to go to the movies with her. I didn't have plans so I said I would come with. She didn't reply again.

I guess she needed that confidence boost.

Dare i call u thirsty?
Dudes have already said they are slowing down on the stories to "mature" the thread.

Thread should be on fire with summer time stories.

The day your fellow tall yamb getter turns his back on you...
Yeah, there's a reason I haven't posted any stories in months. I just share them with the NTers I know IRL via text lol.
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