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I'm just going to keep playing it cool since she said she's starting to like me more than the other guy. She said I almost gave her an orgasm just from how I was kissing her around her neck/ears. We made breakfast together in the am and she was calling me "baby". I think it's just a matter of time. Only potential misstep I made was told her I'm not looking for a relationship or anything serious. And she seemed a little puzzled by that and was asking me why not. Told her I'm just not right now I've been in serious relationships past 4 years. Then get this, she asks me to please tell her if I sleep with another girl. Told her that was a little backwards since we're not even sleeping together yet. She said "no haha. Don't take offense to anything I ask you don't have to answer if you don't want". Also she thinks I'm mean/a jerk for whatever reason and said its weird she's so attracted to me but maybe it's good for her because usually she likes really vanilla guys and not the bad boys.
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^ why are you even kissing, spending the night and making breakfast with this girl?

You trying to make her your girl?

Henny I got love for you but where in the hell are you meeting these bubble heads at?
Is the dating game that messed up out here?
After she Blessed you, toss her to the bushes.
Maybe that's just the old school in me/my generation but a brotha doesn't have time for all the head games and bs excuses.
Damn I thought henny got the yambs :\

was walking at the mall and some lady came out of forever 21 with her small dog and it came to sniff me and shes like oh sorry he was leading me to the foood court and i was like, nah i think hes leading you to me and she blushed :lol:

if only she wasnt married :evil:

You macking on blind broads bruh?
I see where Henny is coming from he is trying to smash just because she said he couldnt. He tryna conquer the yambs :smokin

But at the same time she playing hard to get and telling you about the other dude being her best ever :x

If you dont have anything else going on do you but i wouldnt put too much energy into the situation.
Every man likes a challenge but once somebody tells me another dude is better at handling her plumbing, I moving on[emoji]128512[/emoji]
That's why I always say"Self comes before these females"
There is no reason for any man/woman to chase sex. Casual sex can be had in abundance(especially now), so why waste life force on females like this. You got fellatio, move on to the next.
I know that sounds harsh but come on son, cooking breakfast with this bubble head..
Naw, she would have politely been escorted from the primises and a Uber(back then a cab) would have been waiting and I'm back to bed[emoji]128512[/emoji]
But every generation and man plays the game different..
Play on[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
Yea it's mad disrespectful for a chick to talk about another dude she's ******* around you. She seems to be only using you for the attention. I can probably bet that other guy ain't making her breakfast and doing all that lovey dovey ****
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Yea it's mad disrespectful for a chick to talk about another dude she's ******* around you. She seems to be only using you for the attention. I can probably bet that other guy ain't making her breakfast and doing all that lovey dovey ****

Tyrone cooking breakfast ? :rofl:
:rofl: I didn't wake up and make her breakfast in bed. We woke up together I made bacon, she made eggs and cut some fruit up. Gotta eat.

I see where you all are coming from though. I can tell this girl is really into me. Maybe she wants to make sure I'm worth it before moving from other dude to me and really is about that having sex with one guy life. Giving me head could be her way of keeping me in the picture for now. It's cool though, I'm not putting in any extra effort and still talking with other girls. The head was pretty great too so I'm not even mad.

I am gonna fall back off her this week though.
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Tyrone piping. Henny loving. As soon as Tyrone leave, she'll slide up in Henny.

And Henny, even if this chick was potential is his really how you want it to be how you met? If she choosing between and can't doesn't choose you, you need to get to stepping. She's really comfortable with you, do you really think she's telling Tyrone about you? Or if he even cares? He's probably just in for the smash and will leave once it's over.
Gives head but diesnt wanna b with ttwo guys at once
She a certified garden tool

Drop her before ur feelings are hurt papi
Gives head but diesnt wanna b with ttwo guys at once
She a certified garden tool

Drop her before ur feelings are hurt papi
This. She is smashing one dude when she is with him and giving you mouth when you're with her and wont give you the yambs because she thinks the honorable thing is to only smash one dude at a time ? What kind of backwards logic is that.
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Imagine you and her start dating or whatever, whats going to stop her from doing what shes doing with you , with whatever guy throws her a message? Tyrone probably with one of his side chicks and shes craving attention. You got the dome , now leave her be, unless you want headaches and heartbreak.
Maybe she wants to make sure I'm worth it before moving from other dude to me and really is about that having sex with one guy life. Giving me head could be her way of keeping me in the picture for now.

You giving her wayyyy too much power in this situation.
I know you said your going to fall back but my man toss her *** into the bushes ASAP. Don't even contemplate having another conversation with the bish. If she is this bold to tell you some mess like this.
Also it's not even about making breakfast, it's the principle. This broad talking about great sex with another dude and then back doors and is eating your food. Man if that ain't the most disrespectful/trill ish I've heard.
I mean I've been through it, so I can laugh at it now. Trust if you just read this back to yourself, guarantee you will laugh and that you are tripping[emoji]128512[/emoji][emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
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If im not mistaken Henny has a girl already out of town. He isnt trying to get into a relationship with her so he doesnt really care about what she may or may not do in the future. It really comes down to time and effort from where im sitting. Is she worth his time and effort? Only he really knows the answer to that

Mugen is that real og that tells you everything you dont wanna hear but you know its the damn truth lmao
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If im not mistaken Henny has a girl already out of town. He isnt trying to get into a relationship with her so he doesnt really care about what she may or may not do in the future. It really comes down to time and effort from where im sitting. Is she worth his time and effort? Only he really knows the answer to that

Mugen is that real og that tells you everything you dont wanna hear but you know its the damn truth lmao

I have a girl who is a lot finer and more honorable than this chick. Suber can vouch for that. She's abroad until end of July though.

I'm not putting much effort into this girl at all. If I can have a booty call and get some whenever I want and maybe even smash eventually I'm with it though. Something to keep me entertained for the summer.

At the very least it's got the thread moving again :rofl:
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I think a lot of yall misinterpreted Hennessey Initial story, he never said dude was giving her good pipe so she's sticking with it... That would really be Bass Ackwards

she started talking to other dude a little before Henn, started having sex with him and doesn't want to have sex with 2 dudes at the same...
lol and yall don't act like yall don't ever say Head isn't cheating...
-word to Andre 3000-

I see where a lot of yall coming from but as Henn said he already has a girl, he's just using her for yambs..

shes the one getting attached. im sure henn will do the right thing and drop before that happens.
I know this question been asked a million times but let's be honest it's different when you are the one in that situation lol but guys I need help what's yall opinion on dating or being with a girl that have a kid. I r always told myself I wouldn't but after having known shorty and the way she treats me man she treats me like a straight KING like I'm at a serious crossroad on what to do.
Depends if you can see yourself as a father. I feel if you want to date a girl with a kid you have to be ready to take on all responsibilities also.
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