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The fact that she brought it up so casually is concerning. Maybe that's her way of dealing with it but I'd stay away.

One of my exes was sexually assaulted and she definitely didn't bring it up so causally that early on
Nah everyone is different. Some people cope with their emotions differently...

Some stay traumatized, some make it into a joke to try to forget that it ever happened (like an argument)

To say stay away from this person because they deal with traumatic events differently than others is ridiculous, no matter how you justify it.
When you were still in contact with your ex were you smashing still? If yes, I understand your concern. If no, you're just being petty.

No he's not being petty. My ex pulled this ish on me making me dead everybody and then would still get into fights with her ex and communicate with him. When I confronted her on her hypocrisy, she said "you're not me, you chose to deal with it and still be with me" in which I tricked myself into thinking that she was right and stayed. I lost my sense of manhood during that relationship and dealt with a lot of bs.

My advice is get the hell out of that crap. The girl is crazy and has a guilty conscience about her and her ex and that's why she doesn't want you to be around yours.

It's all about fairness to me. Obviously children and some other things will be exceptions, but if they want me to do something like stop communicating with people in my life then they have tp be willing t do the same thing.


Nah everyone is different. Some people cope with their emotions differently...

Some stay traumatized, some make it into a joke to try to forget that it ever happened (like an argument)

To say stay away from this person because they deal with traumatic events differently than others is ridiculous, no matter how you justify it.

I'd say nothing wrong with realizing a difficult, mental strain situation and realizing that you're not yet ready to deal with that. She's clearly suppressing it, will you be ready when it comes out in unexpected ways even she doesn't understand? I was way too immature to deal with my ex's daddy abandonment issues, so I let it frustrate me, and in turn her when she mostly needed me to be strong. Empathy isn't enough.
When you were still in contact with your ex were you smashing still? If yes, I understand your concern. If no, you're just being petty.

No he's not being petty. My ex pulled this ish on me making me dead everybody and then would still get into fights with her ex and communicate with him. When I confronted her on her hypocrisy, she said "you're not me, you chose to deal with it and still be with me" in which I tricked myself into thinking that she was right and stayed. I lost my sense of manhood during that relationship and dealt with a lot of bs.

My advice is get the hell out of that crap. The girl is crazy and has a guilty conscience about her and her ex and that's why she doesn't want you to be around yours.

It's all about fairness to me. Obviously children and some other things will be exceptions, but if they want me to do something like stop communicating with people in my life then they have tp be willing t do the same thing.

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Yikes. But yea I was still smashing my ex but when me and shordie got more serious she brought up her concerns about my ex. My ex also new about ol girl and was nagging about her so that didnt help. So I figured it be best to cut ties. Even after, new girl still brings her up from time to time which is why I was upset abt the situation. But yea I dont think I can take this girl serious anymore which is sad cause everything was going smooth the 8+ months that we've been talking (w the exception of her complaining about my ex from time to time of course)
Idk what to do. My joint has no life. No job (she just got one but doesn't start yet) and no friends to chill wit almost everyday like i do

What does that mean? She wants to be on the dam phone all day. How unrealistic is that? Even if she calls me at the gym she dont want me to hang up. Wit my homies and she dont want me to hang up

Shes a nite owl and i dont like being up past 1230 or so. Especially when i gotta open at work, and she dead gets tight when i say I'm going to sleep

Why would she think that's a good idea? Idc who it is I'm not tryna be talking to someone all the time like that. It's so draining. Then in person shes wild crazy

Pinching me dumb hard. Of course i tell her stop but she keeps going. She tries to Crack my fingers when i say no like 5 times. She pulled a Rick james and licked the side of my face a few times

Never been so annoyed and drained in my entire life
That Rick James lick made me bust out laughing. Son you need to have a talk with her. My cousins girl is JUST like that and he doesn't even complain about it - I complain more than him. We driving, he's texting. At the mall, he's texting. At his house playing 2k, he's texting. Like son how can you be in a relationship like that? You need space, like have an actual life outside of texting/calling and just each other. 
That Rick James lick made me bust out laughing. Son you need to have a talk with her. My cousins girl is JUST like that and he doesn't even complain about it - I complain more than him. We driving, he's texting. At the mall, he's texting. At his house playing 2k, he's texting. Like son how can you be in a relationship like that? You need space, like have an actual life outside of texting/calling and just each other. 
Sometimes my girl forgets this. She has friends, but it's like I have to give her notice time in advance that I'm trying to go to the gym or hang out with a friend or just want to be at the crib by myself. Then she gets lonely and starts feeling sad then that all affects me. I love her to death but sometimes it's stressful as hell just trying to map out my week.

And I work at 9-5 right now but trying to find something better. God forbid I gotta work nights or weekends and that screws us up even more.  
That Rick James lick made me bust out laughing. Son you need to have a talk with her. My cousins girl is JUST like that and he doesn't even complain about it - I complain more than him. We driving, he's texting. At the mall, he's texting. At his house playing 2k, he's texting. Like son how can you be in a relationship like that? You need space, like have an actual life outside of texting/calling and just each other. 

Real talk man. Real talk!

 sound like you messing with a child

I really am. I like her and all but dam
took this girl out for drinks tonight, were casually talking abd she brings up that she has been raped 2 times. I didnt know what to say, i sat there in silence and she started laughing about how its n big deal and "thats life". I've never met a girl thats been raped before, but i never expected them to laugh or joke about it, or bring it up on a first date. Dropped her off and came home, im still in shock. 

I've encountered this like 5 times now. Last time was in January and now again with a different girl. I played the sympathy card in January and tried to not press on being intimate but ultimately I think it was a reason things were deaded with that one.

I just told the one now that I don't think she's any less of a person even if it makes her feel like it. And I wanna focus on the future not the past. She was a little skittish to my touch at first but I think she's warming up very quickly. Told her I wouldn't hurt her like that. And so far I'm kinda liking the loose attachment that's building she's not clingy but I think I can become a source of security for her which will make us closer.

Best advice if she's saying that's life then she has either fully repressed it to cope. But would be healthier if she eventually broke down and got those emotions out with you or a counselor.
... Or she is soo damaged that her self worth is in the pits.

All I can say is if you don't have insane chemistry with her early then just bounce. It's not worth the struggle. You'll think progress is being made and she will always reel back
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What does that mean? She wants to be on the dam phone all day. How unrealistic is that? Even if she calls me at the gym she dont want me to hang up. Wit my homies and she dont want me to hang up


So the saga continues for me. I'm coming off a lil thirsty right now gotta chill.

I got pretty drunk Sunday during the day and was texting that girl I've been seeing when I got home that night. I asked her if she wanted to chill Thursday night she said she might have plans. Then I was pretty dismissive like basically said "cool, later" or something and she asked me why I was being like this. Then I brought up again how I'm not looking for anything serious or a relationship because I just have a lot of other stuff going on right now. Like a drunken ramble. Told her I'd leave the ball in her court when she wanna hang out again, she said she has a lot of fun with me and to stop being crazy right now. I told her "I was a drunken idiot last night, my bad" yesterday morning. No response. Called her a little a bit ago partially because I wondered if she blocked my # for some reason because we unmatched on tinder. She didn't block my number but no answer. Was gonna try to set up a happy hour tomorrow or Thursday.

Man, I realize I'm doing way too much here. But I def want to keep this chick around for a couple of months. Maybe she got more serious with other dude she was seeing and is ignoring me now but she don't seem the type to just not talk to me cuz she has always told me if I don't wanna see her anymore or something to just tell her. Did unmatch on tinder though, maybe she deleted it. Hope she responds later today when she sees missed call. Otherwise I might try one more time Thursday and just forget about it if nothing pops off again over the weekend.

I know I'm buggin'. Talk some sense into me y'all.

So the saga continues for me. I'm coming off a lil thirsty right now gotta chill.

I got pretty drunk Sunday during the day and was texting that girl I've been seeing when I got home that night. I asked her if she wanted to chill Thursday night she said she might have plans. Then I was pretty dismissive like basically said "cool, later" or something and she asked me why I was being like this. Then I brought up again how I'm not looking for anything serious or a relationship because I just have a lot of other stuff going on right now. Like a drunken ramble. Told her I'd leave the ball in her court when she wanna hang out again, she said she has a lot of fun with me and to stop being crazy right now. I told her "I was a drunken idiot last night, my bad" yesterday morning. No response. Called her a little a bit ago partially because I wondered if she blocked my # for some reason because we unmatched on tinder. She didn't block my number but no answer. Was gonna try to set up a happy hour tomorrow or Thursday.

Man, I realize I'm doing way too much here. But I def want to keep this chick around for a couple of months. Maybe she got more serious with other dude she was seeing and is ignoring me now but she don't seem the type to just not talk to me cuz she has always told me if I don't wanna see her anymore or something to just tell her. Did unmatch on tinder though, maybe she deleted it. Hope she responds later today when she sees missed call. Otherwise I might try one more time Thursday and just forget about it if nothing pops off again over the weekend.

I know I'm buggin'. Talk some sense into me y'all.
you either caught feelings or youre thirsty bc you cant have what u want. Think u gotta chalk it up as an L and move on man. Asian girls are pretty hot and cold. Theyll go cold turkey on you for the littlest things.
True. I haven't full blown caught feelings but damn she's pretty chill. If only I had met her a few days sooner. Welp.

I'ma dead it.
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True. I haven't full blown caught feelings but damn she's pretty chill. If only I had met her a few days sooner. Welp.

I'ma dead it.

that right there screams you just want to hit it....that thirst...
You have probably thought to yourself, if she give bomb head like this then her sex game gotta be tight too, but you can't get it so now your mind is thirsting over it.

let it smooth out let her hit you up and just continue to do ya thang homie
True. I haven't full blown caught feelings but damn she's pretty chill. If only I had met her a few days sooner. Welp.

I'ma dead it.

that right there screams you just want to hit it....that thirst...
You have probably thought to yourself, if she give bomb head like this then her sex game gotta be tight too, but you can't get it so now your mind is thirsting over it.

let it smooth out let her hit you up and just continue to do ya thang homie

Yeah you're right. That's exactly what I'm thinking.

I was able to get back into the gym yesterday for the first time after finally recovering from a shoulder injury back in Feb. That should keep my mind off things.

Yo also, let's go out this weekend me you n suber if you're gonna be around.
Yeah you're right. That's exactly what I'm thinking.

I was able to get back into the gym yesterday for the first time after finally recovering from a shoulder injury back in Feb. That should keep my mind off things.

Yo also, let's go out this weekend me you n suber if you're gonna be around.

i'll text you later today.. We can meet up after i have that date with tinder chick
One tip also.

Unmatch the girls u hangout with on Tinder so they can't see when ur on. Also give u the line, "Oh yeah, I deleted it. Got over it..." or "Yeah I met u, of course I deleted it." Gotta play it off jokingly tho.
Fellas we gotta learn to leave the **** alone when it's time. They always end up coming back around. Remember, you are the prize not her...
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Thanks guys needed that reality check. I'll move on, if she hits me up I'll see what's good. I mean it's only been a couple days since I saw her any way.

Ecook that tip is GOLD.
I would stay away from her

took this girl out for drinks tonight, were casually talking abd she brings up that she has been raped 2 times. I didnt know what to say, i sat there in silence and she started laughing about how its n big deal and "thats life". I've never met a girl thats been raped before, but i never expected them to laugh or joke about it, or bring it up on a first date. Dropped her off and came home, im still in shock. 
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