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^Im here for you man. And the rest of the TAY fam as well I'm sure. Stay positive and try not to think about it too much until she gets the test (I know it will be difficult).
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I don't make sexual jokes until after we have sex, maybe it's just me

If a woman laughed at my sexual jokes I'm assuming she going to have sex with me

Saves me the trouble
^Youre right it is probably best to wait until after sex to make jokes like that. I thought it was innocent enough to throw out there with a wink face. I also wanted to gauge her response from it. She obviously didn't respond well :rofl: Lesson learned though, and like I said, chick seemed like more effort than I wanted to put in any way so time and money saved.
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That's good man, my ex tried the "I'm pregnant and we need to split the abortion costs" game on me. I told her I don't believe in abortions but it's your body you do what's best
Needless to say the "positive" pregnancy test she took was wrong when the blood work came in
When it comes to kids timing is everything and honestly you find out sometimes things aren't as difficult as they seem. But since both of y'all aren't ready for it I'm definetly hoping it comes back negative.

She's scared to get the test...
she is saying on thursday she's goign to go to the plan parenthood to get the actual blood work..

why she gotta make me wait bros... this sucks...
I pray she gets that period in the next day or 2.

Stay up papa. Girl been joking about a baby a lot lately, which would suck considering we're fading into a breakup. After all that time dumping, now it happens.
Wassup NT brethren, I just moved to the Bay Area from the DMV. Been lurking for a minute and seen some posts about OKC. I checked it out and ended up booking digits from this bad lil Peruvian joint. Rapped to her on FaceTime for a bit and it was smooth [emoji]128526[/emoji] I got a date with her on Sunday and don't know where to take her. Was thinking brunch(food,mimosas, and a good place to talk). Thing is I'm not from here and don't know where the **** to take her... Anybody know a spot? Or other date suggestions? She's in Hayward I'm in Palo Alto if that helps. We both whippin so as long as it's not stupid far I'm cool

Bra welcome to the bay. If she is down to come across the bridge I'd say hit downtown keep it simple but if you must travel north and u have to pick her up you might think about downtown oakland or maybe even the waterfront in Berkeley or Emeryville depending on how much you wanna spend.

Best of luck man

btw what is okc?
Man, I already know mine would make a great mother, but I'm trying to get to the point where I can comfortably take care of myself (especially financially) before we even think about kids. That's what scares me the most.

Bra welcome to the bay. If she is down to come across the bridge I'd say hit downtown keep it simple but if you must travel north and u have to pick her up you might think about downtown oakland or maybe even the waterfront in Berkeley or Emeryville depending on how much you wanna spend.

Best of luck man

btw what is okc?
Much love broheem, I'm tryna do something next weekend. Appreciate it, I'll check into those spots and okc is okcupid
^Youre right it is probably best to wait until after sex to make jokes like that. I thought it was innocent enough to throw out there with a wink face. I also wanted to gauge her response from it. She obviously didn't respond well :rofl: Lesson learned though, and like I said, chick seemed like more effort than I wanted to put in any way so time and money saved.

You weren't in the wrong AT ALL man :lol:.

If she got so put off by that very innocent sexual joke, she's not worth the hassle.

Hell, I'm even hesitant to call it "sexual" :lol:
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Tell me if I'm being petty or over-sensitive..I started talking to this girl yesterday from Tinder..We texted for a few last night and then today I texted her "How was your day" basically opening with a lil small talk before I ask her to hang out later in the week..She says her day was good and that she just cleaned up after dinner.....And that was it..She didn't say "And you?" It kind of annoyed me because why can't these females have some type of conversation or even a little common courtesy? I didn't even respond because I'm done letting females do things that annoy me and I continue to attempt it. Maybe my curve is a lil too much, but I'm just fed up and tired of ignoring red flags and in the end wasting my time.
I hadn't heard anything from Sunday in a while so I hit her up this past weekend. She asked me if I remembered the last time we spoke... I did. Called her up to see what she was doing and she was sick. We talked for a half hour or so on the phone and at the end she expressed how much it meant to her, thanked me, and told me the phone call was already making her feel better. After we got off the phone she texted me she was about to take a blunt bath. I said we should do that together sometime
, took a pic of this baby bubble bath stuff I have (that the other chick I'm seeing bought to keep in my bathroom) and sent it to her. She never responded until I hit her up again this past weekend. I guess she was offended by my invitation for a bubble bath. I don't know what else it could be. She told me she was really put off by that last conversation and I should think before speaking in the future. Wished me the best and that was it
I didn't even try to fix the situation. Told her I had fun hanging out with her and she's a cool chick. Told her I wished her the best also. Whatever, that was an indicator that I was going to have to put a lot more work in any way and she wasn't worth it to me. Plus she doesn't drink and got offended over an invitation to take a bubble bath... A little too uptight.
Like mentioned before I would make sexual jokes after sex..Some females are just like that man, I know its tempting to gauge their response by that, but it's too risky. What I do is I say "I'm about to hop in the shower" and if she is a real freak she will say something about that, it has happened to me before, you would be surprised how forward some women are. But I would def tone down any sexual comment, no matter how innocent it is unless you have at least made out, fooled around, or you know for sure she is with it.
I don't make sexual jokes until after we have sex, maybe it's just me

If a woman laughed at my sexual jokes I'm assuming she going to have sex with me

Saves me the trouble
Originally Posted by Johnny cakes  

Like mentioned before I would make sexual jokes after sex..Some females are just like that man, I know its tempting to gauge their response by that, but it's too risky. What I do is I say "I'm about to hop in the shower" and if she is a real freak she will say something about that, it has happened to me before, you would be surprised how forward some women are. But I would def tone down any sexual comment, no matter how innocent it is unless you have at least made out, fooled around, or you know for sure she is with it.
This. It took me longer than it should have to realize this.

It turns a lot of girls off even though they know you're joking. I think it's a flag for them...guards come up.

It's tempting to throw them out there to gauge responses, but I would refrain until after sex or you're pretty damn sure she's with it
Tell me if I'm being petty or over-sensitive..I started talking to this girl yesterday from Tinder..We texted for a few last night and then today I texted her "How was your day" basically opening with a lil small talk before I ask her to hang out later in the week..She says her day was good and that she just cleaned up after dinner.....And that was it..She didn't say "And you?" It kind of annoyed me because why can't these females have some type of conversation or even a little common courtesy? I didn't even respond because I'm done letting females do things that annoy me and I continue to attempt it. Maybe my curve is a lil too much, but I'm just fed up and tired of ignoring red flags and in the end wasting my time.

In my opinion, pull ya skirt down. I wouldn't have taken it that deep. Woulda just continued the convo based upon what she did say. Now once she started with the one word responses that's when you severe the convo
Praying for the boy TDogg. Hope she's not preggo man.

I need to be more cognizant of the clubs I shoot up too.
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Tell me if I'm being petty or over-sensitive..I started talking to this girl yesterday from Tinder..We texted for a few last night and then today I texted her "How was your day" basically opening with a lil small talk before I ask her to hang out later in the week..She says her day was good and that she just cleaned up after dinner.....And that was it..She didn't say "And you?" It kind of annoyed me because why can't these females have some type of conversation or even a little common courtesy? I didn't even respond because I'm done letting females do things that annoy me and I continue to attempt it. Maybe my curve is a lil too much, but I'm just fed up and tired of ignoring red flags and in the end wasting my time.

Lmao you gotta chill .
Tell me if I'm being petty or over-sensitive..I started talking to this girl yesterday from Tinder..We texted for a few last night and then today I texted her "How was your day" basically opening with a lil small talk before I ask her to hang out later in the week..She says her day was good and that she just cleaned up after dinner.....And that was it..She didn't say "And you?" It kind of annoyed me because why can't these females have some type of conversation or even a little common courtesy? I didn't even respond because I'm done letting females do things that annoy me and I continue to attempt it. Maybe my curve is a lil too much, but I'm just fed up and tired of ignoring red flags and in the end wasting my time.

In my opinion, pull ya skirt down. I wouldn't have taken it that deep. Woulda just continued the convo based upon what she did say. Now once she started with the one word responses that's when you severe the convo

Basically. At this point you're the red flag with the text first thing in the morning for someone you just started talking to last night.
Tell me if I'm being petty or over-sensitive..I started talking to this girl yesterday from Tinder..We texted for a few last night and then today I texted her "How was your day" basically opening with a lil small talk before I ask her to hang out later in the week..She says her day was good and that she just cleaned up after dinner.....And that was it..She didn't say "And you?" It kind of annoyed me because why can't these females have some type of conversation or even a little common courtesy? I didn't even respond because I'm done letting females do things that annoy me and I continue to attempt it. Maybe my curve is a lil too much, but I'm just fed up and tired of ignoring red flags and in the end wasting my time.
Why waste your time with small talk over text doe? It's pointless, lets hang out. Lets hang out. Lets hang out. All you need to be saying.
Basically. At this point you're the red flag with the text first thing in the morning for someone you just started talking to last night.

Lol huh? I texted her at like 9 pm the next day, hence why my text was "how was your day" but you guys are right I was just in my feelings..she texted me this morning to have a good day (I didn't respond last night ) and we made plans to chill.
Tell me if I'm being petty or over-sensitive..I started talking to this girl yesterday from Tinder..We texted for a few last night and then today I texted her "How was your day" basically opening with a lil small talk before I ask her to hang out later in the week..She says her day was good and that she just cleaned up after dinner.....And that was it..She didn't say "And you?" It kind of annoyed me because why can't these females have some type of conversation or even a little common courtesy? I didn't even respond because I'm done letting females do things that annoy me and I continue to attempt it. Maybe my curve is a lil too much, but I'm just fed up and tired of ignoring red flags and in the end wasting my time.
You're being petty & overly sensitive  

But seriously doe, you can't take texting or small communication out of context. At least give the girl a real chance to annoy you
:lol: It really makes no sense you in your feelings though. She said more than just "good", leaving the door open for more convo, and instead of leading on that you throw an internal hissy fit. It worked out anyways, but sheesh.

Read that wrong.
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