TAY: thread about yambs...

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Like I said before, I just love living that bachelor life, word to Clooney. I love the freedom to do anything I want whenever I want, ultimate freedom :smokin. Can hang out with multiple females :smokin, I am upfront with them though about not looking for anything serious, now if they catch feelings that a different topic, ya feel me fambs. Right know I am not ready to have a serious relationship with any girls, want to focus on my career, improving myself, and taking care of the family 8).

at first it was...
but then i realized that i was still letting her control my emotions by bringing my attitude to new chicks... once i got over that, i realized that there's a happy medium:
you can kick it and like these chicks... but dont trust them as far as you can throw them, and dont depend on them emotionally...
when i figured that out, it was smooth sailing... i dont go thru depressing times, and question myself based on another chicks actions.... i stroll thru with that Spitta Andretti vibe...
and if she got the nice rump, i'll see what ways i can get in it...
point blank.

I see where you both are coming from and I commend you all on having a good grasp of your situations. Glad you all aren't just up in these broads because of the ones that broke your hearts. That never works, I know. Spent a year sleeping with randoms in an attempt to get over my ex. Then the day came where the **** I was doing just flat out didn't make sense. Then I was able to smash, roll over, and not think about ol' girl 10 seconds later. :lol:

But I found the one that makes me want to lay up and spoon and all that notebook nonsense, instead of smashing, then figuring out how to kick her out. :lol:

But you guys enjoy the life. For real man. I will never forget my time living it. :pimp:
Sup NT fam, I need some advice. I was at work today and my shift was about to end when this girl that I work with approached me and asked me a question. We chopped it up for a minute, and when I told her that I was about to leave she put me on the spot and asked whether or not I wanted to hang out with her sometime. Allow me to also add that this girl's mom works the same exact shift in the same department as her daughter, and she happened to be 5 feet away when this conversation was taking place :x. Now, I'm not a mean person or anything, but she's not my type to say the least. With that being said, out of common courtesy I let her put her number in my iPhone and I went on about my day. I know that I could just not call, but how can I successfully let her know that I'm not interested, and eliminate any awkwardness that may come up at work?

What does she look like?
Sup NT fam, I need some advice. I was at work today and my shift was about to end when this girl that I work with approached me and asked me a question. We chopped it up for a minute, and when I told her that I was about to leave she put me on the spot and asked whether or not I wanted to hang out with her sometime. Allow me to also add that this girl's mom works the same exact shift in the same department as her daughter, and she happened to be 5 feet away when this conversation was taking place :x. Now, I'm not a mean person or anything, but she's not my type to say the least. With that being said, out of common courtesy I let her put her number in my iPhone and I went on about my day. I know that I could just not call, but how can I successfully let her know that I'm not interested, and eliminate any awkwardness that may come up at work?

Is she unattractive or what?

There's always the option of hanging out with her, and actually be her friend instead of thinking about smashing.
I see where you both are coming from and I commend you all on having a good grasp of your situations. Glad you all aren't just up in these broads because of the ones that broke your hearts. That never works, I know. Spent a year sleeping with randoms in an attempt to get over my ex. Then the day came where the **** I was doing just flat out didn't make sense. Then I was able to smash, roll over, and not think about ol' girl 10 seconds later. :lol:
But I found the one that makes me want to lay up and spoon and all that notebook nonsense, instead of smashing, then figuring out how to kick her out. :lol:
But you guys enjoy the life. For real man. I will never forget my time living it. :pimp:

Literally just had a chat about this...How I can smash a girl and kick her out literally 15 seconds later. Lol not good :/
Sup NT fam, I need some advice. I was at work today and my shift was about to end when this girl that I work with approached me and asked me a question. We chopped it up for a minute, and when I told her that I was about to leave she put me on the spot and asked whether or not I wanted to hang out with her sometime. Allow me to also add that this girl's mom works the same exact shift in the same department as her daughter, and she happened to be 5 feet away when this conversation was taking place
. Now, I'm not a mean person or anything, but she's not my type to say the least. With that being said, out of common courtesy I let her put her number in my iPhone and I went on about my day. I know that I could just not call, but how can I successfully let her know that I'm not interested, and eliminate any awkwardness that may come up at work?
get to know her a bit and then go from there...you dont want it to be awkward at work..

dont chill with her yet, check her out first see how she acts and peep her demeanor..
NT how do you get over being replaced by another man. Im depressed af and see them everyday at school. Ish is demoralizing when I go to class and shes alone but theres nothing I can do.
Its sad that the person you admire so much doesnt even need you at all. Meanwhile you are all like

Dude how old are you seriously? Please don't say your in high school. Listen everyone gets there heart broken in one time another and you have 2 choices here. 1 be a big boy and wear your freakin big boy pants and go after other girls and learn from this experience. Or 2 be forever alone, your life and your choice. You obviously cared for this chick way too much and probably focused all your attention and time in her and thats your problem. Focus on doing you and living the single life :smokin. FYI = girls don't like depressed guys :smh:, so buck up. I listed some tips and others have listed some as well, read, learn, and forget that broad. Remember always keep busy and have a closers mentality :smokin.

Option 1:

Option 2:

Sup NT fam, I need some advice. I was at work today and my shift was about to end when this girl that I work with approached me and asked me a question. We chopped it up for a minute, and when I told her that I was about to leave she put me on the spot and asked whether or not I wanted to hang out with her sometime. Allow me to also add that this girl's mom works the same exact shift in the same department as her daughter, and she happened to be 5 feet away when this conversation was taking place :x. Now, I'm not a mean person or anything, but she's not my type to say the least. With that being said, out of common courtesy I let her put her number in my iPhone and I went on about my day. I know that I could just not call, but how can I successfully let her know that I'm not interested, and eliminate any awkwardness that may come up at work?

Hangout worth her and see what she is like but split the bill, if you don't like her after the first hangout, say, "your a cool friend, its nice to have a buddy from work who I can talk to." Also mention other girls you are hanging out with (more than friends) or casually dating, even if its not ture, main point here is to show you are after other women and not into her. Keep hammering away that she is your friend like saying "thanks buddy" or telling her "your like the sister I never wanted." This stuff will automatically disqualify her and put it in her mind that you are not interested in her and only looking for a friendship. Unless she is an idiot, she will get the message and you will not lose face, nom sayin'.

FYI = didn't proofread & wont edit :lol:
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NT how do you get over being replaced by another man. Im depressed af and see them everyday at school. Ish is demoralizing when I go to class and shes alone but theres nothing I can do.

Its sad that the person you admire so much doesnt even need you at all. Meanwhile you are all like
We've all been their bro, she was just practice for your next girl. Now go get a better girl both physically and mentally. Soon you'll be happy like me. 

 Here's my new girl. Now go find you one bro.
Hangout worth her and see what she is like but split the bill, if you don't like her after the first hangout, say, "your a cool friend, its nice to have a buddy from work who I can talk to." Also mention other girls you are hanging out with (more than friends) or casually dating, even if its not ture, main point here is to show you are after other women and not into her. Keep hammering away that she is your friend like saying "thanks buddy" or telling her "your like the sister I never wanted." This stuff will automatically disqualify her and put it in her mind that you are not interested in her and only looking for a friendship. Unless she is an idiot, she will get the message and you will not lose face, nom sayin'.

FYI = didn't proofread & wont edit :lol:

:lol: This is gonna be hilarious when you say this. She's gonna be all sad and ****. This is the perfect plan to save face.
How do you approach girls in non-social situations? I don't have trouble talking to anyone at a party or when I meet some mutual friends through hanging out, but how about if you guys are each doing your own thing (i.e. library, working out, etc.)?

Reason I ask is because I was just working out at the school park and this cute girl was doing situps and stretching in front of me and I felt like she was looking at me cause I was the only other one there. I wanted to say something but I just kept it moving.
The mistake I use to make is that I would try to make it less awkward by something super generic like today is super nice blah blah but in reality the less awkward you try to be the more awkward you are. Now when I approach a girl I will tell her I think she is cute from the beginning and introduce myself. From there whatever pops in my mind I talk about I don't ask her generic *** questions. The thing spitting the mouth piece during the day is that it's a numbers game I have gotten many chicks numbers during the day but only a percentage of them will actually go on a second date with you.
Hangout worth her and see what she is like but split the bill, if you don't like her after the first hangout, say, "your a cool friend, its nice to have a buddy from work who I can talk to." Also mention other girls you are hanging out with (more than friends) or casually dating, even if its not ture, main point here is to show you are after other women and not into her. Keep hammering away that she is your friend like saying "thanks buddy" or telling her "your like the sister I never wanted." This stuff will automatically disqualify her and put it in her mind that you are not interested in her and only looking for a friendship. Unless she is an idiot, she will get the message and you will not lose face, nom sayin'.
FYI = didn't proofread & wont edit :lol:

Great advice in here, but I really don't want to kick it with this chick. I'm just not attracted to her, but I may try to implement a few of these phrases when I see her at work. I might just invite her to lunch with me and put the plan into effect. :lol:
Hangout worth her and see what she is like but split the bill, if you don't like her after the first hangout, say, "your a cool friend, its nice to have a buddy from work who I can talk to." Also mention other girls you are hanging out with (more than friends) or casually dating, even if its not ture, main point here is to show you are after other women and not into her. Keep hammering away that she is your friend like saying "thanks buddy" or telling her "your like the sister I never wanted." This stuff will automatically disqualify her and put it in her mind that you are not interested in her and only looking for a friendship. Unless she is an idiot, she will get the message and you will not lose face, nom sayin'.
FYI = didn't proofread & wont edit :lol:

Great advice in here, but I really don't want to kick it with this chick. I'm just not attracted to her, but I may try to implement a few of these phrases when I see her at work. I might just invite her to lunch with me and put the plan into effect. :lol:

Just right off the bat start talking about girls you currently like and are talking to. Hopefully she'll take the hint. And then throw in an occasional "buddy" or "homie" at her during the conversation :lol:.
Just right off the bat start talking about girls you currently like and are talking to. Hopefully she'll take the hint. And then throw in an occasional "buddy" or "homie" at her during the conversation :lol:.
This should get the job done. Painless, quick, and easy!
Well your main goal is to make yourself more of a challenge. This girl is the one who suggested that you kick it with her. You just gotta find out with what intentions she meant it.
Anyway, she tested you by asking for the soup. She wanted to know how easily she could get you to do things for her. Unfortunately, you failed :lol:. It's okay man, we've all made similar mistakes. You just have to learn from them and adjust. Only if she was your gf, should you have gone out of your way to get soup for her. If it were me, I would have just been a **** and said something like, "Well how sick are you? I'm not trying to catch anything right now lol. Let me know when you're better."
You gotta be kind of a jerk sometimes just so you don't play right into their games. I recommend that you make yourself seem like a more busy guy, and she has to compete for your time and attention.
Think about it. If she has multiple options, do you wanna be the dude that she can manipulate and have you over at the snap of her fingers? Or do you wanna be the guy who is going to be more of a challenge? The guy who has a lot of options himself.

It's funny because I was gonna say something similar that above , but i just blanked out for some reason

I wanna hit her back up but I'm a little reluctant to because I don't know how she'll react.
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It's funny because I was gonna say something similar that above , but i just blanked out for some reason
I wanna hit her back up but I'm a little reluctant to because I don't know how she'll react.

Didn't you learn anything from the thread, don't hit her up :smh:. Let her hit you up :smh:. BACK BURNER MAN, BACK BURNER MAN >:. Take a L and move on.

Why do these guys even bother asking for advice when they are not even going to use them, w/e, in for the update and the lulz :nerd:.
Didn't you learn anything from the thread, don't hit her up :smh:. Let her hit you up :smh:. BACK BURNER MAN, BACK BURNER MAN >:. Take a L and move on.
Why do these guys even bother asking for advice when they are not even going to use them, w/e, in for the update and the lulz :nerd:.

Jyabbz you got it, backburner
Yo seriously....

we need to make this thread more efficient, cuz some of the people are coming asking advice on general things that we've already covered

Ricky , change the first page of this post and kinda put out some quick pointers, i.e lots of guys have come in asking how to approach women in non-social women, lots of guys have come in asking how maneuver out the friendzone, etc.

Ya'll my fam and all but dang the last couples of pages if giving me serious 'yawn'age :lol: :lol:
Will have a story for my dudes tomorrow :pimp:

On another note, ole girl that I been hooking up with for about a month is getting annoying...Sending 3+ texts without a response :rolleyes

so i look up and i'm finally finished with my finals. first semester was a doozy.. i was going hard, studying late into the night at the library w/ a couple classmates.

i've never been the type to be in the library cuz... well... i was too swagged up to be around a bunch of people. ( stupid, but fuggit.. thats how i felt :lol: )

my team got super slim over the past couple months. i've been so into studying for the finals, i just figured, "meh.. i'll fap'em out"... its less time consuming, ya know...

but when i was in the library... i seen some of THE finest yambs at my school. the cold part is, it seems like that's where ALL the black girls from my school were at... and i'm talking late into the night... just sittin around talking with their friends... they're all some good eye candy... and i feel like they can tell i'm not one of the regular cats there... i dont think i'm better than anyone cuz i'm in grad school... but i think they can SEE that i'm in grad school, ya know? or they can sense that i'm a little more mature... amiright Patty melt?... i just feel like they give me a little bit longer of a look...

i think going there would have me posin' to get chosen... but a few negatives... dealing w/ the young yambs is tricky... and dealing w/ the yambs around friends is tricky... catch a chick solo dolo and i'm all for it... sitting at the table w/ her friends is a hit or miss cuz if ONE friend is felling me, that will raise the value... but if ONE friend says i'm wack, that will ruin it cuz chicks are so easily influenced by their fellow birds.

but like i said... i've literally developed rust from two months of fapping and studying... i posted a few pages back that i dropped a SERIOUS ball w/ a chick that was digging me... i've completely forgot about who she was, but still... that stuff aint cool... :lol:

as of now, school is out... but i'm bustin my tail trying to get some schollys to pay for school, an internship, and get my motorcycle fixed... plus these holiday retail hours are :x . i just dont have too much time to deal w/ these birds.

to the yambily... stay on top of that mouthpiece... and if you want to get back in the groove... know out a no-fap month.... that will get you ROLLIN... :pimp: :pimp:

i seriously want to go scoop a big stupid booty from the club or at walmart or anywhere and just have them yambs meltin' on the the D... but my mouthpiece and confidence in said mouthpiece is on a quarter of a tank...

I'm sure this has been mentioned but, you don't HAVE to smash every bad chick you meet.

Some chicks open doors to other bad chicks.

If she sees that you're cool, if you see a homegirl of hers that you're feeling, she'll be sure to put in a good word for you.

Your foot is in the door at the point, you just have to finish.

It works.
I'm sure this has been mentioned but, you don't HAVE to smash every bad chick you meet.
Some chicks open doors to other bad chicks.
If she sees that you're cool, if you see a homegirl of hers that you're feeling, she'll be sure to put in a good word for you.
Your foot is in the door at the point, you just have to finish.
It works.
true story
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