TAY: thread about yambs...

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I know it's basic knowledge but holy ish. You cannot argue with females yo. Every time I do I just apologize cause even when I'm right I'm wrong somehow. My ex came to my crib today to pick up her shaker bottle but she came in cause she wanted to pee
Then shows me a letter she typed for me just sayin how I'm not the guy she thought I was an all this about how I'm throwing our relationship away. Yes blame me for the stuff YOU did which made me end it
I can't help but laugh at the stupid ish these females be on nowadays man it's kinda sad how close minded these people are

Yes you can have a logical argument if the women is logical as well, problem is that you have to find them. If you do not have an equal stake in the relationship, its about time to leave that bish at home for good. I myself never put up with any BS that women try to pull, the reason why because I don't have to. My philosophy is that if you don't add anything to the relationship or your negatives start to outweigh the positives, uz gots ta go, nom sayin'. Plus whenever I see chicks starting to portray any negative traits I do not like, "I am out like a cub scout" (word to my boy muffins) because I do not like wasting my time with BS. Furthermore, this negative behavior is a strong foreshadowing of the what she will be like in the future. Plus girls (and guys) are usually not willing to change their behavior without them actually wanting to change.

I got in a heated argument with my girl about why I didn't like that the fact that the show Scandal had a black woman as the president's jump off.
My girl hates all things related to cheating but she tries to justify this broad being the President's jumpoff talking about they fell in love.
I point out the obvious logical fallacy in all this and she legit gets upset with me and I end up apologizing.
Women :smh:

You shouldn't have to apologize for your opinion, I see nothing wrong there. Reassess your relationship brah.

You're a woman, right? I respect your opinion. Don't take any offense to it. I'm just advocating for men to stand their ground sometimes, so the woman doesn't walk all over you and always get what she wants from you easily. And I'm not saying that men have to seem busy 24/7, but busy to an extent where you're not willing to leave what you're doing at the moment to go make soup for a girl right after she asked you to.
It's different if you're in a relationship, though. The advice I was giving him was to find out if this girl likes him or not. I'm not saying that all of this has to continue once you have her :lol:.

I get where your coming from Trav, just maybe a poor choice of words with Jerk. I agree with your comment that a man should stand his ground 100%, most girls like to play games and I get that, but you shouldn't stop whatever you are doing just to please a girl you are into. Furthermore, most girls start to test you early on, even before your in a relationship to see what they can get away with thats why guys have to stand their ground and not to put up with the BS or your relationship will be doomed from the get go, ya feel me.
I get where your coming from Trav, just maybe a poor choice of words with Jerk. I agree with your comment that a man should stand his ground 100%, most girls like to play games and I get that, but you shouldn't stop whatever you are doing just to please a girl you are into. Furthermore, most girls start to test you early on, even before your in a relationship to see what they can get away with thats why guys have to stand their ground and not to put up with the BS or your relationship will be doomed from the get go, ya feel me.

QFT. That's what I'm talking about.

And yes, jerk maybe was a poor choice of wording, but the only other word I can think of is d*ck. Not like an arrogant kind of d***, but the kind where sometimes tease her a little back or give her your own tests.
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Nique get on my nerves but he's a solid, standup dude--- only guy in here who really advocates NOT cheating and NOT playing games (male or female).
Only follow his advice if you are looking for more than yambs; most of the other guys in here only advise on how to get yambs...which, hey that's the purpose of the thread so can't knock him.

There's more than him to be honest :/
Nique get on my nerves but he's a solid, standup dude--- only guy in here who really advocates NOT cheating and NOT playing games (male or female).
Only follow his advice if you are looking for more than yambs; most of the other guys in here only advise on how to get yambs...which, hey that's the purpose of the thread so can't knock him.

if youre 19 and under its all about playing the game right, at that age thats all it is.. hell up to 23 or 24 thats all it is..if a girl is giving you some sort of sign like asking to hang out, go for it..

but also dont be a creep and whip it out the first time chillin w her..first become friends with her and listen to what her past relationships have been like so you know not to make any of those mistakes with her..and also take into consideration the things that made your last one not go so well..if you're a virgin dont stress it, some people lose it when they are 12, 18, 25 even in their 40's if its meant to happen then it happens, dont feel down if something doesnt go as planned either, and theres always someone out there for ya, no matter how weird or creepy you might be.

when you're 24 or so it starts to make sense a little more and if you've been thru it, then you know exactly what you're looking for, and know which ones to smash...

you will maybe make a drunken mistake or 2 but oh well it happens..the ladies get a little calmer as they get older..you're also going to have to make compromises..

be in the relationship with the ok girl that has her ish together ORRR be on call for this cute girl when its convenient to her..

if you're in ur mid 20's the best way to find those good partners is at regular spots like groceries stores and other regular spots on fri thru sunday, thats their off days..

i havent been on this thread in a long time last time i was on here some dude got mad his friends were hanging out with their girls instead of with him..sup stripe 
QFT. That's what I'm talking about.
And yes, jerk maybe was a poor choice of wording, but the only other word I can think of is d*ck. Not like an arrogant kind of d***, but the kind where sometimes tease her a little back or give her your own tests.

I feel you man. People should check out the bodybuilding.com MISC thread called the beta/cringe thread to see what not too do in regards with females :x. Nowadays, too many dudes are putting that ***** on a pedestal which is already on top of a Mt. Everest like mountain. Society and the media is now telling guys that it is okay to put that ***** on the pedestal because she is a princess to the point where they are disregarding their own well being as an individual :smh:. I get you need to treat a girl a princess once in a while and a little bit of sensitivity is needed but some of these dudes nowadays and in that beta/cringe thread are just straight up ******* who are too damb sensitive :smh:. If a girl wants someone who is overly sensitive and listen to all her emotions she will talk to her friend but you brahs better believe that ain't gonna be me. Look at some of those forever alone FB posts in that thread who are basically asking for a GF, girls be saying awww, you are a nice guy, blah, blah, blah but how many of those females would be willing to date the lame who post that *****, I know the exact number nada :lol:. Most girls want a guy who is a man who is confident, who can challenge her, and doesn't put up with BS. Too many betas out there nowadays, what happened to the alpha males like Paul Newman, Steve McQueen, Marlon Brando, and Sean Connery mothachuckas :smokin.

FYI - looking at that thread really rustles my jimmies, gives me enough juice for a great intense workout 8)
I got in a heated argument with my girl about why I didn't like that the fact that the show Scandal had a black woman as the president's jump off.
My girl hates all things related to cheating but she tries to justify this broad being the President's jumpoff talking about they fell in love.
I point out the obvious logical fallacy in all this and she legit gets upset with me and I end up apologizing.
Women :smh:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
black woman, white woman; don't matter--- many women have played those types of roles. Also, because I watch the creators work, she casts black women in ALL KINDS OF ROLES. The only intelligent black women on TV really are tied to her Shonda Rhimes shows (save for The Neighbors, and if you wanna count Rashida jones as "black" on Parks and Rec) Yes she is/was the president's mistress but honestly if you watch it she isn't JUST a jump off... I mean, she's not a monica lewinsky/marilyn monroe type where all they do is spread their legs.

:\ You gotta watch the show more than once to get the full dynamics of their relationship.

Would I get into a heated argument over a TV show and be legit upset? No. I know this cuz my dude said he HATES Martin and I let it slide :smh: :lol:
if youre 19 and under its all about playing the game right, at that age thats all it is.. hell up to 23 or 24 thats all it is..if a girl is giving you some sort of sign like asking to hang out, go for it..

but also dont be a creep and whip it out the first time chillin w her..first become friends with her and listen to what her past relationships have been like so you know not to make any of those mistakes with her..and also take into consideration the things that made your last one not go so well..if you're a virgin dont stress it, some people lose it when they are 12, 18, 25 even in their 40's if its meant to happen then it happens, dont feel down if something doesnt go as planned either, and theres always someone out there for ya, no matter how weird or creepy you might be.

when you're 24 or so it starts to make sense a little more and if you've been thru it, then you know exactly what you're looking for, and know which ones to smash...

you will maybe make a drunken mistake or 2 but oh well it happens..the ladies get a little calmer as they get older..you're also going to have to make compromises..

be in the relationship with the ok girl that has her ish together ORRR be on call for this cute girl when its convenient to her..

if you're in ur mid 20's the best way to find those good partners is at regular spots like groceries stores and other regular spots on fri thru sunday, thats their off days..

i havent been on this thread in a long time last time i was on here some dude got mad his friends were hanging out with their girls instead of with him..sup stripe :lol:

This man knows whatsup, wouldn't expect nothing less with the name Gatzby :smokin. I totally agree about the best spots for picking up quality girls are at regular spots at normal hours, love meeting girls at spots I usually go to anyways like the grocery stores, pet stores, mall, gym, library, barnes & noble, coffee shops, etc. Just live your lives guys and meet girls along the way, don't go out of your way to get the yambs because it usually never works.
I disagree. You have to be a jerk sometimes to establish that you are playing by your rules and not hers.

Nah, if you want something mature then you gotta be willing to give half at least. A real woman is independent and isn't gonna have all that "Nah, b. We're goin when I want to and when I can" bs. Unless she's absolutely crazy for you and is into that, she's just gonna dip and you'll be out of the race.

The girl I'm with now is independent and we established right out the gates that she wants me to wear the pants in this relationship seeing that she did in all her past relationships.. yet when I get overboard, she'll tell me. I respect it and move on.

Most girls want to have the man be the man, and that does not mean be a jerk. If that makes sense.

Let's put it this way- if she ain't happy with you and how you're treating her, chances are you ain't getting the yambs.
Nah, if you want something mature then you gotta be willing to give half at least. A real woman is independent and isn't gonna have all that "Nah, b. We're goin when I want to and when I can" bs. Unless she's absolutely crazy for you and is into that, she's just gonna dip and you'll be out of the race.
The girl I'm with now is independent and we established right out the gates that she wants me to wear the pants in this relationship seeing that she did in all her past relationships.. yet when I get overboard, she'll tell me. I respect it and move on.
Most girls want to have the man be the man, and that does not mean be a jerk. If that makes sense.
Let's put it this way- if she ain't happy with you and how you're treating her, chances are you ain't getting the yambs.

coming from you it will make sense... because you are a man. So hopefully people will take heed.

I've said it once before and I'll say it again, it seems some of your ideas on how to treat/approach women have been warped based on some not-so-great influences from women in your life.

I know jerks... and they are jerks. Then I know guys who are assertive and aren't jerks. Just like being an assertive doesn't mean a woman has to be a *****. Being a ***** is one thing, being assertive is another.
It's true, as far as relationships. In the first part when she's super smitten you can get away with a lot. Closer ya'll get though there's just certain **** she ain't putting up with anymore, and that you'll have to curb if you wanna keep her.
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Nah, if you want something mature then you gotta be willing to give half at least. A real woman is independent and isn't gonna have all that "Nah, b. We're goin when I want to and when I can" bs. Unless she's absolutely crazy for you and is into that, she's just gonna dip and you'll be out of the race.
The girl I'm with now is independent and we established right out the gates that she wants me to wear the pants in this relationship seeing that she did in all her past relationships.. yet when I get overboard, she'll tell me. I respect it and move on.
Most girls want to have the man be the man, and that does not mean be a jerk. If that makes sense.
Let's put it this way- if she ain't happy with you and how you're treating her, chances are you ain't getting the yambs.

That's the major thing...Not everyone in here is ready to be mature in a relationship. I sure as hell am not, and I just turned 25.
That's the major thing...Not everyone in here is ready to be mature in a relationship. I sure as hell am not, and I just turned 25.

Mature in a relationship and mature in a friendship are based on the same things famb. If you want the yambs or even want to just get close with a female at all, she's gonna have to enjoy her time w/ you. That's fact. Otherwise, you walkin around like you're the one tellin her whatsup all day and she's only hangin w/ you when you want or get the chance to is gonna make her start flakin on you and eventually it'll be done and gone. All chances of anything will be over until you change your act.

If you're 25 and still on that "******* play my game, I don't play theirs. **** that." attitude, I'd say it's time to grow up and treat a woman like a woman. Be a man by all means, but don't treat all women like street trash that you can just do whatever with. If you want constant yambs and don't want a relationship, getting a girl to like you more than her regular guy friends is gonna be key. That doesn't mean she grows feelings for you, but it means that you're different from the dudes that she constantly comes into contact with. She's gonna wanna hang out w/ you more.. and if she's single and you are too, then things will most likely happen. (Yambs) Because the truth is, a lot of women aren't ready for a relationship either, but they're just like us in the aspect that they want to get it in too.

Of course, all of the above is about if yall want the real WOMEN to treat you like a real man. Because if you go after girls, they're gonna treat you like a boy. Fact.

Women will respect what you have to say and what your opinions are, and are so much easier to get along w/. Girls will simply not care because they're in the mindset that the boys are in: "My game. My rules."

Be a man. Don't be a boy.
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I got in a heated argument with my girl about why I didn't like that the fact that the show Scandal had a black woman as the president's jump off.

My girl hates all things related to cheating but she tries to justify this broad being the President's jumpoff talking about they fell in love.

I point out the obvious logical fallacy in all this and she legit gets upset with me and I end up apologizing.

Women :smh:
:rofl: :smh:
Mature in a relationship and mature in a friendship are based on the same things famb. If you want the yambs or even want to just get close with a female at all, she's gonna have to enjoy her time w/ you. That's fact. Otherwise, you walkin around like you're the one tellin her whatsup all day and she's only hangin w/ you when you want or get the chance to is gonna make her start flakin on you and eventually it'll be done and gone. All chances of anything will be over until you change your act.
If you're 25 and still on that "******* play my game, I don't play theirs. **** that." attitude, I'd say it's time to grow up and treat a woman like a woman. Be a man by all means, but don't treat all women like street trash that you can just do whatever with. If you want constant yambs and don't want a relationship, getting a girl to like you more than her regular guy friends is gonna be key. That doesn't mean she grows feelings for you, but it means that you're different from the dudes that she constantly comes into contact with. She's gonna wanna hang out w/ you more.. and if she's single and you are too, then things will most likely happen. (Yambs) Because the truth is, a lot of women aren't ready for a relationship either, but they're just like us in the aspect that they want to get it in too.
Of course, all of the above is about if yall want the real WOMEN to treat you like a real man. Because if you go after girls, they're gonna treat you like a boy. Fact.
Women will respect what you have to say and what your opinions are, and are so much easier to get along w/. Girls will simply not care because they're in the mindset that the boys are in: "My game. My rules."
Be a man. Don't be a boy.

I honestly only read a few sentences, but it's not a friendship if both parties know it's just smashing. This thread is more or less about acquiring girl's to smash, I think MOST that post in here just want that. I personally could wife a solid girl and be happy and treat her well etc etc. But I don't want to. I'm 25, just broke up with a girl I was in a relationship for 3 yrs with, got the job of my dreams and am making more money than I imagined at this age. All I wanna do is smash good looking girls. I'm content with that. If both parties are OPEN with each other and know what's up...It's all good.
I honestly only read a few sentences, but it's not a friendship if both parties know it's just smashing. This thread is more or less about acquiring girl's to smash, I think MOST that post in here just want that. I personally could wife a solid girl and be happy and treat her well etc etc. But I don't want to. I'm 25, just broke up with a girl I was in a relationship for 3 yrs with, got the job of my dreams and am making more money than I imagined at this age. All I wanna do is smash good looking girls. I'm content with that. If both parties are OPEN with each other and know what's up...It's all good.

Do you famb.
Nique get on my nerves but he's a solid, standup dude--- only guy in here who really advocates NOT cheating and NOT playing games (male or female).
Only follow his advice if you are looking for more than yambs; most of the other guys in here only advise on how to get yambs...which, hey that's the purpose of the thread so can't knock him.
homey is cool...

but he's young.. .aint had his heart ripped out and stepped on by a yamb..

give'em time... he'll turn cold..

come to the dark side, nique... where they yambs are plentiful and the dambs are absent...

:smokin :smokin
homey is cool...
but he's young.. .aint had his heart ripped out and stepped on by a yamb..
give'em time... he'll turn cold..
come to the dark side, nique... where they yambs are plentiful and the dambs are absent...
:smokin :smokin
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
i have though...last summer...
she strung me along and just crushed me. had me jamming The Knowing in the shower. No boost.
thing is...she was so smutted out and i knew it. she gave me every reason to hate the female race and
for a time i did. BUT my current gf is rare...i'm talkin Basedgod Goldhouse rare. but i still realize there are
the grimy bishes...and i don't put it past her to prove me wrong, but i doubt she will. and the whole me not cheating
is a mixture of my FULL belief in karma and i just feel that's so disrespectful
well ....damn! 


srs tho, i have nothing against players, but you can still be one without that last advice.....if you aint ready for a relationship, dont fool her into thinking you are. thats just disaster.  good luck bro.

ps. the rest of your advice is legit

me personally, i refuse to cheat and think if you gotta cheat just breakup....BUT...i got some bros i know genuinely love their girl, but just can't leave the floozies alone. and they still appear to be faithful. that was more of a sidenote to being faithful which i think is most important.

This a coldblooded way to put it but I'll be honest

I cheated for over a year without getting caught and me and my ex kept each other happy. I was having my cake and eating it too. I wasted her time but not mine because I was not looking for a wife at that point. I had fun with my chick and she held me down and I still got to play around in the A.

Of course now looking back on it I feel bad about it and it's the reason I've been single since even though I've had ample opportunity to lock down some attractive successful women. Not ready to settle down even though there's pressure from the fam

PS - Not scared/worried about karma - was burned by my 2 exes before her and that was probably the reason I was so selfish
- one broke up with me while I was out of town at a funeral
-the other dumped me w/o explanation and had a baby a year later
FWIW - didn't cheat on either girl...nice guy gone bad maybe >D
got cck blocked by this girls handicap sister at macys.

choppin it up and bout to ask this broad for her # and the girl starts talking about "mom doesnt let u talk to guys. im gona tell mom you were talking to boys. i want to leave, lets leave, lets leave, i want to go home"

got cck blocked by this girls handicap sister at macys.
choppin it up and bout to ask this broad for her # and the girl starts talking about "mom doesnt let u talk to guys. im gona tell mom you were talking to boys. i want to leave, lets leave, lets leave, i want to go home"


Should have wheeled ol girl right on out of the store

she had down syndrome... or whatever it is where they can talk and understand but got those weird fetus faces 

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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