TAY: thread about yambs...

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The best conversationalist are the best listeners.

Sadly just realized this in 2013... I've always done my best to be aggressive/interesting, but now i'm realizing girls are more turned off by this, n that I need to sit back n not interrupt every 15 seconds adding my worthless 2 cents :lol: :smh: :smh:

game really is something that you should never stop refining
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so um flame suit on but it looks like a cyst might be on my Johnson?

It looked like a pimple at first and I squeezed it a bit :smh: did not help, any1 here w some guidance?!!
so um flame suit on but it looks like a cyst might be on my Johnson?

It looked like a pimple at first and I squeezed it a bit :smh: did not help, any1 here w some guidance?!!

dawg, get on the phone and make a doctors appointment ASAP!!!
so um flame suit on but it looks like a cyst might be on my Johnson?

It looked like a pimple at first and I squeezed it a bit
did not help, any1 here w some guidance?!!
.. go to a fcking doctor wtf
Those with good spit game what are things you can say when the conversation is going sour because the girl feels very awkward and isnt opening up when she talks. Shes surprised that Im even talking to her and I have to make an excuse and bounce because she isnt getting interested and is too stuck in her thoughts. It doesnt help that im not good looking enough for her. Honestly trying my best, I have never talked to somebody with that much enthusiam, interest, energy and I even smile. Not how I act day to day but im not faking it either, just how I feel in her presence. Need something to make conversations end good or its over, I have 1 month left to build a relationship
Being an "older" college student, I meet these awkward, don't have much to talk about, sometimes virgin chicks too. BUT if they show any interest that's enough for me to dive in. Always get them talking about them selves, and don't just listen , but act genuinely interested. Remain as "mysterious" as possible, but not creepily, more so playfully. Lately, with random hookups and such, I've been playing the 3 questions game. Trivial, childish, but it works! I tell them that they only have 3 questions, they can ask me absolutely anything to get to know me, but only 3 questions. 

With that you find where their interest lies; some ask how many siblings you have, have you ever been in love, do you want kids, what was my happiest moment, where do i see my self in 5 years etc.. But I don't answer any of these without them answering the same, or diverting the attention back to them. This absolutely makes them go wild, one chick said she would start sucking my d for answers, and she did. All this work with randoms/acquaintances you add on facebook too, keep that in mind.  

I've met sooo many chicks that were like "oh my, guys have never talked to me like that before" "no one has ever asked me that question" "I dated this guy for a month who would never make a move and he always invited me out with his friends" etc, etc.. I'm thinking like wt.f are you youngin's doing these days other then "Can I holla, what's your number, let's chill?" 

Broads want to be seduced alla Christian Grey, and not all at once, if you show your cards too early, they win.
so um flame suit on but it looks like a cyst might be on my Johnson?

It looked like a pimple at first and I squeezed it a bit :smh: did not help, any1 here w some guidance?!!

My first time in this thread and I see this **** :x :smh:

Yall are flying too close to the sun :lol:
so um flame suit on but it looks like a cyst might be on my Johnson?

It looked like a pimple at first and I squeezed it a bit :smh: did not help, any1 here w some guidance?!!

You gotta throw that duckee on fam these chicks floppin and will get you sick :x
I tell them that they only have 3 questions, they can ask me absolutely anything to get to know me, but only 3 questions. 

But I don't answer any of these without them answering the same, or diverting the attention back to them. This absolutely makes them go wild, one chick said she would start sucking my d for answers, and she did.

Explain sir :nerd:
ran into this girl from a previous class yesterday but i was late for class and didnt get the digits cuz i was in a rush, should i just hit her up on fbook? or is it weird to ask for numbers on fbook?
ran into this girl from a previous class yesterday but i was late for class and didnt get the digits cuz i was in a rush, should i just hit her up on fbook? or is it weird to ask for numbers on fbook?
I think I have done that before back in the day but if u she her often then wait for yall next encounter. Will work out best that way
i dont have a class with her and this is the first time ive seen her around campus so i guess thats the only option
i dont have a class with her and this is the first time ive seen her around campus so i guess thats the only option
Hmmm I guess go with it.... I know the feel of going out your routine walking schedule to different class and u could be running late or take a different route then u see a chick u never seen before. Talk to her because that maybe the last time u see her.
I'm ******g shook NT fam , got a doc appointment Friday

It is just one pimple so it hasn't spread anywhere else, I'm hoping its just from hygiene or friction or ANYTHING OTHER THAN SEX.

SN to Post ratio too stronggggg!

Good luck though! Just a thought, sometimes it's best not to pop some of those things... it can actually cause it to aggravate or the liquid can actually spread it... You gonna have a full blown "acne" problem rather than a single spot. 
my boys trying to clown me for getting with this girl shes not the best looker but shes still cool and dtf on some freaky ****z . they trying to clown like im wifing her up
not even. i hope she doesn't think imma wife her up if i am misleading her i gotta cut her off but i think she understands im just trying to be friends with benefits
my boys trying to clown me for getting with this girl shes not the best looker but shes still cool and dtf on some freaky ****z . they trying to clown like im wifing her up
not even. i hope she doesn't think imma wife her up if i am misleading her i gotta cut her off but i think she understands im just trying to be friends with benefits
make sure u smash before u cut her lose
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