TAY: thread about yambs...

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Lol at a 90 day rule. If a chick ever tell you some bs like that all you have to do is downplay the thought of sex and question her maturity. Explain to her thats its natural and it shouldnt be over emphasized, and reverse that **** and make it seem like she's the one who wants to have sex with you. Steve Harvey is trying to mess the game up but it's always going to be ways around his cheesy tactics.

I can understand lost chicks following this rule, but all dudes should ignore it and go for it. You go ahead and not show sexual interest in her for 90 days and see what happens. Don't listen to no broad who knows so little about herself she's resorted to following rules from a black movie. She's the same one that's gonna lose interest within her own 90 day rule talking bout "he didn't seem interested".
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anyone else think they intimidate women? i think i do.
man this happened to me yesterday..chick at work gives her number to another co worker to give to me because she said im intimidating and she doesnt wanna get rejected...i really could careless but i thought that was odd cuz in my personal opinion of myself i dont think i am intimidating...what constitutes an intimidating demeanor ?
90 day rule is the dumbest stuff ever because it doesn't factor in actual time spent.

So if I see a chick once every 2 weeks or every other day it's still 90 days either way?...That's idiotic.

man this happened to me yesterday..chick at work gives her number to another co worker to give to me because she said im intimidating and she doesnt wanna get rejected...i really could careless but i thought that was odd cuz in my personal opinion of myself i dont think i am intimidating...what constitutes an intimidating demeanor ?

Intimidating to some women just means you're not foaming at the mouth and thirsting like a lot of dudes are.
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Wow this chick is crazy/ bipolar some **** honestly i feel like this is a terrible idea i gotta cut her off before she murders me or some ****.
my boys trying to clown me for getting with this girl shes not the best looker but shes still cool and dtf on some freaky ****z . they trying to clown like im wifing her up
not even. i hope she doesn't think imma wife her up if i am misleading her i gotta cut her off but i think she understands im just trying to be friends with benefits
you gon catch feelings on some its whats on the inside that matters steez.
lol but in the end, the inside is what matters.
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remember that little "are you single, do you think im attractive, can i get your #?" thing?

did it this morning with this girl i had talked to on campus prior. 

In like Flynn brahs. 
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man this happened to me yesterday..chick at work gives her number to another co worker to give to me because she said im intimidating and she doesnt wanna get rejected...i really could careless but i thought that was odd cuz in my personal opinion of myself i dont think i am intimidating...what constitutes an intimidating demeanor ?
i just think its someone who looks like they have it together

i mean think of that smoking hot woman you saw today, all well-dressed and looking confident. chances are she is no more confident than the next girl, maybe less so. but the appearance gives off a completely different vibe.

i know this is going to sound super braggy but: i think its because im handsome, well built and walk really confidently (and i have a rich timber to my voice), and i get the SAME response from every girl i date or fornicate or what ever.

"i didnt expect you to be so down to earth" (which i am in real life, regardless of what i may or may not say sometimes just to get a rise out of some of you (successfully i may add) 

there are just certain looks that people have that automatically get associated with 'intimidating' 
A girl from my class gave me her # told me call/text her... I didn't (lol), but the next day she seen me and asked me why I didn't i told her i fell asleep random excuse blah blah lol. So today we are texting whatever probably like 5th text in she invites me to her house to study. Tonight. She has a boyfriend she already told me this I just find it weird how she just invited me over so quick and gave me a exact time to be there. Any ideas?
A girl from my class gave me her # told me call/text her... I didn't (lol), but the next day she seen me and asked me why I didn't i told her i fell asleep random excuse blah blah lol. So today we are texting whatever probably like 5th text in she invites me to her house to study. Tonight. She has a boyfriend she already told me this I just find it weird how she just invited me over so quick and gave me a exact time to be there. Any ideas?
Sorry feeling kinda lazy to type lol (I got a big research paper due).
A girl from my class gave me her # told me call/text her... I didn't (lol), but the next day she seen me and asked me why I didn't i told her i fell asleep random excuse blah blah lol. So today we are texting whatever probably like 5th text in she invites me to her house to study. Tonight. She has a boyfriend she already told me this I just find it weird how she just invited me over so quick and gave me a exact time to be there. Any ideas?
Sorry feeling kinda lazy to type lol (I got a big research paper due).
Thirsty for the D. Or a tarp.
i just think its someone who looks like they have it together

i mean think of that smoking hot woman you saw today, all well-dressed and looking confident. chances are she is no more confident than the next girl, maybe less so. but the appearance gives off a completely different vibe.

i know this is going to sound super braggy but: i think its because im handsome, well built and walk really confidently (and i have a rich timber to my voice), and i get the SAME response from every girl i date or fornicate or what ever.

:lol: so gay, are you even alpha
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Why not both? Go to study but game her all night, get her talking, make eye contact, natural physical contact every now and then.
You guys always sound like you always get yambs. How much do looks play a factor when approaching women? Like i just dont understand, what it is about spit game that allows ugly guys to be with fine women. Everyone always says its how you carry yourself and personality but how does a woman know what your personality is?
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