TAY: thread about yambs...

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U sound a bit like me :nerd:

U won't be able to change the fact the you joke around, but ask her to do something a bit more serious? Does she already think ur a jokester or u don't know each other too well?

Just ask her out next time u work with her. Drinks, mini golf, the aquarium?

Somehow w.o it being awkward we went out to lunch again today. After talking she told me she doesn't go out w.o friends (mentioned it yesterday) and I started pondering if I should ask her out. She did say she's never gone out w people after work so not sure if that's a sign..do I just ask her out after work or ask for the number first? (Also jokingly mentioned no one texts her or loves her)
Damn, I got a lot of catching up to do.. Just got a new job nd running for vice-prez of the caribbean student org. at my school so I been hella busy.

But what y'all think about smashing chicks with a banging body and a below average face? There's this one chick in my accounting class, and that mass looks bigger than Serena williams' no lie. Her stomach is flat, she's definitely fit

Body is actually something crazy, but she's a bit tough in the face. When I see her from the back,,,,I'm weak. The face tho...

Not really sure if I should pursue or not.

I smmashed a chick who had a huge back and was thick but damn she looked like LBJ kinda regret

Seriously tho after a long break up is it basically a race to see who upgrades first? Plz help NT fam
Damn, I got a lot of catching up to do.. Just got a new job nd running for vice-prez of the caribbean student org. at my school so I been hella busy.

But what y'all think about smashing chicks with a banging body and a below average face? There's this one chick in my accounting class, and that mass looks bigger than Serena williams' no lie. Her stomach is flat, she's definitely fit

Body is actually something crazy, but she's a bit tough in the face. When I see her from the back,,,,I'm weak. The face tho...

Not really sure if I should pursue or not.

I smmashed a chick who had a huge back and was thick but damn she looked like LBJ kinda regret

Seriously tho after a long break up is it basically a race to see who upgrades first? Plz help NT fam

I can never imagine smashing an ugly chick. I don't care how bad the body is.

:lol: at looking like LBJ....hell to the naw
^ But you just smashin tho... u ain't trying to wife.... 

Just make sure the girl don't ever say nothing in public, lol.
Damn, I got a lot of catching up to do.. Just got a new job nd running for vice-prez of the caribbean student org. at my school so I been hella busy.

But what y'all think about smashing chicks with a banging body and a below average face? There's this one chick in my accounting class, and that mass looks bigger than Serena williams' no lie. Her stomach is flat, she's definitely fit

Body is actually something crazy, but she's a bit tough in the face. When I see her from the back,,,,I'm weak. The face tho...

Not really sure if I should pursue or not.
that's a national past time, famb.

if your D is too good for an ugly chick w/ that body... especially for random yambs?

then you're just that dude.

she got a serena body? pics please...

or the number.
My wifey just gave me some top, she said I'm very salty. I hope this isn't  bad thing. No mess FTW 
 so I'm guessing it is a good thing.
Once you go tall it's hard to go back to shorts girls bro
This man KNOWS.

Im 6'2 6'3 with sneakers, 

I only take tall chicks seriously. I love my tall women 5'8 5'11 maybe even 6'0

So sexy.

I feel like im getting cut short with a short female... Like where is my moneys worth.lol
What happened sole and castle only you can answer that...if you think its a potential L don't do it
chick hits me asking if im doing anything tonight.( 8 in the face with a decent body, but shes spanish with a tongue/nose ring my weakness)

so we get to the movies and shes like what do i want to see. i say it doesnt ,atter we can see what you want to see.

her: lets see springbreakers

Me: sht.. ok( my brother told me how Oc it was he just saw it)

so the movie starts and already theres a lot of nudity and fine women.

she starts getting upset, constantly sucking her teeth and saying eww so and so is ugly. she kept looking at me during the movie, like she wanted me to say something. sht i paid 12$ for this ticket im not leaving.

after the movies done  we go to eat dinner and it all goes downhill from there

Her: did you like the movie because i didnt

Me: it was decent

Her: why did you think it was good?

Me: dunno it wasnt an amazing movie , but it wasnt complete garbage

Her: they were all so pretty right?( fcking stupid trick questions are annoying)

Me: yeah i guess

Her: which one would you want the most

Me: vanessa hudgens, she seems down for whatever and she was a ride or die chick, and she looks like she can give some mean dome

Her:frown: she starts getting all loud and sht) are those the kind of girls you like? the really slutty ones. because im not like that

Me: dont really know how to explain it

Her: what kind of girl do you think i am?

Me: can we just drop it your kinda blowing me right now

Her: why didnt you choose selena gomez she was the only one with sense, and she was a nice church girl.

Me: i didnt see her pray once when she was doing them lines, or taking hits of those bongs, what does church have to do with anything.

Me: well first of all she aint got a mass, second she looks like the type of chick to say ouch everytime you try to put it in.

Her: i dont know why i even asked i knew what youd say anyway

Me: then you shouldnt of asked lol

Her: eat your food

Me: girl

Her: well this isnt what i expected our first date to be like( dateee???????)

me: hmhmh

we both go home after dinner

she texts me at like 2am saying she apologizes for going off like she did at dinner time. hit her with the kewl. asked me when we could go out again. sometime in the future im tired going back 2 sleep
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This man KNOWS.
Im 6'2 6'3 with sneakers, 

I only take tall chicks seriously. I love my tall women 5'8 5'11 maybe even 6'0

So sexy.

I feel like im getting cut short with a short female... Like where is my moneys worth.lol

Repped for saying you're money's worth. I laughed out loud for real. Don't want to get short changed (no pun intended)
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chick hits me asking if im doing anything tonight.( 8 in the face with a decent body, but shes spanish with a tongue/nose ring my weakness)
so we get to the movies and shes like what do i want to see. i say it doesnt ,atter we can see what you want to see.
her: lets see springbreakers
Me: sht.. ok( my brother told me how Oc it was he just saw it)
so the movie starts and already theres a lot of nudity and fine women.
she starts getting upset, constantly sucking her teeth and saying eww so and so is ugly. she kept looking at me during the movie, like she wanted me to say something. sht i paid 12$ for this ticket im not leaving.
after the movies done  we go to eat dinner and it all goes downhill from there
Her: did you like the movie because i didnt
Me: it was decent
Her: why did you think it was good?
Me: dunno it wasnt an amazing movie , but it wasnt complete garbage
Her: they were all so pretty right?( fcking stupid trick questions are annoying)
Me: yeah i guess
Her: which one would you want the most
Me: vanessa hudgens, she seems down for whatever and she was a ride or die chick
Her:frown: she starts getting all loud and sht) are those the kind of girls you like? the really slutty ones. because im not like that
Me: dont really know how to explain it
Her: what kind of girl do you think i am?
Me: can we just drop it your kinda blowing me right now
Her: why didnt you choose selena gomez she was the only one with sense, and she was a nice church girl.
Me: i didnt see her pray once when she was doing them lines, or taking hits of those bongs, what does church have to do with anything.
Me: well first of all she aint got a mass, second she looks like the type of chick to say ouch everytime you try to put it in.
Her: i dont know why i even asked i knew what youd say anyway
Me: then you shouldnt of asked lol
Her: eat your food
Me: girl
Her: well this isnt what i expected our first date to be like( dateee???????)
me: hmhmh
we both go home after dinner
she texts me at like 2am saying she apologizes for going off like she did at dinner time. hit her with the kewl. asked me when we could go out again. sometime in the future im tired going back 2 sleep

You might friend got yourself a crazy....Don't eem smash, just walk away slowly..and quietly
This man KNOWS.
Im 6'2 6'3 with sneakers, 

I only take tall chicks seriously. I love my tall women 5'8 5'11 maybe even 6'0

So sexy.

I feel like im getting cut short with a short female... Like where is my moneys worth.lol
Repped for saying you're money's worth. I laughed out loud for real. Don't want to get short changed (no pun intended)
My girlfriend is 5'0 ft. and she is very nice inside and out. Don't sleep on the short ones.
Got at this waitress/bartender last night. she said she didnt have a man technically (1st convo goes nowhere) ...anyway, Im headin to the door and catch her to get the #, she says cant put her number in my phone or write (i guess she didnt want folks to see) and told me to remember the #.

I do remember the # (i think :nerd: ), but im not from the area, so i sent a text to the 3 Detroit area codes i know. no answer from any of them.

the hell? :smh:
Got at this waitress/bartender last night. she said she didnt have a man technically (1st convo goes nowhere) ...anyway, Im headin to the door and catch her to get the #, she says cant put her number in my phone or write (i guess she didnt want folks to see) and told me to remember the #.

I do remember the # (i think :nerd: ), but im not from the area, so i sent a text to the 3 Detroit area codes i know. no answer from any of them.

the hell? :smh:
Lol I know I would have forgot that number...... :frown:
I'm 6'3" and for some reason I've never really caught a great vibe from a taller girl. Granted I'm no casanova but the tallest girl I've ever been with was about 5'7"

I'm about a foot taller than my gf now, cant find a practical way to have shower sex (standing)?? Any recommendations?
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for some reason when it comes to short chicks I turn all :evil: and get all these crazy thoughts about ravaging the P, but with taller chicks i'm about that love making life :wow:
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