TAY: thread about yambs...

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NT brahs what are some good open ended questions to ask a female on the phone. The ones that don't end in Yes or No.

one good question i always ask is "what do you like to do for fun?", it catches probably half of girls I ask by surprise, they literally don't know what to say :lol:.

but I used it on 2 girls I was talking to in a dive last Friday and they were both dance majors, so it made the conversation pretty easy and allows for multiple new questions/topics, like "how do you feel about dance going mainstream like the tv shows and jabberwockeez and what not?" or "what type of dance are you learning ballet? hip hop? etc".

broad generic questions (how was your day? how was your weekend?) allow for new sets of questions and topics to talk about n keep the convo flowing

also keep in mind that if she is constantly giving you yes/no type answers she probably is A.) not interested in you, B.) has a boring personality.
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GatorYambs either just put this whole thread on, or gave everybody the send-offs of all send-offs...
Remember when I drew that diagram of da girl being shy n snubbin me. As it turns out shes a freshman so now it makes sense. :evil: *arnold voice* turbo tiimmee*arnold voice*
NT brahs what are some good open ended questions to ask a female on the phone. The ones that don't end in Yes or No.
start with a story, short and sweet... then ask her about her experience.

"My damb teacher never teaches what's on the test. You ever had that?"

"I was traveling thru your hood and got a speeding. Cops always bad? I bet you NEVER get tickets..."

You start off with an experience then let her relate to your experience and tell a story about herself.
If you ever notice a conversation between two people, its mostly just one person saying something about what they've experienced, then the other saying what they've experienced ...

When you just fire off a bunch of questions, its not natural conversation flow...

Also, if you do find yourself asking a bunch of questions, stop and say "damb. I feel like this is an interrogation. Why dont you ask Me something "

Her: I dont knoooow (stupid yamb voice)
You: well you can ask xyz
Her: xyz
You : xyz, but you have/never done xyz?
Her: yes, (goes into story about xyz)
Asian chick in my psych class is 2 beautiful cant even talk to her
Your putting her pu**y on a pedestal already man. If you look at it that way your just gonna psych yourself out see what I did there. Just approach her don't think about it to much and let it flow. The worse thing you can do is spend time trying to think of what your going to say because once the conversation starts it just goes all out the window anyway. 
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Just got caught talking to my ex after I came back from Ny. I was aslee and shorty checked my phone. I'm pretty sure I blew this one. Time to get back in good chape and find something new.
I was dating this girl for the past couple months. Its somebody I've had my eye on for awhile, and I finally made the move.

So when we start dating, I find out that she works nights, so when I'm up during the day she's asleep, and vice versa. But I really like her so I try to work around it. She also has a 6 year old, so for our first couple dates, I planned out stuff that was child friendly. Also, where she lives theres really ****** cell phone reception, so we rarely get to see each other or talk ect. Anyways, we had a couple nights of unresponsible sex, and she hits me up telling me that shes pregnant. I have every intention of being there for my children planned or not, so I told her that I had her back and to let we can talk about the plan. We decide not to keep it. Another week goes by, and 5 times we make plans to see each other, and 5 times those plans fall through. I wanted to give the relationship a chance since I like the girl, but if things didnt change I planned to ride it out until she had the abortion, and then break up with her a little while after that. I felt like I would have been wrong to break up with her before the abortion. She doesn't want any money from me, she doesnt want me to come with her to the appointment, she literally said that we can be cordial, but she just doesnt want to talk to me anymore. Anyways, a couple nights ago I get a text from her saying that "we should fall back from each other". It feels ******, because although the idea of breaking up had entered my mind, I had every intention of working things out.



oh well, on the next one
I was dating this girl for the past couple months. Its somebody I've had my eye on for awhile, and I finally made the move.

So when we start dating, I find out that she works nights, so when I'm up during the day she's asleep, and vice versa. But I really like her so I try to work around it. She also has a 6 year old, so for our first couple dates, I planned out stuff that was child friendly. Also, where she lives theres really ****** cell phone reception, so we rarely get to see each other or talk ect. Anyways, we had a couple nights of unresponsible sex, and she hits me up telling me that shes pregnant. I have every intention of being there for my children planned or not, so I told her that I had her back and to let we can talk about the plan. We decide not to keep it. Another week goes by, and 5 times we make plans to see each other, and 5 times those plans fall through. I wanted to give the relationship a chance since I like the girl, but if things didnt change I planned to ride it out until she had the abortion, and then break up with her a little while after that. I felt like I would have been wrong to break up with her before the abortion. She doesn't want any money from me, she doesnt want me to come with her to the appointment, she literally said that we can be cordial, but she just doesnt want to talk to me anymore. Anyways, a couple nights ago I get a text from her saying that "we should fall back from each other". It feels ******, because although the idea of breaking up had entered my mind, I had every intention of working things out.



oh well, on the next one
damn sucks. not having safe sex really ruined the relationship
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damn sucks. not having safe sex really ruined the relationship

yea man.... ya'll be out here wildin' on that. Unless you can CONFIRM THE GIRL IS ON BC, don't be doing that mess. Ya'll coulda had something cool.

Anyways, chin up. You young, you'll meet somebody else. Plus it didn't sound like it was on the best foundation anyway.
NT brahs what are some good open ended questions to ask a female on the phone. The ones that don't end in Yes or No.

You have to listen to their answers though, not just go down a broad list of questions. Their answers will help you to come up with further questions in order to build off of and explore the initial questions more in depth.

If she's giving a bunch of short answers though, she's just not that into you. Chicks love to talk about themselves.
Peeped this in another forum.

1. Thou Shalt Not Try To Impress

The most unimpressive people in the world are people who try too hard to sell themselves. They are annoying and exhausting to be around because they are very uncomfortable with silence and stillness. When you approach woman with this attitude that she is a prize, you are putting her on a pedestal and implying that she is better than you. You are treating her like royalty. This is disgusting behavior for a high value man. A man of value doesn’t need to kiss anyone’s ***.

Instead, you should seem totally comfortable in your own skin and at ease with who you are and what you expect from others.

2. Thou Shalt Not Chase Women

So now you might ask yourself: how the hell am I supposed to meet women if I don’t go after them? Well, understand that chasing is different from pursuing. A high value man will give his attention to women who appreciate it and work for it.

If a woman is acting *****y, flaky or otherwise difficult and rude, she is not worthy of a high value man’s attention. Only a low value man would tolerate such behavior from a woman.

3. Thou Shalt Not Be Ruled By Women

This means several things. For starters, women should never rule your life. You should have real goals and passions you care about outside of women. In addition to that, no woman you are dating should ever be able to control you. You should not be changing your habits and ignoring your male friends because your girlfriend wants you to do what she has planned.

A high value male is truly the boss of the relationship.

4. Thou Shalt Not Seek Female Approval

I can’t stress this enough. A high value man is comfortable in his own skin. He is comfortable with his values, opinions, beliefs, morals and desires. When it comes to women, a high value man has a “take it or leave it” attitude. He is not willing to change.

You should never be intimidated by a woman’s opinion of you. Sexual attraction is not connected to compatibility and shared values. Making a woman LIKE you will not make her sexually attracted to you. At the same time, she can be attracted to you and hate you as a person.

Just like you won’t turn down Jessica Alba because she doesn’t share your political beliefs, a woman is not going to stop being attracted to you because she doesn’t approve of your values or opinions.

5. Thou Shalt Not Over Value Her Looks

This is another area of life a lot of men f*ck up. They can be as macho and confident as hell until some gorgeous supermodel walks in. Suddenly their spine turns into a noodle and they start acting like a puppy dog.. or even worse.. they start making excuses about why she is not worth approaching. Stuff like:

“She probably has a boyfriend.”

“I’m probably not her type.”

“She looks high maintenance.”

“She looks *****y.”

A high value man will always approach a woman he finds sexually attractive. There is no logical reason not to. He knows that physical attractiveness alone does not make a woman “worthy” of his instant respect and admiration. She better behave herself, act right and show him respect or he will walk away.

6. Thou Shalt Not Be a Loser

Women can smell a loser like a fat kid can smell fresh cookies. What generally makes a man a loser is a lack of focus, ambition, courage, independence and self-knowledge. A man who follows the crowd, kisses female ***, lets people run over him, falls into traps and lacks independence (both emotionally, financially and physically) will usually be perceived as a loser by most women.

A high value man is strong, bold and brave. He knows what he wants and he has a zest for life and adventure.

7. Thou Shalt Not Fear Women

The only time a man should ever feel fear in the presence of a woman is either when she has a gun to his head, or when she has his balls in her hand and a knife in the other. Otherwise, you should never be intimidated by any woman EVER in any situation.

It doesn’t matter if she is trying to embarrass you in public. It doesn’t matter if you are alone with her and five of her girlfriends while they all gang up on you in an argument. It doesn’t matter if she is threatening to break up with you. It doesn’t matter if she has loads of sexual experience. It doesn’t matter if she dated an NFL player. Never be intimidated. Never be afraid.

You’ll notice that once you lose all fear of women, you will attract them in droves.

8. Thou Shalt Not Be A Tool

A high value man lives the life he wants to live. He does not design his entire life and existence around what attracts women. If you want examples of tools, look at the cast of Jersey Shore. These are men who work out, buy trendy clothes, tan, tattoo and swim in cologne just to attract women. None of these behaviors are a problem if they are something the man truly enjoys. What separates a tool from a high value man is the motive. A tool only does this stuff because he believes women are attracted to it. A high value man does it because he really enjoys it.

9. Thou Shalt Not Be Bitter

Just like women can smell a loser, they can also smell a bitter man. If you feel wronged by women and you’ve had your heart broken several times, it’s time to get over it. Only a weak man allows the behavior of women to destroy his world and control his outlook on life. Women are very similar to children. Their bad behavior should be punished, but never taken personally.

10. Thou Shalt Not Be Desperate

I don’t care if its sex, affection, love, marriage, family or just a warm body that you desire. Don’t be desperate and needy about it. I’ve discussed before how you should never want anything THAT BAD to the point you are willing to settle for a bad deal and fall into traps.

If you live the life of a high value man, you will be rewarded with lots of female attention and worldly success. If you live the life of a low value man, you will get used, abused and trapped. AGAIN, these 10 commandments are about your image. This is how the world should see you.
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