TAY: thread about yambs...

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Why is that when we're dealing with a chick for a couple months, everything is going good, we treating each other right....then all the sudden she's expecting you to make it official? Like why not just be happy and enjoy the ride
Why is that when we're dealing with a chick for a couple months, everything is going good, we treating each other right....then all the sudden she's expecting you to make it official? Like why not just be happy and enjoy the ride
lol its like the old saying. why buy the cow when the milk is free. girls caught on to that my man. there saying is why buy the pig for a little sausage. they don't like that months game no more
Even though I asked how her night was going it does make sense...oh well I deleted her number anyway...just a weird situation I guess since she came at me first
SoleKing I gotta hear that story!

Ricky she probably just trying to see how far you'd go for her. It starts out with little things then gradually goes on.

Gotta put your foot down early.......

HOWEVER.....if you know its guaranteed yambs then it makes it tougher. Shoot her a quick text talking about you'll only come if ya'll get to cuddle. Her response will let you know the deal, whether she is down for the pound game.
sorry for taking so long to respond been having a rough past week.

basically i was in 11th grade and this girl( kind of a jump) wanted to have sex with me. i was a virgin at the time. she lived far away and i didnt have any money to catch the bus, plus school student ids dont work until after schools over Smh. had to hike it to her crib. I had my mind on the P the whole walk so it didnt even seem long + i had an I pod. so we are in her room and we start kissing( big mistake her being a jump but i was horny as fck i didnt care) told her its been a while so it might be quick(
 Still makes me laugh today). She  just smiled and said if your a virgin just tell me so i dont make u cum to fast
 str8 like that. well needless to say the 2 hour walk was worth the little time we spent. 
Why is that when we're dealing with a chick for a couple months, everything is going good, we treating each other right....then all the sudden she's expecting you to make it official? Like why not just be happy and enjoy the ride
Yea chicks really should enjoy the ride .... I'm not for jumping into relationships
What does it mean when you ask a giro for her number and she tells you to get it from a friend?
That's never happened to me, but If it did, I probably wouldn't even pursue the girl anymore.  No need to do more than hold a casual conversation to get a phone number.
That's never happened to me, but If it did, I probably wouldn't even pursue the girl anymore.  No need to do more than hold a casual conversation to get a phone number.

exactly she playing games.

and for the muslim question. they dont really go in to their religion as much. and i hate to speak for that culture but the women of muslim aren't the biggest fans of their relgion. basically you should do everything to make her forget.
Well I've heard by my parts middle eastern chicks want to wear the pants in the relationship asap if you hook one in. strong willed women for the most part.
Well I've heard by my parts middle eastern chicks want to wear the pants in the relationship asap if you hook one in. strong willed women for the most part.
I think it depends on their age and if they were born here or not. I've had both and the one who was full american with off the plane parents was a little more strong willed.
but the one who came from there was ready to ask me how high every time I said jump
does the yambz smell like beans?

Are they fun or are they talking about religion all the time?

School me on everything plehboi!
This one persian girl is in my sights

Sorry for the late response homies but no the yambs don't stink :lol: although I've been to one house and it did stink. I used to joke with her about it. I didnt get much religion talk either they just wanted the D.

One was Afghan another Eritrean and the last one was Paki.
Them yambs though :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
whats the point of giving me your number if you have a boyfriend :smh: ..btw this isn't the chick from the yambition thread
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^She (well, women in general) likes that attention and ego boost from being wanted by other guys.
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^She (well, women in general) likes that attention and ego boost from being wanted by other guys.


girls try and play it off like they just want to make friends but for the most part, they enjoy someone thirsting after them even if they have no intention of doing something.

it's like guys "keeping their game sharp"
I think it depends on their age and if they were born here or not. I've had both and the one who was full american with off the plane parents was a little more strong willed.
but the one who came from there was ready to ask me how high every time I said jump

Sorry for the late response homies but no the yambs don't stink :lol: although I've been to one house and it did stink. I used to joke with her about it. I didnt get much religion talk either they just wanted the D.

One was Afghan another Eritrean and the last one was Paki.
Them yambs though :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

This girl gave the vibe that she still had the V-card (college age). Will investigate tomorrow.
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