TAY: thread about yambs...

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got some pof yambs this mourn not the best but she had a tank *** on her 
. and some nice breast as well  but home girl was one bbq away from being nt thick she was built like ms.booty with less gut 
Been cutting my thirsty energy levels down and I can say my life has been way better.

They flocking out chea. 
See ya... Yambs on deck! lol


You let her know you're into shoes like that? :x

Anyway I remember these water works yambs I had that I cut off to be with my current GF, man that joint was so perfect.

I'm talking had her on my bed and all about to get naked and I came clean :smh:
Thoughts on smashing females who live in the same building as you? Was at the bar and ran into this blonde Russian yamb and her roomie, who live in my condo complex. Left the bar, with her digits secured, and went to the diner and she was all hugged up on me, telling me she's gonna come by my place and bother the shh out of me and kept talking ish about her wanting to fight me. She dips out the diner without me even getting the chance to walk back with her . I arrive back and the doorman is like, "ohh, you met Elena and Ashley, tonight?" :lol: Don't know what they said to him. Get back to my place, see her missed call, text her back, but couldn't get her to come upstairs :smh: so we'll see what she's into tonight possibly
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Would it be disrespectful to post a picture of a girl and myself on my IG, and cut her out so that it only shows me? I like the girl, but I'm also kinda talking to another girl that is on my IG as well. I don't want to give her too much importance, and I want to get the other girl a little jealous (I'm only partially cutting the first girl out). The picture took place in a club where the first girl originally told me to come by , because she was with some of her friends.

Good idea ? Or disrespectful?
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Unless you tag it with "my girl" I see no need to even cut girl out the pic. Don't think you'll lose chicks just being seen with others. Quite the opposite.
Don't **** where you eat, don't eat where you ****... **** those stupid *** rules, live life, go for what you want. Doesn't work out so be it, your mistakes are your own to make.
Unless you tag it with "my girl" I see no need to even cut girl out the pic. Don't think you'll lose chicks just being seen with others. Quite the opposite.

So I should just post the picture of both of us? I've got my arms wrapped around her and it doesn't look so innocent.

how old are you to be playing these games :lol:

**** gonna back fire and your gonna lose both.

I'm 19. I know I'm just mad childish as I was a late bloomer. Didn't lose my virginity until I was like 18.

Any more suggestions would be really appreciated. I overly think stuff and I think I'm a perfectionist. I really don't want to mess it up with either one of them.
^Dont post the damn picture then :lol:

not everything needs to be online fam. I know you want them likes but just keep it to yourself
You not bout that life at all, slow your roll. But yeah post the pic, most of your pics with any female your hands are gonna be around them the older you get. Sounds like you just got this joint though, don't **** it up already. You wanna explore your options like you should at that age, ease your way into it and try a less public medium.
You not bout that life at all, slow your roll. But yeah post the pic, most of your pics with any female your hands are gonna be around them the older you get. Sounds like you just got this joint though, don't **** it up already. You wanna explore your options like you should at that age, ease your way into it and try a less public medium.

Great, man thanks. I think I'm just going to keep the pic to myself then. I showed it to the first girl that I was with in the picture and she told me to send her the other picture (since we took 2), I'm guessing because she really liked the picture.

Another question for you or anybody else if you guys don't mind.

- Usually when I'm not interested in dating a girl , but very interested in sleeping with her (nice face, nice body) I talk to her and text her as if she were just my friend. ( Pretty serious, right to the point, little bit of flirting). It usually seals the deal.

When I really like a girl,( bright future, beautiful, nice body, good values etc..), I'm usually really flirty, use alot of smileys and emoji through text, and I treat her pretty nice but not too nice. Is using all of these cute emojis and smileys a turn off, as well as trying to say alot of jokes and what not? Or am I overthinking stuff?

One of the girls I'm talking to now, I really like, and the other is in between because she's baddd and also goes to college, but the other one is like a church going, very very good girl, beautiful , nice body, super studious college going girl.(I'm a sucker for those)

I've gone on dates with both of them this past week. The girl I really like I took her to a cute skyline view of the city to take pictures of the skyline and converse. The other sexy chick i want to smash invited me to a club and we partied and danced for a few hours until it closed. I'm thinking of not using so many smileys anymore, idk.

I know it sounds like things are going good, but I have mild anxiety disorder and paranoia , so I always think the worst. Last night, I was texting both of them and they both said "ok well I have to go to sleep I'll ttyl" something similar to that. Am I just overthinking stuff or did she not want to text anymore?
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It happens when you meet "good girls". You get smitten and out of character. Stick to what works. Romantic **** is cool, but you gotta maintain that sexy action man frame like with old girl you took dancing. And maybe its different cultures and ages, but all that smiley **** just ain't a dudes lane.

And I need stories/tips on pulling an Asian yamb out of an Asian scene as a black dude. I feel like mob mentality would shut that down.
It happens when you meet "good girls". You get smitten and out of character. Stick to what works. Romantic **** is cool, but you gotta maintain that sexy action man frame like with old girl you took dancing. And maybe its different cultures and ages, but all that smiley **** just ain't a dudes lane.

And I need stories/tips on pulling an Asian yamb out of an Asian scene as a black dude. I feel like mob mentality would shut that down.

Thanks. Now I kinda feel bummed out. I hope I didn't mess it up by being too emotional through texts :frown:

Can I still recover from this by just being more serious? Now I feel like they look at me like punk.

I wish I could help you with the Asian yambs, but I've never had one for myself.
social media in general has kinda been the demise of real social interaction.
I say that in reference to. why u tryong to make a chick jealous by posting a pic of another???????
your young. she's young and childish games will be the end of yall anyway.
u got a problem with her.an up and talk face to face. people always hiding behinf their computers and cell phones.
I'm not just singling you out tjat goes for anyone that plays those silly social media....I hope she sees my picture or notice my status games...

Being too emotional too early is like a sure death sentence for a dude. Its OK being a sensitive dude, but part of being a man is learning how to control it. I don't know your situation so I can't say, but to salvage you'll somehow have to fall back and quickly escalate physically at the same time.
Being too emotional too early is like a sure death sentence for a dude. Its OK being a sensitive dude, but part of being a man is learning how to control it. I don't know your situation so I can't say, but to salvage you'll somehow have to fall back and quickly escalate physically at the same time.

Yea, I was thinking about this last night. Which is why I really wanted to post that picture , so it can look like I'm just doing my own thing. And since I'm cutting one girl out, it won't look like I'm THAT into her. I wasn't necessarily emotional, but I would just be friendly and use smilies alot, I never told her i liked her and stuff yet. Although, I did kiss her on the forehead and stuff like that on our date. But she was hugging me and stuff too, and when we finished our date, we hugged and it looked like she was waiting for a kiss, but I told myself not to kiss on the first date, so I kinda just blew her a kiss as I walked away, and she blew one back.

She invited me to go to her friends house after the date was over, but declined because I wanted to make it look like I was busy or something and not desperate to go. I didn't call her at all that date day, and neither the next day, but I texted her "good night [emoji]9786[/emoji]" night after the date, and she said "haha so random! Goodnight!"

We talke yesterday and that's when I believe I was being too smiley smiley.
Great, man thanks. I think I'm just going to keep the pic to myself then. I showed it to the first girl that I was with in the picture and she told me to send her the other picture (since we took 2), I'm guessing because she really liked the picture.

Another question for you or anybody else if you guys don't mind.

- Usually when I'm not interested in dating a girl , but very interested in sleeping with her (nice face, nice body) I talk to her and text her as if she were just my friend. ( Pretty serious, right to the point, little bit of flirting). It usually seals the deal.

When I really like a girl,( bright future, beautiful, nice body, good values etc..), I'm usually really flirty, use alot of smileys and emoji through text, and I treat her pretty nice but not too nice. Is using all of these cute emojis and smileys a turn off, as well as trying to say alot of jokes and what not? Or am I overthinking stuff?

One of the girls I'm talking to now, I really like, and the other is in between because she's baddd and also goes to college, but the other one is like a church going, very very good girl, beautiful , nice body, super studious college going girl.(I'm a sucker for those)

I've gone on dates with both of them this past week. The girl I really like I took her to a cute skyline view of the city to take pictures of the skyline and converse. The other sexy chick i want to smash invited me to a club and we partied and danced for a few hours until it closed. I'm thinking of not using so many smileys anymore, idk.

I know it sounds like things are going good, but I have mild anxiety disorder and paranoia , so I always think the worst. Last night, I was texting both of them and they both said "ok well I have to go to sleep I'll ttyl" something similar to that. Am I just overthinking stuff or did she not want to text anymore?
We can tell you everything...

But you're going to have to learn from experience that these JOs and good girls aren't all that different... And when you start treating them all the same you'll get a lot more sleep.

I'm not saying simp on JOs and kick good girls out after the yambs...

But you gotta learn how to maintain consistency.

After trial and error, you'll soon learn that over texting is a bad thing and they'll never say it.
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