TAY: thread about yambs...

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About posting pictures with yambs... They put it on their page... Bit I never put it on my page... Not cuz I'm worried about this or that... I just feel like I'll avoid the drama or increase in yambs. The good doesn't outweigh the bad.

Also, as far as smashing a girl in your building... I've never done it, but then again... I've never had a dime brizzle stay close by me.

I would think it'd be super cool depending on the girl. If she's the type to pop up, that would be no bueno...

But if she new her place And was always around when you called for her then that would be pretty dope
You thinking too much, and playing games. No pics, no games take a breath, relax.

If it was just a this is me out having fun pic then cool, but you got lame motives. And you're putting too much weight on the outcome and what they think.

I agree though Rick, go ahead and make those mistakes while young.

Oh and if she looks like she's waiting on a kiss, kiss her! Dont make up silly rules that close yamb windows. I always go for it early. Usually its cool or she'll act a certain way Cuz she's just not ready. If she's offended though and never talk to you again you just saved yourself a ton of your precious time.
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Thanks guys, I gotta give myself a mental break . :smh:

I'll probably just text her back in a few days
If her schedule is so busy just ask her out for a drink after work. I'm sure she'd like a drink after a 7-7 day. If she still says no, then on to the next. If she says yes, you can probably get a 2nd date by asking her to show you some of her work or w.e the **** she does haha.

She said she can make time for me after a wedding this weekend. Whenever someone says "make time" instant turnoff. Shall hangout once, if whack I'm out.

Nobody is that damn busy, idc what they say. If she met Trey Songz and he said I'm picking you up at ___ tomorrow, GUARANTEE she would suddenly find the time. You're too valuable to try and play the waiting game with her, patiently hoping for the opportunity to be squeezed into her busy life or at least you have to think like that.

I've realized in this day and age you gotta be hard on these garden tools and stop accepting their ******. That's the main reason why a lot of fellas have issues with chicks, suckas and simps have catered to these females and have them thinking they're the best thing since sliced bread. In the words of the apostle Paul "these **** be acting up, and these ****** be letting them"

Yup that whole I'm too busy deal is bs, if she wants to meet up she'll make time until then just do you and if she doesn't come around then you saved yourself a big headache.
He's a stranger to her though and it sounds like someone immersed in her career. She has no incentive to make time for you, fact of the matter is you're a stranger, not trey songz, she has no previous knowledge of how dope you are. I see nothing wrong here until she doesn't respond or flakes on an agreed upon meet up.
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He's a stranger to her though and it sounds like someone immersed in her career. She has no incentive to make time for you, fact of the matter is you're a stranger, not trey songz, she has no previous knowledge of how dope you are. I see nothing wrong here until she doesn't respond or flakes on an agreed upon meet up.

True but I don't think become someone text buddy or phone buddy gonna be worth the trouble either, Like the other guy said if she's with it from the jump she would had made time
If you got options it doesn't even matter, just someone else to shoot the **** with till they come through or fall off. Only an L if you make it, ie getting too invested, hopeful.
Never mess with a woman that you can't avoid later.

But honestly, depending on how bad she was i'd break my own rule *shrug*
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Thoughts on smashing females who live in the same building as you? Was at the bar and ran into this blonde Russian yamb and her roomie, who live in my condo complex. Left the bar, with her digits secured, and went to the diner and she was all hugged up on me, telling me she's gonna come by my place and bother the shh out of me and kept talking ish about her wanting to fight me. She dips out the diner without me even getting the chance to walk back with her . I arrive back and the doorman is like, "ohh, you met Elena and Ashley, tonight?" :lol: Don't know what they said to him. Get back to my place, see her missed call, text her back, but couldn't get her to come upstairs :smh: so we'll see what she's into tonight possibly

perfect text to get her to come through your apt would be "come fight me" :pimp:
Damn, guys.

I've had two girls on me recently. One is straight beautiful, and great physically. The other is pretty, but more of a 6-7/10. The second girl stimulates me mentally, while the other stimulates me physically. (Working out)

So both these girls like me, and I like both of them. I couldn't decide because I need mental stimulation, and A LOT of physical stimulation. If I could mush them together I would have the perfect woman. I couldn't choose. I am stuck.

I thought I could just play the field, and mess with both of them. I was wrong. I felt too strongly about both of them to do anything with the other. So I devised a plan. Yesterday, I spent the whole day with the physical one. I had a great time, and I felt like that would be great everyday no matter what.

Today, I spent the day with the mentally stimulating one. Amazing day as well. She tried to give me yambs, but I played it off and declined easy saying I had to head home. I didn't feel right with her physically, while I did with the other.

The thing is, I spend all my time boxing and playing basketball. That's %85 of my day. So I don't have time to give to the mentally stimulating one, no matter how cool she is. Now the physical one, she is my boxing trainer's sister. So I see her everyday. I would have all the time in the world to spend with her, and if I didn't want to spend time with her, I would just go on a run.

So I came to a decision, and I will pick the physical one. Plus, my trainer said he has no limits for me :pimp:

Damn, guys.

I've had two girls on me recently. One is straight beautiful, and great physically. The other is pretty, but more of a 6-7/10. The second girl stimulates me mentally, while the other stimulates me physically. (Working out)

So both these girls like me, and I like both of them. I couldn't decide because I need mental stimulation, and A LOT of physical stimulation. If I could mush them together I would have the perfect woman. I couldn't choose. I am stuck.

I thought I could just play the field, and mess with both of them. I was wrong. I felt too strongly about both of them to do anything with the other. So I devised a plan. Yesterday, I spent the whole day with the physical one. I had a great time, and I felt like that would be great everyday no matter what.

Today, I spent the day with the mentally stimulating one. Amazing day as well. She tried to give me yambs, but I played it off and declined easy saying I had to head home. I didn't feel right with her physically, while I did with the other.

The thing is, I spend all my time boxing and playing basketball. That's %85 of my day. So I don't have time to give to the mentally stimulating one, no matter how cool she is. Now the physical one, she is my boxing trainer's sister. So I see her everyday. I would have all the time in the world to spend with her, and if I didn't want to spend time with her, I would just go on a run.

So I came to a decision, and I will pick the physical one. Plus, my trainer said he has no limits for me :pimp:


You could just have them both on the team.

Multiple yambs ftw
Ricky is right.

And if you're the relationship type then just keep dating both of them until you figure out who you want.

Yambs always get old eventually if there's no connection so I'm guessing mental stimulation girl would win if you gave her a chance
Ricky is right.

And if you're the relationship type then just keep dating both of them until you figure out who you want.

Yambs always get old eventually if there's no connection so I'm guessing mental stimulation girl would win if you gave her a chance

Straight truthiness.

You could just have them both on the team.

Multiple yambs ftw

I planned on that. That's why I was with both of them on different days. I'm just not about the life where I can have more than one. It's taking advantage in my book, though it isn't in yours. Yeah, I get it. I have no ties to either of them, but I didn't feel right with the mentally stimulating one today. And that's how I chose the other.
don't u think its a little un Fair though that u gave the first date to the physical one. and second to mental...that means mental already had to live up to what physical brought yesterday. ...try it the other way around first.
then make your decision...
like homie said if your really relationship type then usually mental wins 80% of the time
Damn I choked tonight, Parents wanted to go to Huntington Beach to get away from the heat, watching the game and the girl from the group next to us passes by and tells me "why are you mad dogging everyone?" I told her "naw just watching the game" we had a mini convo then she went back to her group, then she passed by again and asked where my friends were, I told her I'm here with my parents they wanted to eat and drink (my parents are 48 ad 47 so not old at all) and she looked and said that's cool and we had another convo and she mentioned it was a mini hs reunion for her group and I asked her what year she graduated she said '01 then she asked me and I told her '05 and she said "oh, you're still a baby" after that the convo kind of died off, I think she lost interest because of my age but up till that point was I I it?
don't u think its a little un Fair though that u gave the first date to the physical one. and second to mental...that means mental already had to live up to what physical brought yesterday. ...try it the other way around first.
then make your decision...
like homie said if your really relationship type then usually mental wins 80% of the time

I gave the mentally stimulating one more time.

Let me be completely honest here. I don't like the mentally stimulating one much more after yesterday. She really just wasn't what I want. I did more with the mentally stimulating one than I did with the phys. I haven't taken the yambs of either yet, so i think its a fair comparison. The physical one would have won this challenge no matter how it was flipped.
Went to go grab some food last night. While I was sitting at the red light a truck FULL of fine white girls pulls up. The girl in the passenger seat rolls down her window , waves, and says "hi cutie!" . I look at smile and drive off. :smh:
Ive been flourishing out here yall.

Went out to a bar and a club tonight, got a chick who's going for her PhD's number at the bar, and got the baddest chick in the club's (in my opinion) number. Then, a yamb who I hadn't talked to in about a month randomly hit me up asking if that was me she saw in the club... supposed to be meeting up with her tomorrow... "yambs on yambs on yambs" :smokin
Went to go grab some food last night. While I was sitting at the red light a truck FULL of fine white girls pulls up. The girl in the passenger seat rolls down her window , waves, and says "hi cutie!" . I look at smile and drive off.
Went to go grab some food last night. While I was sitting at the red light a truck FULL of fine white girls pulls up. The girl in the passenger seat rolls down her window , waves, and says "hi cutie!" . I look at smile and drive off. :smh:
its ok homie there's not much u can do in that situation. you had 20 secs to diffuse a bomb with a hored of enemies around you...
you'll get em next time..
its ok homie there's not much u can do in that situation. you had 20 secs to diffuse a bomb with a hored of enemies around you...
you'll get em next time..

More like 10. My mind was racing so fast I didn't know what to do. All I could think of the rest of the night is what I should of said.
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